install in rvm-1.0.3 vs install in rvm-1.0.4
- old
+ new
@@ -15,12 +15,10 @@
install_source_path="$(dirname "$0" | sed 's#\/scripts$##')"
if [[ -d "$install_source_path/scripts" ]] && [[ -s "$install_source_path/scripts/utility" ]] ; then
builtin cd "$install_source_path"
source scripts/version
source scripts/utility
usage() {
printf "
@@ -40,21 +38,121 @@
printf "\n\nWARNING: You have RUBYOPT set in your current environment. This may interfere with normal rvm"
printf "\n operation. If errors show up, please try unsetting RUBYOPT first.\n"
-spinner() {
- array=('/' '-' '\\' '|' '/' '-' '\\' '|')
- index=$((($spinner_counter % 8)))
- printf "\r${array[$index]}"
- let "spinner_counter=spinner_counter+1"
- sleep $sleep
+andand_return_instructions() {
+ printf "
+ This means that if you see something like:
+ '[ -z \"\$PS1\" ] && return'
+ then you change this line to:
+ if [[ -n \"\$PS1\" ]] ; then
+ # ... original content that was below the '&& return' line ...
+ fi # <= be sure to close the if at the end of the .bashrc.
+ # This is a good place to source rvm v v v
+ [[ -s \"\$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm\" ]] && source \"\$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm\" # This loads RVM into a shell session.
+EOF - This marks the end of the .bashrc file
-if echo "$*" | \grep -q 'trace' ; then echo "$*" ; env | \grep '^rvm_' ; set -x ; fi
+installation_complete() {
+ printf "
+ You must now complete the install by loading RVM in new shells.
+ 1) Place the folowing line at the end of your shell's loading files
+ (.bashrc or .bash_profile for bash and .zshrc for zsh),
+ after all PATH/variable settings:
+ [[ -s \"\$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm\" ]] && source \"\$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm\" # This loads RVM into a shell session.
+ You only need to add this line the first time you install rvm.
+ 2) Ensure that there is no 'return' from inside the ~/.bashrc file,
+ otherwise rvm may be prevented from working properly.
+ $(andand_return_instructions)
+ Be absolutely *sure* to REMOVE the '&& return'.
+ If you wish to DRY up your config you can 'source ~/.bashrc' at the bottom of your .bash_profile.
+ Placing all non-interactive (non login) items in the .bashrc,
+ including the 'source' line above and any environment settings.
+ 3) CLOSE THIS SHELL and open a new one in order to use rvm.
+ \n"
+andand_return_warning() {
+ printf "
+ WARNING: you have a 'return' statement in your ~/.bashrc
+ This could cause some features of RVM to not work.
+ $(andand_return_instructions)
+ Even if you are using zsh you should still adjust the ~/.bashrc
+ If you have any questions about this please visit
+ #rvm on
+ \n"
+thank_you() {
+ printf "
+Thank you very much for using RVM! I sincerely hope that RVM helps to
+make your work both easier and more enjoyable.
+If you have any questions, issues and/or ideas for improvement please
+join#rvm on and let me know, note you must register
+( and identify (/msg nickserv <nick> <pass>) to
+talk, this prevents spambots from ruining our day.
+My irc nickname is 'wayneeseguin' and I hang out in #rvm typically
+ ~09:00-17:00EDT and again from ~21:00EDT-~23:00EDT
+If I do not respond right away, please hang around after asking your
+question, I will respond as soon as I am back. It is best to talk in
+#rvm itself as then other users can help out should I be offline.
+Be sure to get head often as rvm development happens fast,
+you can do this by running 'rvm update --head' followed by 'rvm reload'
+or opening a new shell
+ w⦿‿⦿$
+ ~ Wayne
+upgrade_notes() {
+ printf "
+Upgrade Notes
+ * Ruby package dependency list for your OS is given by:
+ rvm notes
+ * If you encounter any issues with a ruby 'X' your best bet is to:
+ rvm remove X ; rvm install X
+ * If you wish to have the 'pretty colors' again, set in ~/.rvmrc:
+ export rvm_pretty_print=1
+if echo "$*" | grep -q 'trace' ; then echo "$*" ; env | grep '^rvm_' ; set -x ; fi
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] ; do
token="$1" ; shift
case "$token" in
--auto) rvm_auto_flag=1 ;;
--prefix) rvm_prefix="$1" ; shift ;;
@@ -74,11 +172,11 @@
if [[ -z "$rvm_path" ]] ; then rvm_path="${rvm_prefix}rvm" ; fi
source scripts/initialize
-if \grep -q 'scripts/rvm' "$HOME"/.bash* 2>/dev/null || \grep -q 'scripts/rvm' "$HOME"/.zsh* 2>/dev/null; then
+if grep -q 'scripts/rvm' "$HOME"/.bash* 2>/dev/null || grep -q 'scripts/rvm' "$HOME"/.zsh* 2>/dev/null; then
if [[ -d "$rvm_path" ]] && [[ -s "${rvm_path}/scripts/rvm" ]] ; then
export upgrade_flag=1
export upgrade_flag=0
@@ -89,12 +187,12 @@
# Setup & Configuration
-item="$(tput setaf 2)* $(tput sgr0)"
-question="\n$(tput setaf 2)<?>$(tput sgr0)"
+item="* "
@@ -116,128 +214,118 @@
export rvm_gemset_separator="@" # TODO: Remove this after a while.
-printf "\n$(tput setaf 2)RVM:$(tput sgr0) shell scripts which allow management of multiple ruby interpreters and environments."
-printf "\n$(tput setaf 2)RTFM: $(tput sgr0)"
-printf "\n$(tput setaf 2)HELP: $(tput sgr0) (#rvm on"
+printf "
+ RVM: Shell scripts enabling management of multiple ruby environments.
+ HELP: (#rvm on
-if [[ "$upgrade_flag" -eq 1 ]] ;then
- printf "\n\n Upgrading the RVM installation in $rvm_path/"
+if [[ ${upgrade_flag:-0} -eq 1 ]] ;then
+ printf "\nUpgrading the RVM installation in $rvm_path/"
- printf "\n\n Installing rvm to $rvm_path/"
+ printf "\nInstalling rvm to $rvm_path/"
+mkdir -p "$rvm_archives_path" "$rvm_src_path" "$rvm_log_path" "$rvm_bin_path" "$rvm_gems_path" "$rvm_rubies_path" "$rvm_config_path" "$rvm_hooks_path" "$rvm_tmp_path"
-\mkdir -p "$rvm_archives_path" "$rvm_src_path" "$rvm_log_path" "$rvm_bin_path" "$rvm_gems_path" "$rvm_rubies_path" "$rvm_config_path" "$rvm_hooks_path" "$rvm_tmp_path"
for file in README LICENCE ; do
- spinner
- \cp -f "$source_path/$file" "$rvm_path/"
+ cp -f "$source_path/$file" "$rvm_path/"
# Scripts
for dir_name in config scripts examples lib hooks help patches; do
- spinner
- \mkdir -p "$rvm_path/$dir_name"
+ mkdir -p "$rvm_path/$dir_name"
if [[ -d "$source_path/$dir_name" ]] ; then
- \cp -Rf "$source_path/$dir_name" "$rvm_path"
+ cp -Rf "$source_path/$dir_name" "$rvm_path"
done ; unset dir_name
if [[ ! -s "$rvm_config_path/user" ]] ; then
- \mkdir -p "$rvm_config_path/"
+ mkdir -p "$rvm_config_path/"
echo '# Users settings file, overrides db file settings and persists across installs.' >> "$rvm_config_path/user"
scripts=("monitor" "match" "log" "install" "color" "db" "fetch" "log" "set" "package")
for script_name in "${scripts[@]}" ; do
- spinner
chmod +x "$rvm_scripts_path/$script_name" 2>/dev/null # Hide errors.
# Bin Scripts
# Cleanse and purge...
for file in rvm-prompt rvm rvmsudo rvm-shell rvm-auto-ruby ; do
- spinner && sleep $sleep
- \rm -f "$rvm_bin_path/$file"
- \cp -f "$source_path/binscripts/$file" $rvm_bin_path/
+ rm -f "$rvm_bin_path/$file"
+ cp -f "$source_path/binscripts/$file" $rvm_bin_path/
chmod +x "$rvm_bin_path"/*
# RC Files
if [[ -n "$rvm_auto_flag" ]] ; then
printf "Checking rc files... ($rvm_rc_files)"
if [[ "$rvm_loaded_flag" != "1" ]] ; then
for rcfile in $(printf $rvm_rc_files) ; do
- if [[ ! -f $rcfile ]] ; then \touch $rcfile ; fi
+ if [[ ! -f $rcfile ]] ; then touch $rcfile ; fi
if [[ -s "$HOME/.profile" ]] ; then
- if ! \grep -q '.profile' "$rcfile" ; then
+ if ! grep -q '.profile' "$rcfile" ; then
echo " Adding 'if [[ -s \$HOME/.profile ]] ; then source \$HOME ; fi' to $rcfile."
printf "\n# rvm-install added line:\nif [[ -s \$HOME/.profile ]] ; then source \$HOME/.profile ; fi\n" >> "$rcfile"
- if ! \grep -q "scripts\/rvm" "$rcfile" ; then
+ if ! grep -q "scripts\/rvm" "$rcfile" ; then
echo " Adding 'if [[ -s $rvm_scripts_path/rvm ]] ; then source $rvm_scripts_path/rvm ; fi' to $rcfile."
printf "\n# rvm-install added:\nif [[ -s $rvm_scripts_path/rvm ]] ; then source $rvm_scripts_path/rvm ; fi\n" >> "$rcfile"
# Initial Interpreter Gemsets.
if [[ -d gemsets/ ]] ; then
- \mkdir -p "$rvm_gemsets_path"
+ mkdir -p "$rvm_gemsets_path"
for gemset_file in $(builtin cd gemsets ; find \. -iname '*.gems' | sed 's/^\.\///') ; do
destination_path="$(dirname "$destination")"
if [[ ! -s "$destination" ]] ; then
- \mkdir -p "$destination_path"
- \cp "gemsets/$gemset_file" "$destination"
+ mkdir -p "$destination_path"
+ cp "gemsets/$gemset_file" "$destination"
done ; unset destination destination_path gemset_file
if [[ -d patchsets/ ]] ; then
- \mkdir -p "$rvm_patchsets_path"
+ mkdir -p "$rvm_patchsets_path"
for patchset_file in $(builtin cd patchsets ; find \. -iname '*' | sed 's/^\.\///') ; do
destination_path="$(dirname "$destination")"
if [[ ! -s "$destination" ]] ; then
- \mkdir -p "$destination_path"
- \cp "patchsets/$patchset_file" "$destination"
+ mkdir -p "$destination_path"
+ cp "patchsets/$patchset_file" "$destination"
done ; unset destination destination_path patchset_file
# Migrate ~/.rvm/ruby-X,jruby-X,... to ~/.rvm/rubies/ for 0.1.0.
-\mkdir -p "$rvm_rubies_path/"
+mkdir -p "$rvm_rubies_path/"
for ruby in $rvm_path/ruby-* $rvm_path/jruby-* $rvm_path/mput-* $rvm_path/rbx-* $rvm_path/maglev-* $rvm_path/ree-* ; do
if [[ -d "$ruby" ]] ; then
mv "$ruby" "$rvm_rubies_path/"
new_path="$rvm_rubies_path/$(basename $ruby)"
for file in gem rake ; do
- spinner
if [[ -s "$new_path/bin/$file" ]] ; then
sed -e '1,1s=.*=#!'"${new_path}/bin/ruby=" "${new_path}/bin/${file}" > "${new_path}/bin/${file}.new"
mv -f "$new_path/bin/$" "$new_path/bin/$file"
chmod +x "$new_path/bin/$file"
@@ -249,108 +337,82 @@
# Migrate old gemset directories to new gemset pattern.
-printf "\r*" # Stop spinner.
for gemset in "$rvm_path"/gems/*\%* ; do
if [[ -d "$gemset" ]] && [[ ! -d "$new_path" ]] ; then
printf "\n Renaming $(basename "$gemset") to $(basename "$new_path") for new gemset separator."
mv "$gemset" "$new_path"
for gemset in "$rvm_path"/gems/*\+* ; do
- if [[ -d "$gemset" ]] && [[ ! -d "$new_path" ]] ; then
+ if [[ -d "$gemset" && ! -d "$new_path" ]] ; then
printf "\n Renaming $(basename "$gemset") to $(basename "$new_path") for new gemset separator."
mv $gemset $new_path
for gemset in "$rvm_path"/gems/*\@ ; do
new_path=$(echo $gemset | sed -e 's#\@$##')
- if [[ -d "$gemset" ]] && [[ ! -d "$new_path" ]] ; then
+ if [[ -d "$gemset" && ! -d "$new_path" ]] ; then
printf "\n Fixing: $(basename "$gemset") to $(basename "$new_path") for new gemset separator."
mv "$gemset" "$new_path"
# Move from legacy defaults to the new, alias based system.
if [[ -s "$rvm_config_path/default" ]]; then
- original_version="$(basename "$(\grep GEM_HOME "$rvm_config_path/default" | awk -F"'" '{print $2}' | sed "s#\%#${rvm_gemset_separator}#")")"
+ original_version="$(basename "$(grep GEM_HOME "$rvm_config_path/default" | awk -F"'" '{print $2}' | sed "s#\%#${rvm_gemset_separator}#")")"
if [[ -n "$original_version" ]]; then
"$rvm_scripts_path/alias" create default "$original_version" &> /dev/null
fi ; unset original_version
- \rm -rf "$rvm_config_path/default"
+ rm -rf "$rvm_config_path/default"
# End of gemset migration.
printf "\n Correct permissions for base binaries in $rvm_bin_path..."
-\mkdir -p "$rvm_bin_path"
-for file in rvm rvmsudo rvm-shell rvm-auto-ruby; do
+mkdir -p "$rvm_bin_path"
+for file in rvm rvmsudo rvm-shell rvm-auto-ruby ; do
[[ -s "$rvm_bin_path/$file" ]] && chmod +x "$rvm_bin_path/$file"
done; unset file
printf "\n Copying manpages into place."
-for man_file in $(\ls "$install_source_path/man"); do
- \rm -rf "$rvm_man_path/$man_file"
- \cp -R "$install_source_path/man/$man_file" "$rvm_man_path/"
+for man_file in $(ls "$install_source_path/man"); do
+ rm -rf "$rvm_man_path/$man_file"
+ cp -R "$install_source_path/man/$man_file" "$rvm_man_path/"
[[ "$upgrade_flag" = 0 ]] && ./scripts/notes
name="$(awk -F= '/^[[:space:]]*name/{print $2}' ~/.gitconfig 2>/dev/null)"
-printf "\n\n${name:-"$(whoami)"},\n"
-printf "\nThank you for using rvm. I hope that it makes your work easier and more enjoyable."
-printf "\nIf you have any questions, issues and/or ideas for improvement please hop in #rvm on and let me know."
-printf "\nMy irc nickname is 'wayneeseguin' and I hang out from ~09:00-17:00EST and again from ~21:00EST-~00:00EST."
-printf "\nIf I do not respond right away, please hang around after asking your question, I will respond as soon as I am back."
-printf "\nBe sure to get head often as rvm development happens fast, you can do this by running 'rvm update --head'."
-printf "\n w$(tput setaf 2)⦿‿⦿$(tput sgr0)t!"
-printf "\n ~ Wayne\n"
-if [[ "$upgrade_flag" -eq 1 ]] ; then
- printf "\n$(tput setaf 6)Upgrade Notes\n"
- printf "\n * 'rvm notes' tells you OS dependency packages for installing rubies."
- printf "\n * If you encounter any issues with a ruby your best bet is to 'rvm remove X ; rvm install X' "
- printf "\n * Gemset separator is '@' and will remain unless any rubies error using it."
- printf "\n * If you wish to have the 'pretty colors' again, set 'export rvm_pretty_print=1' in ~/.rvmrc.\n"
- printf "\n$(tput sgr0)\n"
+if [[ ${upgrade_flag:-0} -eq 1 ]] ; then
+ upgrade_notes
printf "\nUpgrade of RVM in $rvm_path/ is complete.\n\n"
- if [[ "$rvm_selfcontained" = "1" ]] ; then
- printf "\n$(tput setaf 1)You must now finish the install manually:$(tput sgr0)"
- printf "\n1) Place the folowing line at the end of your shell's loading files(.bashrc or .bash_profile for bash and .zshrc for zsh), after all path/variable settings:"
- printf "\n [[ -s \$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm ]] && source \$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
- printf "\n Please note that this must only occur once - so, you only need to add it the first time you install rvm."
- printf "\n2) Ensure that there is no 'return' from inside the .bashrc file. (otherwise rvm will be prevented from working properly)."
- printf "\n This means that if you see '[ -z \"\$PS1\" ] && return' then you must change this line to:"
- printf "\n if [[ -n \"\$PS1\" ]] ; then"
- printf "\n ... original content that was below the && return line ..."
- printf "\n fi # <= be sure to close the if."
- printf "\n #EOF .bashrc"
- printf "\n Be absolutely *sure* to REMOVE the '&& return'."
- printf "\n If you wish to DRY up your config you can 'source ~/.bashrc' at the bottom of your .bash_profile."
- printf "\n placing all non-interactive items in the .bashrc, including the 'source' line above"
- printf "\n3) Then $(tput setaf 1)CLOSE THIS SHELL$(tput sgr0) and open a new one in order to use rvm.\n"
+ if [[ ${rvm_selfcontained:-0} -eq 1 ]] ; then
+ installation_complete
- if [[ -s "$HOME/.bashrc" ]] && \grep -q '&& return' "$HOME/.bashrc" ; then
- printf "\n\nWARNING: you have a 'return' statement in your .bashrc, likely this will cause untold havoc."
- printf "\n This means that if you see '[ -z \"\$PS1\" ] && return' then you must change this line to:"
- printf "\n if [[ -n \"\$PS1\" ]] ; then"
- printf "\n ... original content that was below the && return line ..."
- printf "\n fi # <= be sure to close the if."
- printf "\n #EOF .bashrc"
- printf "\nEven if you use zsh you should still adjust the .bashrc as above."
- printf "\nIf you have any questions about this please visit #rvm on\n"
+ if [[ -s "$HOME/.bashrc" ]] && grep -q '&& return' "$HOME/.bashrc" ; then
+ andand_return_warning
printf "\nInstallation of RVM to $rvm_path/ is complete.\n\n"
exit 0