lib/ruby-vpi.rb in ruby-vpi-13.0.0 vs lib/ruby-vpi.rb in ruby-vpi-14.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -17,48 +17,36 @@
along with Ruby-VPI; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
module RubyVpi
- # Initializes the bench by loading:
- # 1. the design.rb file
- # 2. the proto.rb file if prototyping is enabled
- # 3. the spec.rb file
+ # Initializes the bench by setting up code coverage, the interactive debugger, and so on:
+ # 1. loads the design.rb file
+ # 2. loads the proto.rb file if prototyping is enabled
+ # 3. loads the spec.rb file
- # aDesignId:: The name of the Ruby design object.
- # aSpecFormat:: The format being used by the specification.
- # aClockTrigger:: When the return value of this block is +true+, then the relay_verilog method returns. This block is given one argument: a handle to the clock signal that drives the design under test. If this block is not specified, relay_verilog will always return upon the next positive edge of the clock signal.
+ # aDesignId:: The name of the Ruby object which gives access to the design under test.
+ # aSpecFormat:: The name of the format being used by the specification.
+ # aSimulationCycle:: A block that simulates the design under test by, for example, toggling the clock signal.
- # # return upon positive edge
- # RubyVpi.init_bench ... |clk|
- # clk.intVal == 1
- # end
- #
- # # return upon negative edge
- # RubyVpi.init_bench ... do |clk|
- # clk.intVal == 0
- # end
- #
- # # return whenever clock changes
- # RubyVpi.init_bench ... do |clk|
- # true
- # end
- #
- def RubyVpi.init_bench aDesignId, aSpecFormat, &aClockTrigger # :yields: clock_signal
+ def RubyVpi.init_bench aDesignId, aSpecFormat, &aSimulationCycle
+ raise ArgumentError, "block must be given" unless block_given?
if caller.find {|s| s =~ /^(.*?)_bench.rb:/}
testName = $1
raise 'Unable to determine name of test.'
- aClockTrigger ||= lambda {|clk| clk.intVal == 1}
useDebugger = !(ENV['DEBUG'] || '').empty?
useCoverage = !(ENV['COVERAGE'] || '').empty?
usePrototype = !(ENV['PROTOTYPE'] || '').empty?
# set up code coverage analysis
+ # XXX: this is loaded *before* RCov to prevent coverage statistics about it
+ require 'ruby-vpi/vpi'
if useCoverage
require 'ruby-vpi/rcov'
RubyVpi.with_coverage_analysis do |a|
a.dump_coverage_info [
@@ -102,12 +90,10 @@
# set up the VPI utility layer
- require 'ruby-vpi/vpi'
Object.class_eval do
include Vpi
# load the design under test
@@ -121,51 +107,27 @@
# load the design's prototype
if usePrototype
require "#{testName}_proto.rb"
Vpi.module_eval do
- define_method :relay_verilog do
+ define_method :simulate do
+ define_method :vpi_register_cb do
+ warn "vpi_register_cb: callbacks not allowed when prototyping"
+ end
Vpi::vpi_printf "#{Config::PROJECT_NAME}: prototype is enabled for test #{testName.inspect}\n"
- # trigger relay_verilog according to aClockTrigger
- regs = design[VpiReg].sort_by {|h| h.lineNo}
- clock = regs.first
Vpi.module_eval do
- # register callback for relay_verilog
- time =
- time.type = VpiSuppressTime
- value =
- value.format = VpiSuppressVal
- alarm =
- alarm.reason = CbValueChange
- alarm.cb_rtn = Vlog_relay_ruby
- alarm.obj = clock
- alarm.time = time
- alarm.value = value
- alarm.index = 0
- alarm.user_data = nil
- vpi_free_object(vpi_register_cb(alarm))
- alias_method :relay_verilog_old, :relay_verilog
- define_method :relay_verilog do
- begin
- relay_verilog_old
- end until
- end
+ define_method :simulate, &aSimulationCycle
- # XXX: this completes the handshake with pthread_mutex_lock() in relay_main() in the C extension
- relay_verilog_old
+ # XXX: this completes the handshake, by calling relay_verilog, with pthread_mutex_lock() in relay_main() in the C extension
+ advance_time
# load the design's specification
require "#{testName}_spec.rb"