lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb in rubyXL-3.3.10 vs lib/rubyXL/convenience_methods.rb in rubyXL-3.3.11
- old
+ new
@@ -567,9 +567,70 @@
next if c.nil?
c.style_index = @workbook.modify_alignment(c.style_index, &block)
+ # Returns 2D array of just the cell values (without style or formula information)
+ def extract_data(args = {})
+ warn "[DEPRECATION] `#{__method__}` is deprecated. Please access data directly by iterating through .sheet_data.rows"
+ { |row|
+ { |c| c && c.value(args) } unless row.nil?
+ }
+ end
+ def get_table(headers = [], opts = {})
+ warn "[DEPRECATION] `#{__method__}` is deprecated. Please access data directly by iterating through .sheet_data.rows"
+ validate_workbook
+ headers = [headers] unless headers.is_a?(Array)
+ row_num = find_first_row_with_content(headers)
+ return nil if row_num.nil?
+ table_hash = {}
+ table_hash[:table] = []
+ header_row = sheet_data[row_num]
+ header_row.cells.each_with_index { |header_cell, index|
+ break if index>0 && !opts[:last_header].nil? && !header_row[index-1].nil? && !header_row[index-1].value.nil? && header_row[index-1].value.to_s==opts[:last_header]
+ next if header_cell.nil? || header_cell.value.nil?
+ header = header_cell.value.to_s
+ table_hash[:sorted_headers]||=[]
+ table_hash[:sorted_headers] << header
+ table_hash[header] = []
+ original_row = row_num + 1
+ current_row = original_row
+ row = sheet_data.rows[current_row]
+ cell = row && row.cells[index]
+ # makes array of hashes in table_hash[:table]
+ # as well as hash of arrays in table_hash[header]
+ table_index = current_row - original_row
+ cell_test = (!cell.nil? && !cell.value.nil?)
+ while cell_test || (table_hash[:table][table_index] && !table_hash[:table][table_index].empty?)
+ table_hash[header] << cell.value if cell_test
+ table_index = current_row - original_row
+ if cell_test then
+ table_hash[:table][table_index] ||= {}
+ table_hash[:table][table_index][header] = cell.value
+ end
+ current_row += 1
+ if sheet_data.rows[current_row].nil? then
+ cell = nil
+ else
+ cell = sheet_data.rows[current_row].cells[index]
+ end
+ cell_test = (!cell.nil? && !cell.value.nil?)
+ end
+ }
+ return table_hash
+ end
module CellConvenienceMethods