lib/runcible/resources/repository.rb in runcible-0.1.4 vs lib/runcible/resources/repository.rb in runcible-0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -23,81 +23,162 @@
require 'active_support/core_ext/hash'
module Runcible
module Resources
+ # @see
class Repository < Runcible::Base
+ # Generates the API path for Repositories
+ #
+ # @param [String] id the id of the repository
+ # @return [String] the repository path, may contain the id if passed
def self.path(id=nil)
(id == nil) ? "repositories/" : "repositories/#{id}/"
+ # Creates a repository
+ #
+ # @param [String] id the id of the repository
+ # @param [Hash] optional container for all optional parameters
+ # @return [RestClient::Response]
def self.create(id, optional={})
required = required_params(binding.send(:local_variables), binding)
call(:post, path, :payload => { :required => required, :optional => optional })
+ # Retrieves a repository
+ #
+ # @param [String] id the id of the repository
+ # @param [Hash] params container for optional query parameters
+ # @return [RestClient::Response]
def self.retrieve(id, params={})
call(:get, path(id), :params => params)
+ # Updates a repository
+ #
+ # @param [String] id the id of the repository
+ # @param [Hash] optional container for all optional parameters
+ # @return [RestClient::Response]
def self.update(id, optional={})
call(:put, path(id), :payload => { :delta => optional })
+ # Deletes a repository
+ #
+ # @param [String] id the id of the repository
+ # @return [RestClient::Response]
def self.delete(id)
call(:delete, path(id))
+ # Retrieve all repositories
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] optional container for all optional parameters
+ # @return [RestClient::Response]
def self.retrieve_all(optional={})
call(:get, path, :payload => { :optional => optional })
+ # Searches for repositories based on criteria
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] criteria criteria object containing Mongo syntax
+ # @param [Hash] optional container for all optional parameters
+ # @return [RestClient::Response]
def, optional={})
required = required_params(binding.send(:local_variables), binding)
call(:post, path("search"), :payload => { :required => required, :optional => optional })
+ # Associates an importer to a repository
+ #
+ # @param [String] id the ID of the repository
+ # @param [String] importer_type_id the type ID of the importer being associated
+ # @param [Hash] importer_config configuration options for the importer
+ # @return [RestClient::Response]
def self.associate_importer(id, importer_type_id, importer_config)
required = required_params(binding.send(:local_variables), binding)
call(:post, path("#{id}/importers"), :payload => { :required => required })
+ # Associates a distributor to a repository
+ #
+ # @param [String] id the ID of the repository
+ # @param [String] distributor_type_id the type ID of the distributor being associated
+ # @param [Hash] distributor_config configuration options for the distributor
+ # @param [Hash] optional container for all optional parameters
+ # @return [RestClient::Response]
def self.associate_distributor(id, distributor_type_id, distributor_config, optional={})
required = required_params(binding.send(:local_variables), binding, ["id"])
call(:post, path("#{id}/distributors"), :payload => { :required => required, :optional => optional })
+ # Syncs a repository
+ #
+ # @param [String] id the id of the repository
+ # @param [Hash] optional container for all optional parameters
+ # @return [RestClient::Response]
def self.sync(id, optional={})
call(:post, "#{path(id)}actions/sync/", :payload => { :optional => optional })
+ # History of all sync actions on a repository
+ #
+ # @param [String] id the id of the repository
+ # @return [RestClient::Response]
def self.sync_history(id)
call(:get, "#{path(id)}/history/sync/")
- def self.unit_copy(destination_repo_id, source_repo_id, optional={:criteria=>{}})
+ # Copies units from one repository to another
+ #
+ # @param [String] destination_repo_id the id of the destination repository
+ # @param [String] source_repo_id the id of the source repository
+ # @param [Hash] optional container for all optional parameters
+ # @return [RestClient::Response]
+ def self.unit_copy(destination_repo_id, source_repo_id, optional={})
required = required_params(binding.send(:local_variables), binding, ["destination_repo_id"])
call(:post, "#{path(destination_repo_id)}actions/associate/",
- :payload => { :required => required, :optional=> optional })
+ :payload => { :required => required, :optional => optional })
+ # Unassociates units from the repository
+ #
+ # @param [String] source_repo_id the id of the source repository
+ # @param [Hash] criteria criteria object containing Mongo syntax
+ # @return [RestClient::Response]
def self.unassociate_units(source_repo_id, criteria={})
required = required_params(binding.send(:local_variables), binding, ["source_repo_id"])
call(:post, "#{path(source_repo_id)}actions/unassociate/",
- :payload => { :required => { :criteria => criteria }})
+ :payload => { :required => required })
+ # Searches the repository for units based on criteria
+ #
+ # @param [String] id the id of the repository
+ # @param [Hash] criteria criteria object containing Mongo syntax
+ # @return [RestClient::Response]
def self.unit_search(id, criteria={})
call(:post, "#{path(id)}search/units/", :payload=>{:required=>{:criteria=>criteria}})
- def self.publish(repo_id, distributor_id)
- call(:post, "#{path(repo_id)}actions/publish/", :payload=>{:required=>{:id=>distributor_id}})
+ # Publishes a repository using the specified distributor
+ #
+ # @param [String] id the id of the repository
+ # @param [String] distributor_id the id of the distributor
+ # @return [RestClient::Response]
+ def self.publish(id, distributor_id)
+ call(:post, "#{path(id)}actions/publish/", :payload=>{:required=>{:id=>distributor_id}})
- def self.delete_distributor(repo_id, distributor_id)
- call(:delete, "#{path(repo_id)}/distributors/#{distributor_id}/")
+ # Deletes the specified distributor from the repository
+ #
+ # @param [String] id the id of the repository
+ # @param [String] distributor_id the id of the distributor
+ # @return [RestClient::Response]
+ def self.delete_distributor(id, distributor_id)
+ call(:delete, "#{path(id)}/distributors/#{distributor_id}/")