lib/ruote/fei.rb in ruote-2.2.0 vs lib/ruote/fei.rb in ruote-2.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005-2011, John Mettraux,
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2012, John Mettraux,
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
@@ -67,10 +67,30 @@
return o if o.is_a?(String) and o.index('!').nil? # wfid
+ # Given something, tries to return the fei (Ruote::FlowExpressionId) in it.
+ #
+ def self.extract_fei(o)
+ Ruote::FlowExpressionId.extract(o)
+ end
+ # Given an object, will return the wfid (workflow instance id) nested into
+ # it (or nil if it can't find or doesn't know how to find).
+ #
+ # The wfid is a String instance.
+ #
+ def self.extract_wfid(o)
+ return o.strip == '' ? nil : o if o.is_a?(String)
+ return o.wfid if o.respond_to?(:wfid)
+ return o['wfid'] || o.fetch('fei', {})['wfid'] if o.respond_to?(:[])
+ nil
+ end
# This function is used to generate the subids. Each flow
# expression receives such an id (it's useful for cursors, loops and
# forgotten branches).
def self.generate_subid(salt)
@@ -104,26 +124,44 @@
def initialize(h)
@h = h
class << h; include Ruote::HashDot; end
- @h['subid'] = @h.delete('sub_wfid') if @h['sub_wfid']
- # TODO : for 2.1.13, remove this
+ sub_wfid = @h.delete('sub_wfid')
+ @h['subid'] ||= sub_wfid
+ #
+ # TODO : for 2.2.2, remove those two lines
def expid; @h['expid']; end
def wfid; @h['wfid']; end
def engine_id; @h['engine_id']; end
def subid; @h['subid']; end
alias sub_wfid subid
def to_storage_id
alias sid to_storage_id
+ # expid!subid[0, 5]!wfid
+ #
+ def short_sid
+ "#{@h['expid']}!#{@h['subid'][0, 5]}!#{@h['wfid']}"
+ end
+ # wfid!!expid
+ #
+ def to_sortable_id
+ "#{@h['wfid']}!!#{@h['expid']}"
+ end
def self.to_storage_id(hfei)
hfei.respond_to?(:to_storage_id) ?
hfei.to_storage_id :
"#{hfei['expid']}!#{hfei['subid'] || hfei['sub_wfid']}!#{hfei['wfid']}"
@@ -144,12 +182,28 @@
def child_id
+ # Returns a rufus-mnemo version of the first 9 hexdigits in the subid.
+ #
+ def mnemo_id
+ Rufus::Mnemo.from_i(@h['subid'][0, 9].to_i(16))
+ end
+ # For proper hashing and sorting.
+ #
def hash
+ end
+ # For proper hashing and sorting.
+ #
+ def <=>(other)
+ self.to_sortable_id <=> other.to_sortable_id
# Returns true if the other is a FlowExpressionId instance and it
# points to the same expression as this one.