lib/uri/common.rb in rubysl-uri-1.0.0 vs lib/uri/common.rb in rubysl-uri-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,14 +1,20 @@
# = uri/common.rb
# Author:: Akira Yamada <>
-# Revision:: $Id: common.rb 14178 2007-12-10 09:31:55Z matz $
-# License::
+# Revision:: $Id$
+# License::
# You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same term as Ruby.
+# See URI for general documentation
module URI
+ #
+ #
module REGEXP
# Patterns used to parse URI's
module PATTERN
@@ -29,33 +35,340 @@
# escaped = "%" hex hex
ESCAPED = "%[#{HEX}]{2}"
# mark = "-" | "_" | "." | "!" | "~" | "*" | "'" |
# "(" | ")"
# unreserved = alphanum | mark
- UNRESERVED = "-_.!~*'()#{ALNUM}"
+ UNRESERVED = "\\-_.!~*'()#{ALNUM}"
# reserved = ";" | "/" | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" |
# "$" | ","
- # reserved = ";" | "/" | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" |
+ # reserved = ";" | "/" | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" |
# "$" | "," | "[" | "]" (RFC 2732)
RESERVED = ";/?:@&=+$,\\[\\]"
+ # domainlabel = alphanum | alphanum *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum
+ DOMLABEL = "(?:[#{ALNUM}](?:[-#{ALNUM}]*[#{ALNUM}])?)"
+ # toplabel = alpha | alpha *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum
+ TOPLABEL = "(?:[#{ALPHA}](?:[-#{ALNUM}]*[#{ALNUM}])?)"
+ # hostname = *( domainlabel "." ) toplabel [ "." ]
+ HOSTNAME = "(?:#{DOMLABEL}\\.)*#{TOPLABEL}\\.?"
+ # :startdoc:
+ end # PATTERN
+ # :startdoc:
+ end # REGEXP
+ # class that Parses String's into URI's
+ #
+ # It contains a Hash set of patterns and Regexp's that match and validate.
+ #
+ class Parser
+ include REGEXP
+ #
+ # == Synopsis
+ #
+ #[opts])
+ #
+ # == Args
+ #
+ # The constructor accepts a hash as options for parser.
+ # Keys of options are pattern names of URI components
+ # and values of options are pattern strings.
+ # The constructor generetes set of regexps for parsing URIs.
+ #
+ # You can use the following keys:
+ #
+ # * :ESCAPED (URI::PATTERN::ESCAPED in default)
+ #
+ # == Examples
+ #
+ # p = => "(?:%[a-fA-F0-9]{2}|%u[a-fA-F0-9]{4})")
+ # u = p.parse("") #=> #<URI::HTTP:0xb78cf4f8 URL:>
+ # URI.parse(u.to_s) #=> raises URI::InvalidURIError
+ #
+ # s = ""
+ # u1 = p.parse(s) #=> #<URI::HTTP:0xb78c3220 URL:>
+ # u2 = URI.parse(s) #=> #<URI::HTTP:0xb78b6d54 URL:>
+ # u1 == u2 #=> true
+ # u1.eql?(u2) #=> false
+ #
+ def initialize(opts = {})
+ @pattern = initialize_pattern(opts)
+ @pattern.each_value {|v| v.freeze}
+ @pattern.freeze
+ @regexp = initialize_regexp(@pattern)
+ @regexp.each_value {|v| v.freeze}
+ @regexp.freeze
+ end
+ # The Hash of patterns.
+ #
+ # see also URI::Parser.initialize_pattern
+ attr_reader :pattern
+ # The Hash of Regexp
+ #
+ # see also URI::Parser.initialize_regexp
+ attr_reader :regexp
+ # Returns a split URI against regexp[:ABS_URI]
+ def split(uri)
+ case uri
+ when ''
+ # null uri
+ when @regexp[:ABS_URI]
+ scheme, opaque, userinfo, host, port,
+ registry, path, query, fragment = $~[1..-1]
+ # URI-reference = [ absoluteURI | relativeURI ] [ "#" fragment ]
+ # absoluteURI = scheme ":" ( hier_part | opaque_part )
+ # hier_part = ( net_path | abs_path ) [ "?" query ]
+ # opaque_part = uric_no_slash *uric
+ # abs_path = "/" path_segments
+ # net_path = "//" authority [ abs_path ]
+ # authority = server | reg_name
+ # server = [ [ userinfo "@" ] hostport ]
+ if !scheme
+ raise InvalidURIError,
+ "bad URI(absolute but no scheme): #{uri}"
+ end
+ if !opaque && (!path && (!host && !registry))
+ raise InvalidURIError,
+ "bad URI(absolute but no path): #{uri}"
+ end
+ when @regexp[:REL_URI]
+ scheme = nil
+ opaque = nil
+ userinfo, host, port, registry,
+ rel_segment, abs_path, query, fragment = $~[1..-1]
+ if rel_segment && abs_path
+ path = rel_segment + abs_path
+ elsif rel_segment
+ path = rel_segment
+ elsif abs_path
+ path = abs_path
+ end
+ # URI-reference = [ absoluteURI | relativeURI ] [ "#" fragment ]
+ # relativeURI = ( net_path | abs_path | rel_path ) [ "?" query ]
+ # net_path = "//" authority [ abs_path ]
+ # abs_path = "/" path_segments
+ # rel_path = rel_segment [ abs_path ]
+ # authority = server | reg_name
+ # server = [ [ userinfo "@" ] hostport ]
+ else
+ raise InvalidURIError, "bad URI(is not URI?): #{uri}"
+ end
+ path = '' if !path && !opaque # (see RFC2396 Section 5.2)
+ ret = [
+ scheme,
+ userinfo, host, port, # X
+ registry, # X
+ path, # Y
+ opaque, # Y
+ query,
+ fragment
+ ]
+ return ret
+ end
+ #
+ # == Args
+ #
+ # +uri+::
+ # String
+ #
+ # == Description
+ #
+ # parses +uri+ and constructs either matching URI scheme object
+ # (FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, LDAP, LDAPS, or MailTo) or URI::Generic
+ #
+ # == Usage
+ #
+ # p =
+ # p.parse("ldap://")
+ # #=> #<URI::LDAP:0x00000000b9e7e8 URL:ldap://>
+ #
+ def parse(uri)
+ scheme, userinfo, host, port,
+ registry, path, opaque, query, fragment = self.split(uri)
+ if scheme && URI.scheme_list.include?(scheme.upcase)
+ URI.scheme_list[scheme.upcase].new(scheme, userinfo, host, port,
+ registry, path, opaque, query,
+ fragment, self)
+ else
+, userinfo, host, port,
+ registry, path, opaque, query,
+ fragment, self)
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # == Args
+ #
+ # +uris+::
+ # an Array of Strings
+ #
+ # == Description
+ #
+ # Attempts to parse and merge a set of URIs
+ #
+ def join(*uris)
+ uris[0] = convert_to_uri(uris[0])
+ uris.inject :merge
+ end
+ #
+ # :call-seq:
+ # extract( str )
+ # extract( str, schemes )
+ # extract( str, schemes ) {|item| block }
+ #
+ # == Args
+ #
+ # +str+::
+ # String to search
+ # +schemes+::
+ # Patterns to apply to +str+
+ #
+ # == Description
+ #
+ # Attempts to parse and merge a set of URIs
+ # If no +block+ given , then returns the result,
+ # else it calls +block+ for each element in result.
+ #
+ # see also URI::Parser.make_regexp
+ #
+ def extract(str, schemes = nil)
+ if block_given?
+ str.scan(make_regexp(schemes)) { yield $& }
+ nil
+ else
+ result = []
+ str.scan(make_regexp(schemes)) { result.push $& }
+ result
+ end
+ end
+ # returns Regexp that is default self.regexp[:ABS_URI_REF],
+ # unless +schemes+ is provided. Then it is a Regexp.union with self.pattern[:X_ABS_URI]
+ def make_regexp(schemes = nil)
+ unless schemes
+ @regexp[:ABS_URI_REF]
+ else
+ /(?=#{Regexp.union(*schemes)}:)#{@pattern[:X_ABS_URI]}/x
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # :call-seq:
+ # escape( str )
+ # escape( str, unsafe )
+ #
+ # == Args
+ #
+ # +str+::
+ # String to make safe
+ # +unsafe+::
+ # Regexp to apply. Defaults to self.regexp[:UNSAFE]
+ #
+ # == Description
+ #
+ # constructs a safe String from +str+, removing unsafe characters,
+ # replacing them with codes.
+ #
+ def escape(str, unsafe = @regexp[:UNSAFE])
+ unless unsafe.kind_of?(Regexp)
+ # perhaps unsafe is String object
+ unsafe ="[#{Regexp.quote(unsafe)}]", false)
+ end
+ str.gsub(unsafe) do
+ us = $&
+ tmp = ''
+ us.each_byte do |uc|
+ tmp << sprintf('%%%02X', uc)
+ end
+ tmp
+ end.force_encoding(Encoding::US_ASCII)
+ end
+ #
+ # :call-seq:
+ # unescape( str )
+ # unescape( str, unsafe )
+ #
+ # == Args
+ #
+ # +str+::
+ # String to remove escapes from
+ # +unsafe+::
+ # Regexp to apply. Defaults to self.regexp[:ESCAPED]
+ #
+ # == Description
+ #
+ # Removes escapes from +str+
+ #
+ def unescape(str, escaped = @regexp[:ESCAPED])
+ str.gsub(escaped) { [$&[1, 2].hex].pack('C') }.force_encoding(str.encoding)
+ end
+ @@to_s = Kernel.instance_method(:to_s)
+ def inspect
+ @@to_s.bind(self).call
+ end
+ private
+ # Constructs the default Hash of patterns
+ def initialize_pattern(opts = {})
+ ret = {}
+ ret[:ESCAPED] = escaped = (opts.delete(:ESCAPED) || PATTERN::ESCAPED)
+ ret[:UNRESERVED] = unreserved = opts.delete(:UNRESERVED) || PATTERN::UNRESERVED
+ ret[:RESERVED] = reserved = opts.delete(:RESERVED) || PATTERN::RESERVED
+ ret[:DOMLABEL] = opts.delete(:DOMLABEL) || PATTERN::DOMLABEL
+ ret[:TOPLABEL] = opts.delete(:TOPLABEL) || PATTERN::TOPLABEL
+ ret[:HOSTNAME] = hostname = opts.delete(:HOSTNAME)
+ # RFC 2396 (URI Generic Syntax)
+ # RFC 2732 (IPv6 Literal Addresses in URL's)
+ # RFC 2373 (IPv6 Addressing Architecture)
# uric = reserved | unreserved | escaped
+ ret[:URIC] = uric = "(?:[#{unreserved}#{reserved}]|#{escaped})"
# uric_no_slash = unreserved | escaped | ";" | "?" | ":" | "@" |
# "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | ","
- URIC_NO_SLASH = "(?:[#{UNRESERVED};?:@&=+$,]|#{ESCAPED})"
+ ret[:URIC_NO_SLASH] = uric_no_slash = "(?:[#{unreserved};?:@&=+$,]|#{escaped})"
# query = *uric
- QUERY = "#{URIC}*"
+ ret[:QUERY] = query = "#{uric}*"
# fragment = *uric
+ ret[:FRAGMENT] = fragment = "#{uric}*"
- # domainlabel = alphanum | alphanum *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum
- DOMLABEL = "(?:[#{ALNUM}](?:[-#{ALNUM}]*[#{ALNUM}])?)"
- # toplabel = alpha | alpha *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum
- TOPLABEL = "(?:[#{ALPHA}](?:[-#{ALNUM}]*[#{ALNUM}])?)"
# hostname = *( domainlabel "." ) toplabel [ "." ]
- HOSTNAME = "(?:#{DOMLABEL}\\.)*#{TOPLABEL}\\.?"
+ # reg-name = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims ) # RFC3986
+ unless hostname
+ ret[:HOSTNAME] = hostname = "(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\\-.]|%\\h\\h)+"
+ end
# IPv6address = hexpart [ ":" IPv4address ]
# IPv4address = 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT
# hexpart = hexseq | hexseq "::" [ hexseq ] | "::" [ hexseq ]
@@ -64,158 +377,183 @@
# XXX: This definition has a flaw. "::" + IPv4address must be
# allowed too. Here is a replacement.
# IPv4address = 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT
- IPV4ADDR = "\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}"
+ ret[:IPV4ADDR] = ipv4addr = "\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}"
# hex4 = 1*4HEXDIG
- HEX4 = "[#{HEX}]{1,4}"
+ hex4 = "[#{PATTERN::HEX}]{1,4}"
# lastpart = hex4 | IPv4address
- LASTPART = "(?:#{HEX4}|#{IPV4ADDR})"
+ lastpart = "(?:#{hex4}|#{ipv4addr})"
# hexseq1 = *( hex4 ":" ) hex4
- HEXSEQ1 = "(?:#{HEX4}:)*#{HEX4}"
+ hexseq1 = "(?:#{hex4}:)*#{hex4}"
# hexseq2 = *( hex4 ":" ) lastpart
- HEXSEQ2 = "(?:#{HEX4}:)*#{LASTPART}"
+ hexseq2 = "(?:#{hex4}:)*#{lastpart}"
# IPv6address = hexseq2 | [ hexseq1 ] "::" [ hexseq2 ]
- IPV6ADDR = "(?:#{HEXSEQ2}|(?:#{HEXSEQ1})?::(?:#{HEXSEQ2})?)"
+ ret[:IPV6ADDR] = ipv6addr = "(?:#{hexseq2}|(?:#{hexseq1})?::(?:#{hexseq2})?)"
# IPv6prefix = ( hexseq1 | [ hexseq1 ] "::" [ hexseq1 ] ) "/" 1*2DIGIT
# unused
# ipv6reference = "[" IPv6address "]" (RFC 2732)
- IPV6REF = "\\[#{IPV6ADDR}\\]"
+ ret[:IPV6REF] = ipv6ref = "\\[#{ipv6addr}\\]"
# host = hostname | IPv4address
# host = hostname | IPv4address | IPv6reference (RFC 2732)
+ ret[:HOST] = host = "(?:#{hostname}|#{ipv4addr}|#{ipv6ref})"
# port = *digit
- PORT = '\d*'
+ port = '\d*'
# hostport = host [ ":" port ]
- HOSTPORT = "#{HOST}(?::#{PORT})?"
+ ret[:HOSTPORT] = hostport = "#{host}(?::#{port})?"
# userinfo = *( unreserved | escaped |
# ";" | ":" | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | "," )
- USERINFO = "(?:[#{UNRESERVED};:&=+$,]|#{ESCAPED})*"
+ ret[:USERINFO] = userinfo = "(?:[#{unreserved};:&=+$,]|#{escaped})*"
# pchar = unreserved | escaped |
# ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | ","
- PCHAR = "(?:[#{UNRESERVED}:@&=+$,]|#{ESCAPED})"
+ pchar = "(?:[#{unreserved}:@&=+$,]|#{escaped})"
# param = *pchar
- PARAM = "#{PCHAR}*"
+ param = "#{pchar}*"
# segment = *pchar *( ";" param )
- SEGMENT = "#{PCHAR}*(?:;#{PARAM})*"
+ segment = "#{pchar}*(?:;#{param})*"
# path_segments = segment *( "/" segment )
+ ret[:PATH_SEGMENTS] = path_segments = "#{segment}(?:/#{segment})*"
# server = [ [ userinfo "@" ] hostport ]
+ server = "(?:#{userinfo}@)?#{hostport}"
# reg_name = 1*( unreserved | escaped | "$" | "," |
# ";" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" )
- REG_NAME = "(?:[#{UNRESERVED}$,;:@&=+]|#{ESCAPED})+"
+ ret[:REG_NAME] = reg_name = "(?:[#{unreserved}$,;:@&=+]|#{escaped})+"
# authority = server | reg_name
+ authority = "(?:#{server}|#{reg_name})"
# rel_segment = 1*( unreserved | escaped |
# ";" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | "," )
- REL_SEGMENT = "(?:[#{UNRESERVED};@&=+$,]|#{ESCAPED})+"
+ ret[:REL_SEGMENT] = rel_segment = "(?:[#{unreserved};@&=+$,]|#{escaped})+"
# scheme = alpha *( alpha | digit | "+" | "-" | "." )
- SCHEME = "[#{ALPHA}][-+.#{ALPHA}\\d]*"
+ ret[:SCHEME] = scheme = "[#{PATTERN::ALPHA}][\\-+.#{PATTERN::ALPHA}\\d]*"
# abs_path = "/" path_segments
+ ret[:ABS_PATH] = abs_path = "/#{path_segments}"
# rel_path = rel_segment [ abs_path ]
+ ret[:REL_PATH] = rel_path = "#{rel_segment}(?:#{abs_path})?"
# net_path = "//" authority [ abs_path ]
+ ret[:NET_PATH] = net_path = "//#{authority}(?:#{abs_path})?"
# hier_part = ( net_path | abs_path ) [ "?" query ]
- HIER_PART = "(?:#{NET_PATH}|#{ABS_PATH})(?:\\?(?:#{QUERY}))?"
+ ret[:HIER_PART] = hier_part = "(?:#{net_path}|#{abs_path})(?:\\?(?:#{query}))?"
# opaque_part = uric_no_slash *uric
+ ret[:OPAQUE_PART] = opaque_part = "#{uric_no_slash}#{uric}*"
# absoluteURI = scheme ":" ( hier_part | opaque_part )
+ ret[:ABS_URI] = abs_uri = "#{scheme}:(?:#{hier_part}|#{opaque_part})"
# relativeURI = ( net_path | abs_path | rel_path ) [ "?" query ]
- REL_URI = "(?:#{NET_PATH}|#{ABS_PATH}|#{REL_PATH})(?:\\?#{QUERY})?"
+ ret[:REL_URI] = rel_uri = "(?:#{net_path}|#{abs_path}|#{rel_path})(?:\\?#{query})?"
# URI-reference = [ absoluteURI | relativeURI ] [ "#" fragment ]
- URI_REF = "(?:#{ABS_URI}|#{REL_URI})?(?:##{FRAGMENT})?"
+ ret[:URI_REF] = "(?:#{abs_uri}|#{rel_uri})?(?:##{fragment})?"
- # XXX:
- X_ABS_URI = "
- (#{PATTERN::SCHEME}): (?# 1: scheme)
+ ret[:X_ABS_URI] = "
+ (#{scheme}): (?# 1: scheme)
- (#{PATTERN::OPAQUE_PART}) (?# 2: opaque)
+ (#{opaque_part}) (?# 2: opaque)
- (?:(?:(#{PATTERN::USERINFO})@)? (?# 3: userinfo)
- (?:(#{PATTERN::HOST})(?::(\\d*))?))?(?# 4: host, 5: port)
+ (?:(?:(#{userinfo})@)? (?# 3: userinfo)
+ (?:(#{host})(?::(\\d*))?))? (?# 4: host, 5: port)
- (#{PATTERN::REG_NAME}) (?# 6: registry)
+ (#{reg_name}) (?# 6: registry)
- (?!//)) (?# XXX: '//' is the mark for hostport)
- (#{PATTERN::ABS_PATH})? (?# 7: path)
- )(?:\\?(#{PATTERN::QUERY}))? (?# 8: query)
+ (?!//)) (?# XXX: '//' is the mark for hostport)
+ (#{abs_path})? (?# 7: path)
+ )(?:\\?(#{query}))? (?# 8: query)
- (?:\\#(#{PATTERN::FRAGMENT}))? (?# 9: fragment)
+ (?:\\#(#{fragment}))? (?# 9: fragment)
- X_REL_URI = "
+ ret[:X_REL_URI] = "
- (?:(#{PATTERN::USERINFO})@)? (?# 1: userinfo)
- (#{PATTERN::HOST})?(?::(\\d*))? (?# 2: host, 3: port)
+ (?:(#{userinfo})@)? (?# 1: userinfo)
+ (#{host})?(?::(\\d*))? (?# 2: host, 3: port)
- (#{PATTERN::REG_NAME}) (?# 4: registry)
+ (#{reg_name}) (?# 4: registry)
- (#{PATTERN::REL_SEGMENT}) (?# 5: rel_segment)
+ (#{rel_segment}) (?# 5: rel_segment)
- (#{PATTERN::ABS_PATH})? (?# 6: abs_path)
- (?:\\?(#{PATTERN::QUERY}))? (?# 7: query)
- (?:\\#(#{PATTERN::FRAGMENT}))? (?# 8: fragment)
+ (#{abs_path})? (?# 6: abs_path)
+ (?:\\?(#{query}))? (?# 7: query)
+ (?:\\#(#{fragment}))? (?# 8: fragment)
- # :startdoc:
- end # PATTERN
- # :stopdoc:
+ ret
+ end
- # for URI::split
- ABS_URI ='^' + PATTERN::X_ABS_URI + '$', #'
- Regexp::EXTENDED, 'N').freeze
- REL_URI ='^' + PATTERN::X_REL_URI + '$', #'
- Regexp::EXTENDED, 'N').freeze
+ # Constructs the default Hash of Regexp's
+ def initialize_regexp(pattern)
+ ret = {}
- # for URI::extract
- URI_REF =, false, 'N').freeze
- ABS_URI_REF =, Regexp::EXTENDED, 'N').freeze
- REL_URI_REF =, Regexp::EXTENDED, 'N').freeze
+ # for URI::split
+ ret[:ABS_URI] ='\A\s*' + pattern[:X_ABS_URI] + '\s*\z', Regexp::EXTENDED)
+ ret[:REL_URI] ='\A\s*' + pattern[:X_REL_URI] + '\s*\z', Regexp::EXTENDED)
- # for URI::escape/unescape
- ESCAPED =, false, 'N').freeze
- false, 'N').freeze
+ # for URI::extract
+ ret[:URI_REF] =[:URI_REF])
+ ret[:ABS_URI_REF] =[:X_ABS_URI], Regexp::EXTENDED)
+ ret[:REL_URI_REF] =[:X_REL_URI], Regexp::EXTENDED)
- # for Generic#initialize
- SCHEME ="^#{PATTERN::SCHEME}$", false, 'N').freeze #"
- USERINFO ="^#{PATTERN::USERINFO}$", false, 'N').freeze #"
- HOST ="^#{PATTERN::HOST}$", false, 'N').freeze #"
- PORT ="^#{PATTERN::PORT}$", false, 'N').freeze #"
- OPAQUE ="^#{PATTERN::OPAQUE_PART}$", false, 'N').freeze #"
- REGISTRY ="^#{PATTERN::REG_NAME}$", false, 'N').freeze #"
- ABS_PATH ="^#{PATTERN::ABS_PATH}$", false, 'N').freeze #"
- REL_PATH ="^#{PATTERN::REL_PATH}$", false, 'N').freeze #"
- QUERY ="^#{PATTERN::QUERY}$", false, 'N').freeze #"
- FRAGMENT ="^#{PATTERN::FRAGMENT}$", false, 'N').freeze #"
- # :startdoc:
- end # REGEXP
+ # for URI::escape/unescape
+ ret[:ESCAPED] =[:ESCAPED])
+ ret[:UNSAFE] ="[^#{pattern[:UNRESERVED]}#{pattern[:RESERVED]}]")
+ # for Generic#initialize
+ ret[:SCHEME] ="\\A#{pattern[:SCHEME]}\\z")
+ ret[:USERINFO] ="\\A#{pattern[:USERINFO]}\\z")
+ ret[:HOST] ="\\A#{pattern[:HOST]}\\z")
+ ret[:PORT] ="\\A#{pattern[:PORT]}\\z")
+ ret[:OPAQUE] ="\\A#{pattern[:OPAQUE_PART]}\\z")
+ ret[:REGISTRY] ="\\A#{pattern[:REG_NAME]}\\z")
+ ret[:ABS_PATH] ="\\A#{pattern[:ABS_PATH]}\\z")
+ ret[:REL_PATH] ="\\A#{pattern[:REL_PATH]}\\z")
+ ret[:QUERY] ="\\A#{pattern[:QUERY]}\\z")
+ ret[:FRAGMENT] ="\\A#{pattern[:FRAGMENT]}\\z")
+ ret
+ end
+ def convert_to_uri(uri)
+ if uri.is_a?(URI::Generic)
+ uri
+ elsif uri = String.try_convert(uri)
+ parse(uri)
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError,
+ "bad argument (expected URI object or URI string)"
+ end
+ end
+ end # class Parser
+ #
+ DEFAULT_PARSER.pattern.each_pair do |sym, str|
+ unless REGEXP::PATTERN.const_defined?(sym)
+ REGEXP::PATTERN.const_set(sym, str)
+ end
+ end
+ DEFAULT_PARSER.regexp.each_pair do |sym, str|
+ const_set(sym, str)
+ end
module Util # :nodoc:
def make_components_hash(klass, array_hash)
tmp = {}
if array_hash.kind_of?(Array) &&
array_hash.size == klass.component.size - 1
@@ -234,23 +572,22 @@
rescue TypeError
tmp[key] = value
- raise ArgumentError,
+ raise ArgumentError,
"expected Array of or Hash of components of #{klass.to_s} (#{klass.component[1..-1].join(', ')})"
tmp[:scheme] = klass.to_s.sub(/\A.*::/, '').downcase
return tmp
module_function :make_components_hash
+ # module for escaping unsafe characters with codes.
module Escape
- include REGEXP
# == Synopsis
# URI.escape(str [, unsafe])
@@ -279,22 +616,13 @@
# # => "\t\r"
# p URI.escape("@?@!", "!?")
# # => "@%3F@%21"
- def escape(str, unsafe = UNSAFE)
- unless unsafe.kind_of?(Regexp)
- # perhaps unsafe is String object
- unsafe ="[#{Regexp.quote(unsafe)}]", false, 'N')
- end
- str.gsub(unsafe) do |us|
- tmp = ''
- us.each_byte do |uc|
- tmp << sprintf('%%%02X', uc)
- end
- tmp
- end
+ def escape(*arg)
+ warn "#{caller(1)[0]}: warning: URI.escape is obsolete" if $VERBOSE
+ DEFAULT_PARSER.escape(*arg)
alias encode escape
# == Synopsis
@@ -314,23 +642,26 @@
# # => ""
# p URI.unescape(enc_uri)
# # => "\t\r"
- def unescape(str)
- str.gsub(ESCAPED) do
- $&[1,2].hex.chr
- end
+ def unescape(*arg)
+ warn "#{caller(1)[0]}: warning: URI.unescape is obsolete" if $VERBOSE
+ DEFAULT_PARSER.unescape(*arg)
alias decode unescape
- end
+ end # module Escape
- include REGEXP
extend Escape
+ include REGEXP
@@schemes = {}
+ # Returns a Hash of the defined schemes
+ def self.scheme_list
+ @@schemes
+ end
# Base class for all URI exceptions.
class Error < StandardError; end
@@ -367,88 +698,20 @@
# * Registry
# * Path
# * Opaque
# * Query
# * Fragment
- #
+ #
# == Usage
# require 'uri'
# p URI.split("")
# # => ["http", nil, "", nil, nil, "/", nil, nil, nil]
def self.split(uri)
- case uri
- when ''
- # null uri
- when ABS_URI
- scheme, opaque, userinfo, host, port,
- registry, path, query, fragment = $~[1..-1]
- # URI-reference = [ absoluteURI | relativeURI ] [ "#" fragment ]
- # absoluteURI = scheme ":" ( hier_part | opaque_part )
- # hier_part = ( net_path | abs_path ) [ "?" query ]
- # opaque_part = uric_no_slash *uric
- # abs_path = "/" path_segments
- # net_path = "//" authority [ abs_path ]
- # authority = server | reg_name
- # server = [ [ userinfo "@" ] hostport ]
- if !scheme
- raise InvalidURIError,
- "bad URI(absolute but no scheme): #{uri}"
- end
- if !opaque && (!path && (!host && !registry))
- raise InvalidURIError,
- "bad URI(absolute but no path): #{uri}"
- end
- when REL_URI
- scheme = nil
- opaque = nil
- userinfo, host, port, registry,
- rel_segment, abs_path, query, fragment = $~[1..-1]
- if rel_segment && abs_path
- path = rel_segment + abs_path
- elsif rel_segment
- path = rel_segment
- elsif abs_path
- path = abs_path
- end
- # URI-reference = [ absoluteURI | relativeURI ] [ "#" fragment ]
- # relativeURI = ( net_path | abs_path | rel_path ) [ "?" query ]
- # net_path = "//" authority [ abs_path ]
- # abs_path = "/" path_segments
- # rel_path = rel_segment [ abs_path ]
- # authority = server | reg_name
- # server = [ [ userinfo "@" ] hostport ]
- else
- raise InvalidURIError, "bad URI(is not URI?): #{uri}"
- end
- path = '' if !path && !opaque # (see RFC2396 Section 5.2)
- ret = [
- scheme,
- userinfo, host, port, # X
- registry, # X
- path, # Y
- opaque, # Y
- query,
- fragment
- ]
- return ret
+ DEFAULT_PARSER.split(uri)
# == Synopsis
@@ -460,11 +723,11 @@
# String with URI.
# == Description
# Creates one of the URI's subclasses instance from the string.
- #
+ #
# == Raises
# URI::InvalidURIError
# Raised if URI given is not a correct one.
@@ -473,28 +736,17 @@
# require 'uri'
# uri = URI.parse("")
# p uri
# # => #<URI::HTTP:0x202281be URL:>
- # p uri.scheme
- # # => "http"
- # p
- # # => ""
- #
+ # p uri.scheme
+ # # => "http"
+ # p
+ # # => ""
+ #
def self.parse(uri)
- scheme, userinfo, host, port,
- registry, path, opaque, query, fragment = self.split(uri)
- if scheme && @@schemes.include?(scheme.upcase)
- @@schemes[scheme.upcase].new(scheme, userinfo, host, port,
- registry, path, opaque, query,
- fragment)
- else
-, userinfo, host, port,
- registry, path, opaque, query,
- fragment)
- end
+ DEFAULT_PARSER.parse(uri)
# == Synopsis
@@ -511,29 +763,38 @@
# == Usage
# require 'uri'
- # p URI.join("http://localhost/","main.rbx")
+ # p URI.join("","main.rbx")
# # => #<URI::HTTP:0x2022ac02 URL:http://localhost/main.rbx>
+ # p URI.join('', 'foo')
+ # # => #<URI::HTTP:0x01ab80a0 URL:>
+ #
+ # p URI.join('', '/foo', '/bar')
+ # # => #<URI::HTTP:0x01aaf0b0 URL:>
+ #
+ # p URI.join('', '/foo', 'bar')
+ # # => #<URI::HTTP:0x801a92af0 URL:>
+ #
+ # p URI.join('', '/foo/', 'bar')
+ # # => #<URI::HTTP:0x80135a3a0 URL:>
+ #
+ #
def self.join(*str)
- u = self.parse(str[0])
- str[1 .. -1].each do |x|
- u = u.merge(x)
- end
- u
+ DEFAULT_PARSER.join(*str)
# == Synopsis
# URI::extract(str[, schemes][,&blk])
# == Args
- # +str+::
+ # +str+::
# String to extract URIs from.
# +schemes+::
# Limit URI matching to a specific schemes.
# == Description
@@ -547,67 +808,194 @@
# URI.extract("text here and here and here also.")
# # => ["", ""]
def self.extract(str, schemes = nil, &block)
- if block_given?
- str.scan(regexp(schemes)) { yield $& }
- nil
- else
- result = []
- str.scan(regexp(schemes)) { result.push $& }
- result
- end
+ DEFAULT_PARSER.extract(str, schemes, &block)
# == Synopsis
# URI::regexp([match_schemes])
# == Args
- # +match_schemes+::
+ # +match_schemes+::
# Array of schemes. If given, resulting regexp matches to URIs
# whose scheme is one of the match_schemes.
- #
+ #
# == Description
# Returns a Regexp object which matches to URI-like strings.
# The Regexp object returned by this method includes arbitrary
# number of capture group (parentheses). Never rely on it's number.
- #
+ #
# == Usage
# require 'uri'
# # extract first URI from html_string
# html_string.slice(URI.regexp)
- #
+ #
# # remove ftp URIs
# html_string.sub(URI.regexp(['ftp'])
- #
+ #
# # You should not rely on the number of parentheses
# html_string.scan(URI.regexp) do |*matches|
# p $&
# end
def self.regexp(schemes = nil)
- unless schemes
+ DEFAULT_PARSER.make_regexp(schemes)
+ end
+ TBLENCWWWCOMP_ = {} # :nodoc:
+ 256.times do |i|
+ TBLENCWWWCOMP_[i.chr] = '%%%02X' % i
+ end
+ TBLENCWWWCOMP_[' '] = '+'
+ TBLDECWWWCOMP_ = {} # :nodoc:
+ 256.times do |i|
+ h, l = i>>4, i&15
+ TBLDECWWWCOMP_['%%%X%X' % [h, l]] = i.chr
+ TBLDECWWWCOMP_['%%%x%X' % [h, l]] = i.chr
+ TBLDECWWWCOMP_['%%%X%x' % [h, l]] = i.chr
+ TBLDECWWWCOMP_['%%%x%x' % [h, l]] = i.chr
+ end
+ TBLDECWWWCOMP_['+'] = ' '
+ HTML5ASCIIINCOMPAT = [Encoding::UTF_7, Encoding::UTF_16BE, Encoding::UTF_16LE,
+ Encoding::UTF_32BE, Encoding::UTF_32LE] # :nodoc:
+ # Encode given +str+ to URL-encoded form data.
+ #
+ # This method doesn't convert *, -, ., 0-9, A-Z, _, a-z, but does convert SP
+ # (ASCII space) to + and converts others to %XX.
+ #
+ # This is an implementation of
+ #
+ #
+ # See URI.decode_www_form_component, URI.encode_www_form
+ def self.encode_www_form_component(str)
+ str = str.to_s
+ if HTML5ASCIIINCOMPAT.include?(str.encoding)
+ str = str.encode(Encoding::UTF_8)
- /(?=#{Regexp.union(*schemes)}:)#{PATTERN::X_ABS_URI}/xn
+ str = str.dup
+ str.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
+ str.gsub!(/[^*\-.0-9A-Z_a-z]/, TBLENCWWWCOMP_)
+ str.force_encoding(Encoding::US_ASCII)
+ # Decode given +str+ of URL-encoded form data.
+ #
+ # This decodes + to SP.
+ #
+ # See URI.encode_www_form_component, URI.decode_www_form
+ def self.decode_www_form_component(str, enc=Encoding::UTF_8)
+ raise ArgumentError, "invalid %-encoding (#{str})" unless /\A[^%]*(?:%\h\h[^%]*)*\z/ =~ str
+ str.gsub(/\+|%\h\h/, TBLDECWWWCOMP_).force_encoding(enc)
+ end
-module Kernel
- # alias for URI.parse.
+ # Generate URL-encoded form data from given +enum+.
- # This method is introduced at 1.8.2.
- def URI(uri_str) # :doc:
- return uri_str if uri_str.is_a? URI
+ # This generates application/x-www-form-urlencoded data defined in HTML5
+ # from given an Enumerable object.
+ #
+ # This internally uses URI.encode_www_form_component(str).
+ #
+ # This method doesn't convert the encoding of given items, so convert them
+ # before call this method if you want to send data as other than original
+ # encoding or mixed encoding data. (Strings which are encoded in an HTML5
+ # ASCII incompatible encoding are converted to UTF-8.)
+ #
+ # This method doesn't handle files. When you send a file, use
+ # multipart/form-data.
+ #
+ # This is an implementation of
+ #
+ #
+ # URI.encode_www_form([["q", "ruby"], ["lang", "en"]])
+ # #=> "q=ruby&lang=en"
+ # URI.encode_www_form("q" => "ruby", "lang" => "en")
+ # #=> "q=ruby&lang=en"
+ # URI.encode_www_form("q" => ["ruby", "perl"], "lang" => "en")
+ # #=> "q=ruby&q=perl&lang=en"
+ # URI.encode_www_form([["q", "ruby"], ["q", "perl"], ["lang", "en"]])
+ # #=> "q=ruby&q=perl&lang=en"
+ #
+ # See URI.encode_www_form_component, URI.decode_www_form
+ def self.encode_www_form(enum)
+ do |k,v|
+ if v.nil?
+ encode_www_form_component(k)
+ elsif v.respond_to?(:to_ary)
+ do |w|
+ str = encode_www_form_component(k)
+ unless w.nil?
+ str << '='
+ str << encode_www_form_component(w)
+ end
+ end.join('&')
+ else
+ str = encode_www_form_component(k)
+ str << '='
+ str << encode_www_form_component(v)
+ end
+ end.join('&')
+ end
- URI.parse(uri_str)
+ WFKV_ = '(?:[^%#=;&]*(?:%\h\h[^%#=;&]*)*)' # :nodoc:
+ # Decode URL-encoded form data from given +str+.
+ #
+ # This decodes application/x-www-form-urlencoded data
+ # and returns array of key-value array.
+ # This internally uses URI.decode_www_form_component.
+ #
+ # _charset_ hack is not supported now because the mapping from given charset
+ # to Ruby's encoding is not clear yet.
+ # see also
+ #
+ # This refers
+ #
+ # ary = URI.decode_www_form("a=1&a=2&b=3")
+ # p ary #=> [['a', '1'], ['a', '2'], ['b', '3']]
+ # p ary.assoc('a').last #=> '1'
+ # p ary.assoc('b').last #=> '3'
+ # p ary.rassoc('a').last #=> '2'
+ # p Hash[ary] # => {"a"=>"2", "b"=>"3"}
+ #
+ # See URI.decode_www_form_component, URI.encode_www_form
+ def self.decode_www_form(str, enc=Encoding::UTF_8)
+ return [] if str.empty?
+ unless /\A#{WFKV_}=#{WFKV_}(?:[;&]#{WFKV_}=#{WFKV_})*\z/o =~ str
+ raise ArgumentError, "invalid data of application/x-www-form-urlencoded (#{str})"
+ end
+ ary = []
+ $&.scan(/([^=;&]+)=([^;&]*)/) do
+ ary << [decode_www_form_component($1, enc), decode_www_form_component($2, enc)]
+ end
+ ary
+ end
+end # module URI
+module Kernel
+ #
+ # Returns +uri+ converted to a URI object.
+ #
+ def URI(uri)
+ if uri.is_a?(URI::Generic)
+ uri
+ elsif uri = String.try_convert(uri)
+ URI.parse(uri)
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError,
+ "bad argument (expected URI object or URI string)"
+ end
module_function :URI