bash/rvm-install in rvm-0.0.14 vs bash/rvm-install in rvm-0.0.15
- old
+ new
@@ -1,37 +1,96 @@
if [ "$user" = "root" ] ; then
- echo -e "\e[0;31m <e> \e[0mroot user support is not yet implemented."
+ echo -e "\e[0;31m <e> \e[0mroot user support is not yet implemented.\e[0m"
exit 1
-mkdir -p ~/.rvm/src ~/.rvm/bin
+echo -e "Installing rvm source to ~/.rvm/bin/rvm..."
+mkdir -p ~/.rvm/src ~/.rvm/bin
cp $(pwd)/bash/rvm ~/.rvm/bin/
-touch ~/.profile
-if [ -z "`grep '\.rvm/bin/rvm' ~/.profile`" ] ; then
- echo "Adding 'source ~/.rvm/bin/rvm' to your ~/.profile."
- echo "source ~/.rvm/bin/rvm" >> ~/.profile
+# State what is required to use rvm
+echo -e "\n\e[0;32mrvm\e[0m is a shell script that allows a user to manage multiple ruby versions in their own account."
+echo -e "$info In order to use rvm two items must occur in your shell's load paths:"
+echo -e "\n\e[0;32m (a)\e[0m if [ -f ~/.rvm/bin/rvm ] ; then source ~/.rvm/bin/rvm ; fi"
+echo -e "\e[0;32m (b)\e[0m if [ -f ~/.rvm/current ] ; then source ~/.rvm/current ; fi"
-if [ -z "`grep '\.rvm/current' ~/.profile`" ] ; then
- echo "Adding 'source ~/.rvm/current' ~/.profile."
- echo "if [ -f ~/.rvm/current ] ; then source ~/.rvm/current ; fi" >> ~/.profile
+echo -n -e "$question Would you like (u)s to set this up for you, or do it (y)ourself (u/y)? "
+while : ; do
+ read response
+ if [ "${response:0:1}" = "u" ] ; then
+ echo 'w00t!'
+ break
+ elif [ "${response:0:1}" = "f" ] ; then
+ echo -e "$info Please make sure that both lines (a) and (b) are in place, with (a) sourced *first*."
+ break
+ else
+ echo -n -e "$question Would you like (u)s to set this up for you, or do it yoursel(f) (u/f)? "
+ fi
-touch ~/.bash_profile
-if [ -z "`grep '\.profile' ~/.bash_profile`" ] ; then
- echo "Adding 'source ~/.profile' to the end of ~/.bash_profile."
- echo "if [ -f ~/.profile ] ; then source ~/.profile ; fi" >> ~/.bash_profile
+if [ "${response:0:1}" = "u" ] ; then
-touch ~/.zprofile
-if [ -z "`grep '\.profile' ~/.zprofile`" ] ; then
- echo "Adding 'source ~/.profile' to the end of ~/.zprofile."
- echo "if [ -f ~/.profile ] ; then source ~/.profile ; fi" >> ~/.zprofile
+ # Find out the user's shell bash / zsh
+ echo -n -e "$question Do you use (b)ash or (z)sh for your shell (the default on most *nix systems is bash, press control + C to cancel the installation)\n(b/z) ? "
+ while : ; do
+ read response
+ if [ "${response:0:1}" = "b" ] ; then
+ user_shell="bash"
+ break
+ elif [ "${response:0:1}" = "z" ] ; then
+ user_shell="zsh"
+ break
+ else
+ echo -n -e "$question Do you use (b)ash or (z)sh for your shell (the default on most *nix systems is bash, press control + C to cancel the installation)\n(b/z) ? "
+ fi
+ done
+ touch ~/.profile
+ if [ "$user_shell" = "bash" ] ; then
+ touch ~/.bash_profile
+ if [ -z "`grep '\.rvm/bin/rvm' ~/.bash_profile`" ] ; then
+ echo "Adding 'if [ -f ~/.rvm/bin/rvm ] ; then source ~/.rvm/bin/rvm ; fi' to your ~/.bash_profile."
+ echo "if [ -f ~/.rvm/bin/rvm ] ; then source ~/.rvm/bin/rvm ; fi" >> ~/.bash_profile
+ fi
+ if [ -z "`grep '\.rvm/current' ~/.bash_profile`" ] ; then
+ echo "Adding 'if [ -f ~/.rvm/current ] ; then source ~/.rvm/current ; fi' ~/.bash_profile."
+ echo "if [ -f ~/.rvm/current ] ; then source ~/.rvm/current ; fi" >> ~/.bash_profile
+ fi
+ elif [ "$user_shell" = "zsh" ] ; then
+ touch ~/.zshrc
+ if [ -z "`grep '\.rvm/bin/rvm' ~/.zshrc`" ] ; then
+ echo "Adding 'if [ -f ~/.rvm/bin/rvm ] ; then source ~/.rvm/bin/rvm ; fi' to your ~/.zshrc."
+ echo "if [ -f ~/.rvm/bin/rvm ] ; then source ~/.rvm/bin/rvm ; fi" >> ~/.zshrc
+ fi
+ if [ -z "`grep '\.rvm/current' ~/.zshrc`" ] ; then
+ echo "Adding 'if [ -f ~/.rvm/current ] ; then source ~/.rvm/current ; fi' ~/.zshrc."
+ echo "if [ -f ~/.rvm/current ] ; then source ~/.rvm/current ; fi" >> ~/.zshrc
+ fi
+ else
+ echo -e "\n\e[0;31m<e> An error has occurred, we were expecting either bash or zsh however we encountered $user_shell \e[0m"
+ return 1
+ fi
-echo -e "\n\e[0;32mOpen a new shell and enjoy rvm: rvm usage\e[0m\n"
+echo -e "\n$info If you add ~/.rvm/bin/ to your path you will be able to rever to installed ruby binaries using: <implementation>-<version>p<patchlevel>"
+echo -e " For example: ~/.ruby-1.9.1p243 -e 'puts \"hello world\"' #=> hello world"
+echo -e "$info Contact wayneeseguin on in #rvm for any questions / feedback."
+echo -e " I truely hope that you find rvm helpful! Thank you very much for using rvm. \n"
+echo -e " ~ Wayne"
+echo -e "$info To start using rvm see: \e[0;32m rvm usage\e[0m, Now close this login shell and open a new one."