in ruby_brain-0.1.1 vs in ruby_brain-0.1.2
- old
+ new
@@ -70,13 +70,13 @@
RubyBrain::Network class represents a network. The constructor accepts an array which specifies the network structure.
If we use 1 hidden layer which has 3 neurons for above "AND operator" example, following array indicates the structure.
#+BEGIN_SRC ruby
# 2 inputs
- # 3 units in a hidden layer
+ # 5 units in a hidden layer
# 1 output
- [2, 3, 1]
+ [2, 5, 1]
You can use 2 hidden layers with following code.
#+BEGIN_SRC ruby
# 2 inputs
@@ -86,30 +86,30 @@
[2, 4, 2, 1]
So, a netowrk is created by
#+BEGIN_SRC ruby
- a_network =[2, 3, 1])
+ a_network =[2, 5, 1])
# learning_rate can be set
a_network.learning_rate = 0.5
# the networks must be initialized before it is used
There are other options for the constructor.
- Please refer to the code. Sorry for missing document.
+ Please refer to [[][Network#learn document]]
** training
An instance method =learn= is used for training the network.
You can specify not only dataset but also other options for training.
#+BEGIN_SRC ruby
# max_training_cout : max epoch
# tolerance : stop training if RMS error become smaller than this value.
- a_network.learn(training_input_set, training_supervisor_set, max_training_count=100, tolerance=0.0004, monitoring_channels=[:best_params_training])
+ a_network.learn(training_input_set, training_supervisor_set, max_training_count=3000, tolerance=0.0004, monitoring_channels=[:best_params_training])
** predicate
Use =get_forward_outputs= with input data for predicating something.
@@ -129,11 +129,11 @@
** restore weights from a file
Optimized weights can be saved into a YAML file and you can use it for initializing weights when you create a new network.
#+BEGIN_SRC ruby
- a_network =[2, 3, 1])
+ a_network =[2, 5, 1])
* Examples
@@ -147,13 +147,24 @@
require 'ruby_brain'
require 'ruby_brain/dataset/mnist/data'
Get MNIST dataset from [[][THE MNIST DATABASE of handwritten digits]] if the dataset files don't exist in the working directory.
- And load them into Ruby array =dataset=.
+ And load them into Ruby dictionary =dataset=.
#+BEGIN_SRC ruby
dataset = RubyBrain::DataSet::Mnist::data
+ # dataset has :input and :output dataset
+ dataset.keys # => [:input, :output]
+ # :input dataset has 60000(samples) x 784(28 * 28 input pixcels)
+ dataset[:input].size # => 60000
+ dataset[:input].first.size # => 784
+ # :output dataset has 60000(samples) x 10(classes 0~9)
+ dataset[:output].size # => 60000
+ dataset[:output].first.size # => 10
Divide =dataset= into training and test data.
NUM_TRAIN_DATA means how many first images are used as training data.
We use first 5000 images for training here.