lib/rudy/utils.rb in rudy-0.4.0 vs lib/rudy/utils.rb in rudy-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -13,13 +13,18 @@
include Socket::Constants
# Return the external IP address (the one seen by the internet)
def external_ip_address
ip = nil
- %w{ }.each do |sponge| # w/ backup
- break unless ip.nil?
- ip = (open("http://#{sponge}") { |f| /([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}/.match( }).to_s rescue nil
+ begin
+ %w{ }.each do |sponge| # w/ backup
+ ipstr = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("http://#{sponge}")) || ''
+ ip = /([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}/.match(ipstr).to_s
+ break if ip && !ip.empty?
+ end
+ rescue SocketError, Errno::ETIMEDOUT
+ STDERR.puts "Connection Error. Check your internets!"
ip += "/32" if ip
@@ -35,21 +40,171 @@
Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = orig
# Generates a canonical tag name in the form:
- # rudy-2009-12-31-r1
+ # rudy-2009-12-31-01
# where r1 refers to the revision number that day
def generate_tag(revision=1)
n =
y = n.year.to_s.rjust(4, "20")
m = n.month.to_s.rjust(2, "0")
d = n.mday.to_s.rjust(2, "0")
"rudy-%4s-%2s-%2s-r%s" % [y, m, d, revision.to_s.rjust(2, "0")]
+ # Determine if we're running directly on EC2 or
+ # "some other machine". We do this by checking if
+ # the file /etc/ec2/instance-id exists. This
+ # file is written by /etc/init.d/rudy-ec2-startup.
+ # NOTE: Is there a way to know definitively that this is EC2?
+ # We could make a request to the metadata IP addresses.
+ def Rudy.in_situ?
+ File.exists?('/etc/ec2/instance-id')
+ end
+ # Wait for something to happen.
+ # * +duration+ seconds to wait between tries (default: 2).
+ # * +max+ maximum time to wait (default: 120). Throws an exception when exceeded.
+ # * +logger+ IO object to print +dot+ to.
+ # * +msg+ the message to print on success
+ # * +bells+ number of terminal bells to ring. Set to nil or false to keep the waiter silent
+ #
+ # The +check+ block must return false while waiting. Once it returns true
+ # the waiter will return true too.
+ def waiter(duration=2, max=120, logger=STDOUT, msg=nil, bells=0, &check)
+ # TODO: Move to Drydock. [ed-why?]
+ raise "The waiter needs a block!" unless check
+ duration = 1 if duration < 1
+ max = duration*2 if max < duration
+ dot = '.'
+ begin
+ Timeout::timeout(max) do
+ while !
+ sleep duration
+ logger.print dot if logger.respond_to?(:print)
+ logger.flush if logger.respond_to?(:flush)
+ end
+ end
+ rescue Timeout::Error => ex
+ retry if Annoy.pose_question(" Keep waiting?\a ", /yes|y|ya|sure|you bet!/i, logger)
+ return false
+ end
+ logger.puts msg if msg
+ Rudy::Utils.bell(bells, logger)
+ true
+ end
+ # Make a terminal bell chime
+ def bell(chimes=1, logger=nil)
+ chimes ||= 0
+ return unless logger
+ chimed = chimes.to_i
+ logger.print "\a"*chimes if chimes > 0 && logger
+ true # be like Rudy.bug()
+ end
+ # Have you seen that episode of The Cosby Show where Dizzy Gillespie... ah nevermind.
+ def bug(bugid, logger=STDERR)
+ logger.puts "You have found a bug! If you want, you can email".color(:red)
+ logger.puts ''.color(:red).bright << " about it. It's bug ##{bugid}.".color(:red)
+ logger.puts "Continuing...".color(:red)
+ true # so we can string it together like: bug('1') && next if ...
+ end
+ # Is the given string +str+ an ID of type +identifier+?
+ # * +identifier+ is expected to be a key from ID_MAP
+ # * +str+ is a string you're investigating
+ def is_id?(identifier, str)
+ return false unless identifier && str && known_type?(identifier)
+ identifier &&= identifier.to_sym
+ str &&= str.to_s.strip
+ str.split('-').first == Rudy::ID_MAP[identifier].to_s
+ end
+ # Returns the object type associated to +str+ or nil if unknown.
+ # * +str+ is a string you're investigating
+ def id_type(str)
+ return false unless str
+ str &&= str.to_s.strip
+ (Rudy::ID_MAP.detect { |n,v| v == str.split('-').first } || []).first
+ end
+ # Is the given +key+ a known type of object?
+ def known_type?(key)
+ return false unless key
+ key &&= key.to_s.to_sym
+ Rudy::ID_MAP.has_key?(key)
+ end
+ # Returns the string identifier associated to this +key+
+ def identifier(key)
+ key &&= key.to_sym
+ return unless Rudy::ID_MAP.has_key?(key)
+ Rudy::ID_MAP[key]
+ end
+ # Return a string ID without the identifier. i.e. key-stage-app-root => stage-app-root
+ def noid(str)
+ el = str.split('-')
+ el.shift
+ el.join('-')
+ end
+ # +msg+ The message to return as a banner
+ # +size+ One of: :normal (default), :huge
+ # +colour+ a valid
+ # Returns a string with styling applying
+ def banner(msg, size = :normal, colour = :black)
+ return unless msg
+ banners = {
+ :huge => Rudy::Utils.without_indent(%Q(
+ =======================================================
+ =======================================================
+ !!!!!!!!! %s !!!!!!!!!
+ =======================================================
+ =======================================================)),
+ :normal => %Q(============ %s ============)
+ }
+ size = :normal unless banners.has_key?(size)
+ colour = :black unless Console.valid_colour?(colour)
+ size, colour = size.to_sym, colour.to_sym
+ sprintf(banners[size], msg).colour(colour).bgcolour(:white).bright
+ end
+ # <tt>require</tt> a glob of files.
+ # * +path+ is a list of path elements which is sent to File.join
+ # and then to Dir.glob. The list of files found are sent to require.
+ # Nothing is returned but LoadError exceptions are caught. The message
+ # is printed to STDERR and the program exits with 7.
+ def require_glob(*path)
+ begin
+ # TODO: Use autoload
+ Dir.glob(File.join(*path.flatten)).each do |path|
+ require path
+ end
+ rescue LoadError => ex
+ puts "Error: #{ex.message}"
+ exit 7
+ end
+ end
+ # Checks whether something is listening to a socket.
+ # * +host+ A hostname
+ # * +port+ The port to check
+ # * +wait+ The number of seconds to wait for before timing out.
+ #
+ # Returns true if +host+ allows a socket connection on +port+.
+ # Returns false if one of the following exceptions is raised:
+ # Errno::EAFNOSUPPORT, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, SocketError, Timeout::Error
+ #
def service_available?(host, port, wait=3)
status = Timeout::timeout(wait) do
socket = AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 )
sockaddr = Socket.pack_sockaddr_in( port, host )
@@ -58,7 +213,170 @@
rescue Errno::EAFNOSUPPORT, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, SocketError, Timeout::Error => ex
+ # Capture STDOUT or STDERR to prevent it from being printed.
+ #
+ # capture(:stdout) do
+ # ...
+ # end
+ #
+ def capture(stream)
+ #raise "We can only capture STDOUT or STDERR" unless stream == :stdout || stream == :stderr
+ begin
+ stream = stream.to_s
+ eval "$#{stream} ="
+ yield
+ result = eval("$#{stream}").read
+ ensure
+ eval("$#{stream} = #{stream.upcase}")
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ # A basic file writer
+ def write_to_file(filename, content, mode, chmod=600)
+ mode = (mode == :append) ? 'a' : 'w'
+ f =,mode)
+ f.puts content
+ f.close
+ return unless Rudy.sysinfo.os == :unix
+ raise "Provided chmod is not a Fixnum (#{chmod})" unless chmod.is_a?(Fixnum)
+ File.chmod(chmod, filename)
+ end
+ #
+ # Generates a string of random alphanumeric characters.
+ # * +len+ is the length, an Integer. Default: 8
+ # * +safe+ in safe-mode, ambiguous characters are removed (default: true):
+ # i l o 1 0
+ def strand( len=8, safe=true )
+ chars = ("a".."z").to_a + ("0".."9").to_a
+ chars.delete_if { |v| %w(i l o 1 0).member?(v) } if safe
+ str = ""
+ 1.upto(len) { |i| str << chars[rand(chars.size-1)] }
+ str
+ end
+ # Returns +str+ with the leading indentation removed.
+ # Stolen from because it was better.
+ def without_indent(str)
+ indent = str.split($/).each {|line| !line.strip.empty? }.map {|line| line.index(/[^\s]/) }.compact.min
+ str.gsub(/^[[:blank:]]{#{indent}}/, '')
+ end
+ ######### Everything below here is TO BE REMOVED.
+ #
+ #
+ # Run a shell command (TO BE REMOVED)
+ def sh(command, chdir=false, verbose=false)
+ prevdir = Dir.pwd
+ Dir.chdir chdir if chdir
+ puts command if verbose
+ system(command)
+ Dir.chdir prevdir if chdir
+ end
+ #
+ # Run an SSH command (TO BE REMOVED)
+ def ssh_command(host, keypair, user, command=false, printonly=false, verbose=false)
+ #puts "CONNECTING TO #{host}..."
+ cmd = "ssh -i #{keypair} #{user}@#{host} "
+ cmd += " '#{command}'" if command
+ puts cmd if verbose
+ return cmd if printonly
+ # backticks returns STDOUT
+ # exec replaces current process (it's just like running ssh)
+ # -- UPDATE -- Some problem with exec. "Operation not supported"
+ # using system (
+ (command) ? `#{cmd}` : Kernel.system(cmd)
+ end
+ # TODO: This is old and insecure.
+ def scp_command(host, keypair, user, paths, to_path, to_local=false, verbose=false, printonly=false)
+ paths = [paths] unless paths.is_a?(Array)
+ from_paths = ""
+ if to_local
+ paths.each do |path|
+ from_paths << "#{user}@#{host}:#{path} "
+ end
+ #puts "Copying FROM remote TO this machine", $/
+ else
+ to_path = "#{user}@#{host}:#{to_path}"
+ from_paths = paths.join(' ')
+ #puts "Copying FROM this machine TO remote", $/
+ end
+ cmd = "scp -r "
+ cmd << "-i #{keypair}" if keypair
+ cmd << " #{from_paths} #{to_path}"
+ puts cmd if verbose
+ printonly ? (puts cmd) : system(cmd)
+ end
+ end
+# = RSSReader
+# A rudimentary way to read an RSS feed as a hash.
+# Adapted from:
+module Rudy::Utils::RSSReader
+ extend self
+ require 'net/http'
+ require 'rexml/document'
+ # Returns a feed as a hash.
+ # * +uri+ to RSS feed
+ def run(uri)
+ begin
+ xmlstr = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(uri))
+ rescue SocketError, Errno::ETIMEDOUT
+ STDERR.puts "Connection Error. Check your internets!"
+ end
+ xml = xmlstr
+ data = { :items => [] }
+ xml.elements.each '//channel' do |item|
+ item.elements.each do |e|
+ n =^dc:(\w)/,"\1").to_sym
+ next if n == :item
+ data[n] = e.text
+ end
+ end
+ #data = {
+ # :title => xml.root.elements['channel/title'].text,
+ # :link => xml.root.elements['channel/link'].text,
+ # :updated => xml.root.elements['channel/lastBuildDate'].text,
+ # :uri => uri,
+ # :items => []
+ #}
+ #data[:updated] &&= DateTime.parse(data[:updated])
+ xml.elements.each '//item' do |item|
+ new_items = {} and item.elements.each do |e|
+ n =^dc:(\w)/,"\1").to_sym
+ new_items[n] = e.text
+ end
+ data[:items] << new_items
+ end
+ data
\ No newline at end of file