History.txt in rubyrep-1.1.2 vs History.txt in rubyrep-1.2.0

- old
+ new

@@ -1,4 +1,13 @@ +== 1.2.0 2011-03-07 + +* Feature: compatibility with Rails 3 +* Feature: do not replicate record updates that didn't change any fields (props to daudo) +* Bug fix: reducing deadlock problems (props to gtanzillo) +* Bug fix: adding missing schema prefix in PostgreSQL triggers +* Bug fix: scans / syncs fail due to incorrect handling of case sensitivity of string primary key columns +* Bug fix: reducing risk of foreign key conflicts during replication (props for root cause analysis to TonyB) + == 1.1.2 2009-05-10 * Bug fix: escape primary keys in replication triggers == 1.1.1 2009-02-02