Rakefile in rubygems-update-1.6.2 vs Rakefile in rubygems-update-1.7.0
- old
+ new
@@ -169,5 +169,81 @@
rflags << "-i" << "lib/rubygems"
ruby "#{flags.join ' '} #{rcov} #{rflags.join ' '} #{args[:test]}"
+def changelog_section code
+ name = {
+ :major => "major enhancement",
+ :minor => "minor enhancement",
+ :bug => "bug fix",
+ :unknown => "unknown",
+ }[code]
+ changes = $changes[code]
+ count = changes.size
+ name += "s" if count > 1
+ name.sub!(/fixs/, 'fixes')
+ return if count < 1
+ puts "* #{count} #{name}:"
+ puts
+ changes.sort.each do |line|
+ puts " * #{line}"
+ end
+ puts
+desc "Print the current changelog."
+task "git:newchangelog" do
+ # This must be in here until rubygems depends on the version of hoe that has
+ # git_tags
+ # TODO: get this code back into hoe-git
+ module Hoe::Git
+ module_function :git_tags, :git_svn?, :git_release_tag_prefix
+ end
+ tags = Hoe::Git.git_tags
+ tag = ENV["FROM"] || tags.last
+ range = [tag, "HEAD"].compact.join ".."
+ cmd = "git log #{range} '--format=tformat:%B|||%aN|||%aE|||'"
+ now = Time.new.strftime "%Y-%m-%d"
+ changes = `#{cmd}`.split(/\|\|\|/).each_slice(3).map do |msg, author, email|
+ msg.split(/\n/).reject { |s| s.empty? }
+ end
+ changes = changes.flatten
+ next if changes.empty?
+ $changes = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = [] }
+ codes = {
+ "!" => :major,
+ "+" => :minor,
+ "*" => :minor,
+ "-" => :bug,
+ "?" => :unknown,
+ }
+ codes_re = Regexp.escape codes.keys.join
+ changes.each do |change|
+ if change =~ /^\s*([#{codes_re}])\s*(.*)/ then
+ code, line = codes[$1], $2
+ else
+ code, line = codes["?"], change.chomp
+ end
+ $changes[code] << line
+ end
+ puts "=== #{ENV['VERSION'] || 'NEXT'} / #{now}"
+ puts
+ changelog_section :major
+ changelog_section :minor
+ changelog_section :bug
+ changelog_section :unknown
+ puts