lib/rubyXL/writer/worksheet_writer.rb in rubyXL-1.2.10 vs lib/rubyXL/writer/worksheet_writer.rb in rubyXL-2.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,230 +1,41 @@
-require 'rubygems'
-require 'nokogiri'
module RubyXL
module Writer
- class WorksheetWriter
- attr_accessor :dirpath, :filepath, :sheet_num, :workbook, :worksheet
+ class WorksheetWriter < GenericWriter
- def initialize(dirpath, wb, sheet_num=1)
- @dirpath = dirpath
- @workbook = wb
- @sheet_num = sheet_num
- @worksheet = @workbook.worksheets[@sheet_num]
- @filepath = dirpath + '/xl/worksheets/sheet'+(sheet_num+1).to_s()+'.xml'
+ def initialize(workbook, sheet_index = 0)
+ @workbook = workbook
+ @sheet_index = sheet_index
+ @worksheet = @workbook.worksheets[@sheet_index]
- def write()
- builder = do |xml|
- xml.worksheet('xmlns'=>"",
- 'xmlns:r'=>"",
- 'xmlns:mc'=>"",
- 'xmlns:mv'=>"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:mac:vml",
- 'mc:Ignorable'=>'mv',
- 'mc:PreserveAttributes'=>'mv:*') {
- col = 0
- @worksheet.sheet_data.each do |row|
- if row.size > col
- col = row.size
- end
- end
- row = Integer(@worksheet.sheet_data.size)
- dimension = 'A1:'
- dimension += Cell.convert_to_cell(row-1,col-1)
- xml.dimension('ref'=>dimension)
- xml.sheetViews {
- view = @worksheet.sheet_view
- if view.nil? || view[:attributes].nil?
- xml.sheetView('tabSelected'=>1,'view'=>'normalLayout','workbookViewId'=>0)
- raise 'end test' #TODO remove
- else
- view = view[:attributes]
- if view[:view].nil?
- view[:view] = 'normalLayout'
- end
+ def filepath
+ File.join('xl', 'worksheets', "sheet#{@sheet_index + 1}.xml")
+ end
- if view[:workbookViewId].nil?
- view[:workbookViewId] = 0
- end
+ def ooxml_object
+ @worksheet
+ end
- if view[:zoomScale].nil? || view[:zoomScaleNormal].nil?
- view[:zoomScale] = 100
- view[:zoomScaleNormal] = 100
- end
+ root << xml.create_element('sheetFormatPr', { :baseColWidth => 10, :defaultRowHeight => 13 })
+ root << xml.create_element('sheetCalcPr', { :fullCalcOnLoad => 1 })
+ root << xml.create_element('pageMargins', { :left => 0.75, :right => 0.75, :top => 1, :bottom => 1,
+ :header => 0.5, :footer => 0.5 })
+ root << xml.create_element('pageSetup', { :orientation => 'portrait',
+ :horizontalDpi => 4294967292, :verticalDpi => 4294967292 })
- if view[:tabSelected].nil?
- view[:tabSelected] = 1
- end
- xml.sheetView('tabSelected'=>view[:tabSelected],
- 'view'=>view[:view],
- 'workbookViewId'=>view[:workbookViewId],
- 'zoomScale'=>view[:zoomScale],
- 'zoomScaleNormal'=>view[:zoomScaleNormal]) {
- #can't be done unless I figure out a way to programmatically add attributes.
- #(can't put xSplit with an invalid value)
- # unless @worksheet.pane.nil?
- # xml.pane('state'=>@worksheet.pane[:state])
- # end
- # unless view[:selection].nil?
- # xml.
- # end
- }
- end
- }
- xml.sheetFormatPr('baseColWidth'=>'10','defaultRowHeight'=>'13')
- unless @worksheet.cols.nil? || @worksheet.cols.size==0
- xml.cols {
- if !@worksheet.cols.is_a?(Array)
- @worksheet.cols = [@worksheet.cols]
- end
- @worksheet.cols.each do |col|
- if col[:attributes][:customWidth].nil?
- col[:attributes][:customWidth] = '0'
- end
- if col[:attributes][:width].nil?
- col[:attributes][:width] = '10'
- col[:attributes][:customWidth] = '0'
- end
- # unless col[:attributes] == {}
- xml.col('style'=>@workbook.style_corrector[col[:attributes][:style].to_s].to_s,
- 'min'=>col[:attributes][:min].to_s,
- 'max'=>col[:attributes][:max].to_s,
- 'width'=>col[:attributes][:width].to_s,
- 'customWidth'=>col[:attributes][:customWidth].to_s)
- # end
- end
- }
- end
- xml.sheetData {
- i=0
- @worksheet.sheet_data.each_with_index do |row,i|
- #TODO fix this spans thing. could be 2:3 (not necessary)
- if @worksheet.row_styles[(i+1).to_s].nil?
- @worksheet.row_styles[(i+1).to_s] = {}
- @worksheet.row_styles[(i+1).to_s][:style] = '0'
- end
- custom_format = '1'
- if @worksheet.row_styles[(i+1).to_s][:style] == '0'
- custom_format = '0'
- end
- @worksheet.row_styles[(i+1).to_s][:style] = @workbook.style_corrector[@worksheet.row_styles[(i+1).to_s][:style].to_s]
- row_opts = {
- 'r'=>(i+1).to_s,
- 'spans'=>'1:'+row.size.to_s,
- 'customFormat'=>custom_format
- }
- unless @worksheet.row_styles[(i+1).to_s][:style].to_s == ''
- row_opts['s'] = @worksheet.row_styles[(i+1).to_s][:style].to_s
- end
- unless @worksheet.row_styles[(i+1).to_s][:height].to_s == ''
- row_opts['ht'] = @worksheet.row_styles[(i+1).to_s][:height].to_s
- end
- unless @worksheet.row_styles[(i+1).to_s][:customheight].to_s == ''
- row_opts['customHeight'] = @worksheet.row_styles[(i+1).to_s][:customHeight].to_s
- end
- xml.row(row_opts) {
- row.each_with_index do |dat, j|
- unless dat.nil?
- #TODO do xml.c for all cases, inside specific.
- # if dat.formula.nil?
- dat.style_index = @workbook.style_corrector[dat.style_index.to_s]
- c_opts = {'r'=>Cell.convert_to_cell(i,j), 's'=>dat.style_index.to_s}
- unless dat.datatype.nil? || dat.datatype == ''
- c_opts['t'] = dat.datatype
- end
- xml.c(c_opts) {
- unless dat.formula.nil?
- if dat.formula_attributes.nil? || dat.formula_attributes.empty?
- xml.f dat.formula.to_s
- else
- xml.f('t'=>dat.formula_attributes['t'].to_s, 'ref'=>dat.formula_attributes['ref'], 'si'=>dat.formula_attributes['si']).nokogiri dat.formula
- end
- end
- if(dat.datatype == 's')
- unless dat.value.nil? #empty cell, but has a style
- xml.v @workbook.shared_strings[dat.value].to_s
- end
- elsif(dat.datatype == 'str')
- xml.v dat.value.to_s
- elsif(dat.datatype == '') #number
- xml.v dat.value.to_s
- end
- }
- #
- # else
- # xml.c('r'=>Cell.convert_to_cell(i,j)) {
- # xml.v dat.value.to_s
- # }
- # end #data.formula.nil?
- end #unless dat.nil?
- end #row.each_with_index
- }
- end
- }
- xml.sheetCalcPr('fullCalcOnLoad'=>'1')
- unless @worksheet.merged_cells.nil? || @worksheet.merged_cells.size==0
- #There is some kind of bug here that when merged_cells is sometimes a hash and not an array
- #initial attempt at a fix fails in corrupted excel documents leaving as is for now.
- xml.mergeCells {
- @worksheet.merged_cells.each do |merged_cell|
- xml.mergeCell('ref'=>merged_cell[:attributes][:ref].to_s)
- end
- }
- end
- xml.phoneticPr('fontId'=>'1','type'=>'noConversion')
- unless @worksheet.validations.nil?
- xml.dataValidations('count'=>@worksheet.validations.size.to_s) {
- @worksheet.validations.each do |validation|
- xml.dataValidation('type'=>validation[:attributes][:type],
- 'sqref'=>validation[:attributes][:sqref],
- 'allowBlank'=>Integer(validation[:attributes][:allowBlank]).to_s,
- 'showInputMessage'=>Integer(validation[:attributes][:showInputMessage]).to_s,
- 'showErrorMessage'=>Integer(validation[:attributes][:showErrorMessage]).to_s) {
- unless validation[:formula1].nil?
- xml.formula1 validation[:formula1]
- end
- }
- end
- }
- end
- xml.pageMargins('left'=>'0.75','right'=>'0.75','top'=>'1',
- 'bottom'=>'1','header'=>'0.5','footer'=>'0.5')
- xml.pageSetup('orientation'=>'portrait',
- 'horizontalDpi'=>'4294967292', 'verticalDpi'=>'4294967292')
- unless @worksheet.legacy_drawing.nil?
- xml.legacyDrawing('r:id'=>@worksheet.legacy_drawing[:attributes][:id])
- end
unless @worksheet.extLst.nil?
- xml.extLst {
- xml.ext('xmlns:mx'=>"",
- 'uri'=>"") {
- xml['mx'].PLV('Mode'=>'1', 'OnePage'=>'0','WScale'=>'0')
- }
- }
+ root << (xml.create_element('extLst') { |extlst|
+ extlst << (xml.create_element('ext', {
+ 'xmlns:mx' => '',
+ 'uri' => '' }) { |ext|
+ ext << xml.create_element('mx:PLV', { :Mode => 1, :OnePage => 0, :WScale => 0 })
+ })
+ })
- }
- end
- contents = builder.to_xml
- contents = contents.gsub(/\n/,'')
- contents = contents.gsub(/>(\s)+</,'><')
- contents = contents.sub(/<\?xml version=\"1.0\"\?>/,'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>'+"\n")
- contents
- end
- end
+ end # class
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