ext/Rakefile in ruby-vpi-21.0.0 vs ext/Rakefile in ruby-vpi-21.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
# Build file for the native C extension.
# = Environment variables
-# CFLAGS:: Arguments to the compiler.
-# LDFLAGS:: Arguments to the linker.
-# SIMULATOR:: ID of the simulator.
+# CFLAGS :: Override the default options passed to the compiler.
+# CFLAGS_EXTRA :: Provide additional options for the compiler.
+# LDFLAGS :: Override the default options passed to the linker.
+# LDFLAGS_EXTRA :: Provide additional options for the linker.
+# SIMULATOR :: ID of the simulator.
# Copyright 2006 Suraj N. Kurapati
# See the file named LICENSE for details.
require 'rake/clean'
@@ -19,19 +23,20 @@
task :default => 'Makefile' do |t|
sh 'make', '-f', t.prerequisites[0]
file 'Makefile' => [:swig, 'extconf.rb'] do |t|
- cflags = "#{ENV['CFLAGS']} -g -Werror"
+ args = []
- # detect ruby version on behalf of C extension
- v = RUBY_VERSION.split('.')
- until v.empty?
- cflags << " -DHAVE_RUBY_#{v.join '_'}"
- v.pop
+ if flags = ENV['CFLAGS']
+ args << "--with-cflags=#{flags}"
- ruby t.prerequisites[1], "--with-cflags=#{cflags}", "--with-ldflags=#{ENV['LDFLAGS']}"
+ if flags = ENV['LDFLAGS']
+ args << "--with-ldflags=#{flags}"
+ end
+ ruby t.prerequisites[1], *args
CLEAN.include 'Makefile', 'mkmf.log', '*.o', "*.#{Config::CONFIG['DLEXT']}"