in rubydora-2.1.0 vs in rubydora-2.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,40 +1,60 @@
# rubydora
-[<img src=""
-alt="Build Status" />]( [<img
-src="" alt="Gem Version"
Rubydora is a low-level Fedora Commons REST API consumer, providing direct
access to REST API methods, as well as a primitive ruby abstraction.
+Community Support: [](
+## Product Owner & Maintenance
+`rubydora` was a Core Component of the Samvera Community. Given a decline in available labor required for maintenance, this project no longer has a dedicated Product Owner. The documentation for what this means can be found [here](
+### Product Owner
+_Until a Product Owner has been identified, we ask that you please direct all requests for support, bug reports, and general questions to the [`#dev` Channel on the Samvera Slack](
+## Help
+The Samvera community is here to help. Please see our [support guide](./
## Installation
gem install rubydora
## Examples
> repo = Rubydora.connect :url => 'http://localhost:8983/fedora', :user => 'fedoraAdmin', :password => 'fedoraAdmin'
-=> #<Rubydora::Repository:0x101859538 @config={:url=>"http://localhost:8983/fedora", :user=>"fedoraAdmin", :password=>"fedoraAdmin"}>
+=> #<Rubydora::Repository:0x101859538 @config={:url=>"http://localhost:8983/fedora", :user=>"fedoraAdmin", :password=>"fedoraAdmin"}>
> obj = repo.find('test:1')
-=> #<Rubydora::DigitalObject:0x101977230 @pid="test:1", @repository=#<Rubydora::Repository:0x1019beef0 @config={:user=>"fedoraAdmin", :url=>"http://localhost:8983/fedora", :password=>"fedora"}>>
+=> #<Rubydora::DigitalObject:0x101977230 @pid="test:1", @repository=#<Rubydora::Repository:0x1019beef0 @config={:user=>"fedoraAdmin", :url=>"http://localhost:8983/fedora", :password=>"fedora"}>>
-=> true
+=> true
> obj =
-=> #<Rubydora::DigitalObject:0x1017601b8 @pid="test:1", @repository=#<Rubydora::Repository:0x1018e3058 @config={:url=>"http://localhost:8983/fedora", :user=>"fedoraAdmin", :password=>"fedoraAdmin"}, @client=#<RestClient::Resource:0x101882910 @options={:user=>"fedoraAdmin", :password=>"fedoraAdmin"}, @block=nil, @url="http://localhost:8983/fedora">>>
+=> #<Rubydora::DigitalObject:0x1017601b8 @pid="test:1", @repository=#<Rubydora::Repository:0x1018e3058 @config={:url=>"http://localhost:8983/fedora", :user=>"fedoraAdmin", :password=>"fedoraAdmin"}, @client=#<RestClient::Resource:0x101882910 @options={:user=>"fedoraAdmin", :password=>"fedoraAdmin"}, @block=nil, @url="http://localhost:8983/fedora">>>
> obj.profile
-=> {"objDissIndexViewURL"=>"http://localhost:8983/fedora/get/test:1/fedora-system:3/viewMethodIndex", "objLabel"=>"", "objModels"=>"info:fedora/fedora-system:FedoraObject-3.0", "objCreateDate"=>"2011-04-18T13:34:11.285Z", "objOwnerId"=>"fedoraAdmin", "objState"=>"A", "objItemIndexViewURL"=>"http://localhost:8983/fedora/get/test:1/fedora-system:3/viewItemIndex", "objLastModDate"=>"2011-04-18T13:47:30.110Z"}
+=> {"objDissIndexViewURL"=>"http://localhost:8983/fedora/get/test:1/fedora-system:3/viewMethodIndex", "objLabel"=>"", "objModels"=>"info:fedora/fedora-system:FedoraObject-3.0", "objCreateDate"=>"2011-04-18T13:34:11.285Z", "objOwnerId"=>"fedoraAdmin", "objState"=>"A", "objItemIndexViewURL"=>"http://localhost:8983/fedora/get/test:1/fedora-system:3/viewItemIndex", "objLastModDate"=>"2011-04-18T13:47:30.110Z"}
> obj.models
-=> ["info:fedora/fedora-system:FedoraObject-3.0"]
+=> ["info:fedora/fedora-system:FedoraObject-3.0"]
> obj.models << 'info:fedora/test:cmodel'
=> ["info:fedora/fedora-system:FedoraObject-3.0", "info:fedora/test:cmodel"]
> obj2 = repo.find('test:2')
@@ -54,25 +74,49 @@
=> ""
> ds.dsLabel = 'Example redirect datastream'
=> "Example redirect datastream"
> ds.mimeType = 'text/html'
=> "text/html"
-=> #<Rubydora::Datastream:0x10177a568 @dsid="File" ...>
+=> #<Rubydora::Datastream:0x10177a568 @dsid="File" ...>
> obj.datastreams
=> {"DC"=>#<Rubydora::Datastream:0x101860180 @dsid="DC" ..., "File"=>#<Rubydora::Datastream:0x10177a568 @dsid="File" ...>}
> obj.datastreams["File"].delete
=> true
> obj.datastreams["File"].new?
=> true
+## Running the Tests
+There is a Dockerfile included here to build a container that runs fcrepo3. It
+will listen on port 8983, so no additional configuration is required. You can
+run the continuous integration suite or the specs directly. An example of
+starting the server and running just the specs is included here:
+docker build -t samvera/fcrepo3:latest .
+RUBYDORA_ID=$(docker run -d -p 8983:8983 samvera/fcrepo3:latest)
+bundle exec rspec && docker kill $RUBYDORA_ID
+There are also Rake tasks for building the image and running the suite against
+a container:
+bundle exec rake docker:build
+bundle exec rake docker:spec
## Contributing to rubydora
-* Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
+* If you're working on PR for this project, create a feature branch off of `main`.
+ This repository follows the [Samvera Community Code of Conduct]( and [language recommendations]( Please ***do not*** create a branch called `master` for this repository or as part of your pull request; the branch will either need to be removed or renamed before it can be considered for inclusion in the code base and history of this repository.
+* Check out the latest main branch to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
* Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
* Fork the project
* Start a feature/bugfix branch
* Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
* Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
@@ -82,5 +126,14 @@
## Copyright
Copyright (c) 2011 Chris Beer. See LICENSE.txt for further details.
+## Acknowledgments
+This software has been developed by and is brought to you by the Samvera community. Learn more at the [Samvera website](
+## Contributing
+Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at