examples/rinda_agent.rb in rubyonacid-0.1.2 vs examples/rinda_agent.rb in rubyonacid-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
require 'rubygems'
require 'wx'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/meta'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/constant'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/flash'
-require 'rubyonacid/factories/increment'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/loop'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/random'
+require 'rubyonacid/factories/repeat'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/rinda'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/sine'
require 'rubyonacid/factories/skip'
@@ -17,28 +17,14 @@
WIDTH = 480
HEIGHT = 480
def on_init
- #The MetaFactory assigns factories to requested value types.
- @f = RubyOnAcid::MetaFactory.new
- #Loop factories loop from 0.0 to 1.0 (or 1.0 to 0.0 if the increment value is negative).
- @f.factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::LoopFactory.new(0.01)
- @f.factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::LoopFactory.new(-0.01)
- #Random factories generate random values.
- # @f.factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::RandomFactory.new
- #Constant factories always return the same value,
- @f.factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::ConstantFactory.new(rand)
- #Sine factories produce a "wave" pattern.
- @f.factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::SineFactory.new(0.1)
- @f.factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::SineFactory.new(-0.1)
+ @f = RubyOnAcid::RindaFactory.new(ARGV[0])
+ @f.default_factory = create_factory
+ @f.start_service
- rinda_factory = RubyOnAcid::RindaFactory.new(ARGV[0])
- rinda_factory.start_service
- @f.assign_factory(:x, rinda_factory)
- @f.assign_factory(:y, rinda_factory)
#A skip factory, in charge of randomly resetting the meta factory.
@resetter = RubyOnAcid::SkipFactory.new(0.999)
#Containing frame.
frame = Wx::Frame.new(nil, :size => [WIDTH, HEIGHT])
@@ -47,35 +33,112 @@
#Displays drawing.
window = Wx::Window.new(frame, :size => [WIDTH, HEIGHT])
#Animate periodically.
t = Wx::Timer.new(self, 55)
- evt_timer(55) {animate(window)}
+ evt_timer(55) do
+ window.paint{|surface| render(surface)}
+ @f.default_factory.reset_assignments if @resetter.boolean(:reset)
+ end
- def animate(window)
- window.paint do |surface|
- surface.pen = Wx::Pen.new(
- Wx::Colour.new(
- @f.within(:red, 0, 255).to_i,
- @f.within(:green, 0, 255).to_i,
- @f.within(:blue, 0, 255).to_i,
- @f.within(:alpha, 50, 255).to_i
- ),
- @f.within(:width, 1, 5).to_i
- )
- surface.draw_line(
- @f.within(:x, 0, WIDTH).to_i,
- @f.within(:y, 0, HEIGHT).to_i,
- @f.within(:x2, 0, WIDTH).to_i,
- @f.within(:y2, 0, HEIGHT).to_i
- )
- end
- # @f.reset_assignments if @resetter.boolean(:reset)
+ def create_factory
+ random_factory = RubyOnAcid::RandomFactory.new
+ #The MetaFactory assigns factories to requested value types.
+ meta_factory = RubyOnAcid::MetaFactory.new
+ #Loop factories loop from 0.0 to 1.0 (or 1.0 to 0.0 if the increment value is negative).
+ meta_factory.factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::LoopFactory.new(0.01)
+ meta_factory.factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::LoopFactory.new(-0.01)
+ meta_factory.factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::LoopFactory.new(0.001)
+ meta_factory.factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::LoopFactory.new(-0.001)
+ #Constant factories always return the same value,
+ meta_factory.factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::ConstantFactory.new(rand)
+ meta_factory.factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::ConstantFactory.new(rand)
+ meta_factory.factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::FlashFactory.new(rand(100))
+ #Sine factories produce a "wave" pattern.
+ meta_factory.factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::SineFactory.new(0.1)
+ meta_factory.factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::SineFactory.new(-0.1)
+ meta_factory.factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::SineFactory.new(0.01)
+ meta_factory.factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::SineFactory.new(-0.01)
+ meta_factory.factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::RepeatFactory.new(
+ RubyOnAcid::LoopFactory.new(random_factory.within(:increment, -0.1, 0.1)),
+ random_factory.within(:interval, 2, 100)
+ )
+ meta_factory.factory_pool << RubyOnAcid::RepeatFactory.new(
+ RubyOnAcid::SineFactory.new(random_factory.within(:increment, -0.1, 0.1)),
+ random_factory.within(:interval, 2, 100)
+ )
+ meta_factory
+ def render(surface)
+ color = Wx::Colour.new(
+ @f.get(:red, :max => 255).to_i,
+ @f.get(:green, :max => 255).to_i,
+ @f.get(:blue, :max => 255).to_i,
+ @f.get(:alpha, :min => 50, :max => 200).to_i
+ )
+ surface.pen = Wx::Pen.new(color, @f.within(:width, 1, 5).to_i)
+ surface.brush = Wx::Brush.new(color, Wx::SOLID)
+ case @f.choose(:shape,
+ :arc,
+ :polygon,
+ :line,
+ # :rectangle,
+ :circle,
+ :spline
+ )
+ when :line
+ surface.draw_line(
+ @f.get(:x0, :max => WIDTH).to_i,
+ @f.get(:y0, :max => HEIGHT).to_i,
+ @f.get(:x1, :max => WIDTH).to_i,
+ @f.get(:y1, :max => HEIGHT).to_i
+ )
+ when :rectangle
+ surface.draw_rectangle(
+ @f.get(:x0, :max => WIDTH).to_i,
+ @f.get(:y0, :max => HEIGHT).to_i,
+ @f.get(:x1, :max => WIDTH).to_i,
+ @f.get(:y1, :max => HEIGHT).to_i
+ )
+ when :circle
+ surface.draw_circle(
+ @f.get(:x0, :max => WIDTH).to_i,
+ @f.get(:y0, :max => HEIGHT).to_i,
+ @f.get(:width, :max => WIDTH).to_i
+ )
+ when :arc
+ surface.draw_elliptic_arc(
+ @f.get(:x0, :max => WIDTH).to_i,
+ @f.get(:y0, :max => HEIGHT).to_i,
+ @f.get(:width, :max => WIDTH).to_i,
+ @f.get(:height, :max => HEIGHT).to_i,
+ @f.get(:arc_start, :max => 360).to_i,
+ @f.get(:arc_end, :max => 360).to_i
+ )
+ when :polygon
+ surface.draw_polygon(make_point_array)
+ when :spline
+ surface.draw_spline(make_point_array)
+ end
+ end
+ def make_point_array
+ points = []
+ @f.get(:points, :min => 3, :max => 6).to_i.times do |i|
+ points << Wx::Point.new(
+ @f.get("x#{i}".to_sym, :max => WIDTH).to_i,
+ @f.get("y#{i}".to_sym, :max => HEIGHT).to_i
+ )
+ end
+ points
+ end
app = MyApp.new