spec/features/help_spec.rb in rumm-0.0.12 vs spec/features/help_spec.rb in rumm-0.0.13
- old
+ new
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
require "spec_helper"
describe "interactive learning" do
describe "the basic help system" do
- Given { pending }
Given {rumm "help"}
+ Then { stdout.match "Rumm: A tasty tool for hackers and pirates" }
# Rumm: A tasty tool for hackers and pirates
# Rumm provides a command line interface for hacking with Rackspace. The
# only thing you'll need to get started is a username and password from
# your Rackspace hosting account. e.g.
@@ -95,10 +95,13 @@
# rumm attach volume :id to server :server_id
# rumm detach volume :id from server :server_id
#> With aggretate help topic per controller e.g. one listing for all server commands
+ end
+ describe "help in a group" do
+ Given { pending }
Given {rumm "help servers"}
# Description:
# Rumm allows you to manipulate all of your cloud servers from the command line
# including creating, listing, updating and destroying them.
# Commands: