lib/ruby_speech/ssml/element.rb in ruby_speech-0.3.2 vs lib/ruby_speech/ssml/element.rb in ruby_speech-0.3.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,106 +1,21 @@
require 'active_support/core_ext/class/attribute'
module RubySpeech
module SSML
class Element < Niceogiri::XML::Node
- @@registrations = {}
- class_attribute :registered_ns, :registered_name
- # Register a new stanza class to a name and/or namespace
- #
- # This registers a namespace that is used when looking
- # up the class name of the object to instantiate when a new
- # stanza is received
- #
- # @param [#to_s] name the name of the node
- #
- def self.register(name)
- self.registered_name = name.to_s
- self.registered_ns = SSML_NAMESPACE
- @@registrations[[self.registered_name, self.registered_ns]] = self
+ def self.namespace
- # Find the class to use given the name and namespace of a stanza
- #
- # @param [#to_s] name the name to lookup
- #
- # @return [Class, nil] the class appropriate for the name
- def self.class_from_registration(name)
- @@registrations[[name.to_s, SSML_NAMESPACE]]
+ def self.root_element
+ Speak
- # Import an XML::Node to the appropriate class
- #
- # Looks up the class the node should be then creates it based on the
- # elements of the XML::Node
- # @param [XML::Node] node the node to import
- # @return the appropriate object based on the node name and namespace
- def self.import(node)
- return node.content if node.is_a?(Nokogiri::XML::Text)
- klass = class_from_registration(node.element_name)
- if klass && klass != self
- klass.import node
- else
- new.inherit node
- end
+ def self.module
- def, atts = {}, &block)
- blk_proc = lambda do |new_node|
- atts.each_pair { |k, v| new_node.send :"#{k}=", v }
- block_return = new_node.instance_eval &block if block_given?
- new_node << new_node.encode_special_chars(block_return) if block_return.is_a?(String)
- end
- case RUBY_VERSION.split('.')[0,2].join.to_i
- when 18
- super(element_name).tap do |n|
- blk_proc[n]
- end
- else
- super(element_name) do |n|
- blk_proc[n]
- end
- end
- end
- def children
- { |c| Element.import c }
- end
- def embed(other)
- case other
- when String
- self << encode_special_chars(other)
- when Speak
- other.children.each do |child|
- self << child
- end
- when Element
- self << other
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "Can only embed a String or an SSML element"
- end
- end
- def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block)
- const_name = method_name.to_s.sub('ssml', '').titleize.gsub(' ', '')
- const = SSML.const_get const_name
- if const && self.class::VALID_CHILD_TYPES.include?(const)
- if const == String
- self << encode_special_chars(args.first)
- else
- self <<*args, &block)
- end
- else
- super
- end
- end
- def eql?(o, *args)
- super o, :content, :children, *args
- end
+ include GenericElement
end # Element
end # SSML
end # RubySpeech