Rakefile in rvm-1.7.0 vs Rakefile in rvm-1.8.1
- old
+ new
@@ -55,5 +55,77 @@
task :test do
exec "bash -l -c \"./test/suite\""
+# VirtualBox Helpers
+# Matches a host declaration in a ssh config file.
+HOST_REGEXP = /^\s*Host\s+([^\s#*]+)/
+SSH_CONFIG_FILE = ENV['SSH_CONFIG_FILE'] || File.expand_path('../config/ssh', __FILE__)
+def shell(cmd)
+ puts "$ #{cmd}"
+ system(cmd)
+def hosts
+ @hosts ||= begin
+ hosts = []
+ File.open(SSH_CONFIG_FILE) do |io|
+ io.each_line do |line|
+ next unless line =~ HOST_REGEXP
+ hosts << $1
+ end
+ end
+ hosts
+ end
+namespace :vbox do
+ desc "start each vm"
+ task :start => :stop do
+ hosts.each do |host|
+ shell "VBoxManage -q snapshot #{host} restore #{SNAPSHOT}"
+ shell "VBoxManage -q startvm #{host} --type headless"
+ shell "ssh -MNf -F '#{SSH_CONFIG_FILE}' '#{host}' >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null"
+ end
+ end
+ desc "stop each vm"
+ task :stop do
+ hosts.each do |host|
+ if `VBoxManage -q list runningvms`.include?(host)
+ shell "VBoxManage -q controlvm #{host} poweroff"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ desc 'Run the tests remotely on each VM'
+ task :test do
+ begin
+ Rake::Task["vbox:start"].invoke
+ Rake::Task["vbox:remote_test"].invoke
+ ensure
+ Rake::Task["vbox:stop"].execute(nil)
+ end
+ end
+ desc 'Run the tests remotely (assuming each VM is running)'
+ task :remote_test do
+ local_dir = File.expand_path("..", __FILE__)
+ remote_dir = "$(pwd)/rvm"
+ remote_script = "vboxtest/test_suite.sh"
+ sh "'#{File.expand_path("../vboxtest.sh", __FILE__)}' -L '#{local_dir}' -R '#{remote_dir}' -S '#{remote_script}' #{hosts.join(' ')}"
+ end
+ desc 'Run the tests locally'
+ task :local_test do
+ sh File.expand_path("../vboxtest/test_suite.sh", __FILE__)
+ end