spec/service_spec.rb in ruby_odata-0.0.9 vs spec/service_spec.rb in ruby_odata-0.0.10
- old
+ new
@@ -17,11 +17,75 @@
with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'*/*; q=0.5, application/xml', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip, deflate'}).
to_return(:status => 200, :body => File.new(File.expand_path("../fixtures/edmx_lowercase.xml", __FILE__)), :headers => {})
lambda { OData::Service.new "http://test.com/test.svc" }.should_not raise_error
+ describe "additional query string parameters" do
+ before(:each) do
+ # Required for the build_classes method
+ stub_request(:get, /http:\/\/test\.com\/test\.svc\/\$metadata(?:\?.+)?/).
+ with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'*/*; q=0.5, application/xml', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip, deflate'}).
+ to_return(:status => 200, :body => File.new(File.expand_path("../fixtures/edmx_empty.xml", __FILE__)), :headers => {})
+ end
+ it "should accept additional query string parameters" do
+ svc = OData::Service.new "http://test.com/test.svc/", { :additional_params => { :x=>1, :y=>2 } }
+ svc.options[:additional_params].should eq Hash[:x=>1, :y=>2]
+ end
+ it "should call the correct metadata uri when additional_params are passed in" do
+ svc = OData::Service.new "http://test.com/test.svc/", { :additional_params => { :x => 1, :y => 2 } }
+ a_request(:get, "http://test.com/test.svc/$metadata?x=1&y=2").should have_been_made
+ end
+ end
+ describe "additional query string parameters" do
+ before(:each) do
+ # Required for the build_classes method
+ stub_request(:any, /http:\/\/test\.com\/test\.svc(?:.*)/).
+ with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'*/*; q=0.5, application/xml', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip, deflate'}).
+ to_return(:status => 200, :body => File.new(File.expand_path("../fixtures/sap/edmx_sap_demo_flight.xml", __FILE__)), :headers => {})
+ end
+ it "should pass the parameters as part of a query" do
+ svc = OData::Service.new "http://test.com/test.svc/", { :additional_params => { :x=>1, :y=>2 } }
+ svc.flight_dataCollection
+ svc.execute
+ a_request(:get, "http://test.com/test.svc/flight_dataCollection?x=1&y=2").should have_been_made
+ end
+ it "should pass the parameters as part of a save" do
+ svc = OData::Service.new "http://test.com/test.svc/", { :additional_params => { :x=>1, :y=>2 } }
+ new_flight = ZDemoFlight.new
+ svc.AddToflight_dataCollection(new_flight)
+ svc.save_changes
+ a_request(:post, "http://test.com/test.svc/flight_dataCollection?x=1&y=2").should have_been_made
+ end
+ it "should pass the parameters as part of an update" do
+ svc = OData::Service.new "http://test.com/test.svc/", { :additional_params => { :x=>1, :y=>2 } }
+ existing_flight = ZDemoFlight.new
+ existing_flight.__metadata = { :uri => "http://test.com/test.svc/flight_dataCollection/1" }
+ svc.update_object(existing_flight)
+ svc.save_changes
+ a_request(:put, "http://test.com/test.svc/flight_dataCollection/1?x=1&y=2").should have_been_made
+ end
+ it "should pass the parameters as part of a delete" do
+ svc = OData::Service.new "http://test.com/test.svc/", { :additional_params => { :x=>1, :y=>2 } }
+ existing_flight = ZDemoFlight.new
+ existing_flight.__metadata = { :uri => "http://test.com/test.svc/flight_dataCollection/1" }
+ svc.delete_object(existing_flight)
+ svc.save_changes
+ a_request(:delete, "http://test.com/test.svc/flight_dataCollection/1?x=1&y=2").should have_been_made
+ end
+ it "should pass the parameters as part of a batch save" do
+ svc = OData::Service.new "http://test.com/test.svc/", { :additional_params => { :x=>1, :y=>2 } }
+ new_flight = ZDemoFlight.new
+ svc.AddToflight_dataCollection(new_flight)
+ new_flight2 = ZDemoFlight.new
+ svc.AddToflight_dataCollection(new_flight2)
+ svc.save_changes
+ a_request(:post, "http://test.com/test.svc/$batch?x=1&y=2").should have_been_made
+ end
+ end
describe "lowercase collections" do
before(:each) do
# Required for the build_classes method
stub_request(:get, "http://test.com/test.svc/$metadata").
@@ -35,9 +99,169 @@
it "should allow a lowercase collections to be queried" do
svc = OData::Service.new "http://test.com/test.svc"
lambda { svc.send('acronyms') }.should_not raise_error
+ end
+ end
+ describe "handling of SAP results" do
+ before(:each) do
+ # Required for the build_classes method
+ stub_request(:get, "http://test.com/test.svc/$metadata").
+ with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'*/*; q=0.5, application/xml', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip, deflate'}).
+ to_return(:status => 200, :body => File.new(File.expand_path("../fixtures/sap/edmx_sap_demo_flight.xml", __FILE__)), :headers => {})
+ stub_request(:get, "http://test.com/test.svc/z_demo_flightCollection").
+ with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'*/*; q=0.5, application/xml', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip, deflate'}).
+ to_return(:status => 200, :body => File.new(File.expand_path("../fixtures/sap/result_sap_demo_flight_missing_category.xml", __FILE__)), :headers => {})
+ end
+ it "should handle entities without a category element" do
+ svc = OData::Service.new "http://test.com/test.svc/"
+ svc.z_demo_flightCollection
+ results = svc.execute
+ results.first.should be_a_kind_of(ZDemoFlight)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "collections, objects, etc" do
+ before(:each) do
+ # Metadata
+ stub_request(:get, "http://test.com/test.svc/$metadata").
+ with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'*/*; q=0.5, application/xml', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip, deflate'}).
+ to_return(:status => 200, :body => File.new(File.expand_path("../fixtures/feed_customization/edmx_feed_customization.xml", __FILE__)), :headers => {})
+ # Content - Products
+ stub_request(:get, /http:\/\/test\.com\/test\.svc\/Products(?:.*)/).
+ with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'*/*; q=0.5, application/xml', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip, deflate'}).
+ to_return(:status => 200, :body => File.new(File.expand_path("../fixtures/feed_customization/result_feed_customization_products_expand.xml", __FILE__)), :headers => {})
+ # Content - Categories expanded Products
+ stub_request(:get, /http:\/\/test\.com\/test\.svc\/Categories(?:.*)/).
+ with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'*/*; q=0.5, application/xml', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip, deflate'}).
+ to_return(:status => 200, :body => File.new(File.expand_path("../fixtures/feed_customization/result_feed_customization_categories_expand.xml", __FILE__)), :headers => {})
+ end
+ after(:each) do
+ Object.send(:remove_const, 'Product')
+ Object.send(:remove_const, 'Category')
+ end
+ describe "handling feed customizations" do
+ describe "property metadata" do
+ it "should fill the class_metadata hash" do
+ svc = OData::Service.new "http://test.com/test.svc/"
+ svc.class_metadata.should_not be_empty
+ end
+ it "should add a key (based on the name) for each property class_metadata hash" do
+ svc = OData::Service.new "http://test.com/test.svc/"
+ svc.class_metadata['Product'].should have_key 'ID'
+ svc.class_metadata['Product'].should have_key 'Name'
+ svc.class_metadata['Product'].should have_key 'Description'
+ end
+ it "should have a PropertyMetadata object for each property class_metadata hash" do
+ svc = OData::Service.new "http://test.com/test.svc/"
+ svc.class_metadata['Product']['ID'].should be_a OData::PropertyMetadata
+ svc.class_metadata['Product']['Name'].should be_a OData::PropertyMetadata
+ svc.class_metadata['Product']['Description'].should be_a OData::PropertyMetadata
+ end
+ it "should have the correct PropertyMetadata object for Id" do
+ svc = OData::Service.new "http://test.com/test.svc/"
+ meta = svc.class_metadata['Product']['ID']
+ meta.name.should eq 'ID'
+ meta.type.should eq 'Edm.Int32'
+ meta.nullable.should eq false
+ meta.fc_target_path.should be_nil
+ meta.fc_keep_in_content.should be_nil
+ end
+ it "should have the correct PropertyMetadata object for Name" do
+ svc = OData::Service.new "http://test.com/test.svc/"
+ meta = svc.class_metadata['Product']['Name']
+ meta.name.should eq 'Name'
+ meta.type.should eq 'Edm.String'
+ meta.nullable.should eq true
+ meta.fc_target_path.should eq "SyndicationTitle"
+ meta.fc_keep_in_content.should eq false
+ end
+ it "should have the correct PropertyMetadata object for Description" do
+ svc = OData::Service.new "http://test.com/test.svc/"
+ meta = svc.class_metadata['Product']['Description']
+ meta.name.should eq 'Description'
+ meta.type.should eq 'Edm.String'
+ meta.nullable.should eq true
+ meta.fc_target_path.should eq "SyndicationSummary"
+ meta.fc_keep_in_content.should eq false
+ end
+ end
+ describe "single class" do
+ it "should handle properties where a property is represented in the syndication title instead of the properties collection" do
+ svc = OData::Service.new "http://test.com/test.svc/"
+ svc.Products
+ results = svc.execute
+ results.first.Name.should eq "Bread"
+ end
+ it "should handle properties where a property is represented in the syndication summary instead of the properties collection" do
+ svc = OData::Service.new "http://test.com/test.svc/"
+ svc.Products
+ results = svc.execute
+ results.first.Description.should eq "Whole grain bread"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "expanded inline class" do
+ it "should handle properties where a property is represented in the syndication title instead of the properties collection" do
+ svc = OData::Service.new "http://test.com/test.svc/"
+ svc.Categories
+ results = svc.execute
+ beverages = results[1]
+ milk = beverages.Products.first
+ milk.Name.should eq "Milk"
+ milk.Description.should eq "Low fat milk"
+ lemonade = beverages.Products.last
+ lemonade.Name.should eq "Pink Lemonade"
+ lemonade.Description.should eq "36 Ounce Cans (Pack of 3)"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "handling inline collections/properties" do
+ it "should make plural named properties arrays and not a single class" do
+ svc = OData::Service.new "http://test.com/test.svc/"
+ svc.Categories
+ results = svc.execute
+ food = results[0]
+ food.Products.should be_an Array
+ end
+ it "should not make an array if the navigation property name is singular" do
+ svc = OData::Service.new "http://test.com/test.svc/"
+ svc.Products
+ results = svc.execute
+ product = results.first
+ product.Category.should_not be_an Array
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe_private OData::Service do
+ describe "parse value" do
+ before(:each) do
+ # Required for the build_classes method
+ stub_request(:get, "http://test.com/test.svc/$metadata").
+ with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'*/*; q=0.5, application/xml', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip, deflate'}).
+ to_return(:status => 200, :body => File.new(File.expand_path("../fixtures/edmx_empty.xml", __FILE__)), :headers => {})
+ end
+ it "should not error on an 'out of range' date" do
+ # This date was returned in the Netflix OData service and failed with an ArgumentError: out of range using 1.8.7 (2010-12-23 patchlevel 330) [i386-mingw32]
+ svc = OData::Service.new "http://test.com/test.svc/"
+ element_to_parse = Nokogiri::XML.parse('<d:AvailableFrom m:type="Edm.DateTime">2100-01-01T00:00:00</d:AvailableFrom>').elements[0]
+ lambda { svc.parse_value(element_to_parse) }.should_not raise_exception
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