doc/readme.html in ruby-vpi-17.0.0 vs doc/readme.html in ruby-vpi-18.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -6,15 +6,23 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="print.css" media="print" />
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="" title="RSS feed for this project." />
<title>Ruby-VPI: Ruby interface to Verilog VPI</title>
+ <div id="site-links">
+ <a href="readme.html">Home</a>
+ · <a href="manual.html">Manual</a>
+ · <a href="memo.html">Memo</a>
+ · <a href="history.html">History</a>
+ <hr style="display: none"/>
+ </div>
- <div id="body"><div style="float: right">Version 17.0.0</div>
+ <div id="body"><div style="float: right">Version 18.0.0</div>
<h1 style="padding-top: 0">Ruby-VPI</h1>
- <p><a href=""><img src="images/ruby/logo-reflection.png" alt="Logo of the Ruby programming language" style="margin: 0; margin-left: 2em; float: right"/></a></p>
+ <p><a href=""><img src="images/ruby/logo-reflection.png" alt="Logo of the Ruby programming language" style="margin: 0; margin-left: 2em; margin-bottom: 1em; float: right"/></a></p>
<p>Ruby-VPI is a platform for unit testing, rapid prototyping, and systems integration of Verilog modules through the <a href="">Ruby programming language</a>. It lets you:</p>
@@ -32,43 +40,47 @@
<hr style="display: none"/>
<div id="resources" class="section">
<h1 class="title">
- <a href="#a-607522818">1</a>
+ <a href="#a-607398468">1</a>
<div id="Records" class="paragraph">
<p class="title">Records</p>
- <a type="application/rss+xml" href=""><img src="images/feed-icon-28x28.png" alt="RSS feed for release notifications" style="float: right"/></a>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="history.html#a18.0.0">What’s new</a>
+ – release notes for version 18.0.0.
- <li><a href="history.html">What’s new</a>
- – a history of all release notes.</li>
+ <li><a href="history.html">History</a>
+ – a record of all release notes.</li>
+ <li><a type="application/rss+xml" href=""><img src="images/feed-icon-28x28.png" alt="RSS feed for release announcements" style="float: right"/></a> <a href="">RSS feed</a>
+ – keep track of new releases at your leisure.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
<li><a href="memo.html">Plans</a>
– pending tasks for future releases.</li>
<li><a href="">Talks</a>
– materials from presentations and seminars.</li>
<li><a href="">Papers</a>
– research publications.</li>
- <li><a href="">Motivation</a>
- – why does Ruby-VPI exist?</li>
<div id="Documentation" class="paragraph">
<p class="title">Documentation</p>
- <li><a href="manual.html">User manual</a>
- – complete documentation for users. <em>Start here!</em>
+ <li><a href="">Motivation</a>
+ – why was Ruby-VPI developed?</li>
+ <li><a href="manual.html">User manual</a>
+ – complete documentation for users.
<li><a href="manual.html#usage.tutorial">Tutorial</a>
– learn how to use Ruby-VPI quickly.</li>
@@ -81,21 +93,21 @@
<div id="Facilities" class="paragraph">
<p class="title">Facilities</p>
<li><a href="">Downloads</a>
– obtain release packages</li>
- <li><a href="">Source code</a>
+ <li><a href="">Source code</a>
– browse online or obtain with <a href="">Darcs</a>.</li>
<li><a href="">Forums</a>
– discuss things and ask questions.</li>
<li><a href="">Bugs</a>
– report defects in the software.</li>
<li><a href="">Patches</a>
– submit patches to source code.</li>
<li><a href="">Requests</a>
– request new features or get support.</li>
- <li><a href="">Project portal</a>
+ <li><a href="">Project portal</a>
– hosted generously by <a href="">RubyForge</a>.</li>
@@ -106,11 +118,11 @@
<hr style="display: none"/>
<div id="intro.features" class="section">
<h1 class="title">
- <a href="#a-607537108">2</a>
+ <a href="#a-607410618">2</a>
@@ -119,11 +131,11 @@
<div id="Portable" class="paragraph">
<p class="title">Portable</p>
<li>Supports the <em>entire</em> <a href=""><span class="caps">IEEE 1364</span>-2005 Verilog VPI</a> standard.</li>
<li>Works with all <a href="#intro.reqs">major Verilog simulators</a> available today.</li>
- <li>Compiled <em>just once</em> during <a href="manual.html#setup.installation">installation</a> and used forever!</li>
+ <li>Compiled <em>just once</em> during <a href="manual.html#setup.inst">installation</a> and used forever!</li>
<div id="Agile" class="paragraph">
@@ -140,11 +152,11 @@
<li>Eliminates unneccesary work:
<li><a href="manual.html#usage.tutorial.specification">Specifications</a> are readable, portable, and <em>executable</em>.</li>
- <li>The <a href="">automated test generator</a> helps you accomodate design changes with <em>minimal</em> effort.</li>
+ <li>The <a href="">automated test generator</a> helps you accomodate design changes with <em>minimal</em> effort.</li>
<li>There is absolutely <em>no compiling</em>!</li>
@@ -177,11 +189,11 @@
<hr style="display: none"/>
<div id="intro.reqs" class="section">
<h1 class="title">
- <a href="#a-607549738">3</a>
+ <a href="#a-607422318">3</a>
@@ -198,16 +210,16 @@
<li><a href="">Synopsys VCS</a>
– any version that supports the <tt>-load</tt> option is acceptable.</li>
<li><a href="">Mentor Modelsim</a>
– any version that supports the <tt>-pli</tt> option is acceptable.</li>
- <li><a href="">Cadence NC-Sim / NC-Verilog</a>
- – any version that supports the <tt>+loadvpi</tt> option is acceptable.</li>
+ <li><a href="">Cadence NC-Sim</a>
+ – any version that supports the <tt>+loadvpi</tt> option is <em>mostly</em> acceptable because you <strong>will not</strong> be able to <a href="manual.html#problem.ncsim.vpiForceFlag">force values onto wires</a>.</li>
<li><a href="">GPL Cver</a>
– version 2.11a or newer is acceptable.</li>
- <li><a href="">Icarus Verilog</a>
- – version 0.8 is <em>mostly</em> acceptable—you <strong>will not</strong> be able to <a href="">access child handles through method calls</a>. The reason for this limitation is explained <a href="manual.html#problems.ivl.vpi_handle_by_name.absolute-paths">in the user manual</a>.</li>
+ <li><a href="">Icarus Verilog</a>
+ – version 0.8 is <em>mostly</em> acceptable because you <strong>will not</strong> be able to <a href="manual.html#Accessing_a_handle_s_relatives">access child handles through method calls</a>. The reason for this limitation is explained <a href="manual.html#problems.ivl.vpi_handle_by_name.absolute-paths">in the user manual</a>.</li>
<div id="Compilers" class="paragraph">
@@ -215,12 +227,14 @@
<li><a href="">make</a>
– any flavor should be acceptable.</li>
<li>C compiler
– the <a href="" title="GCC">GNU Compiler Collection</a> is preferred, but any C compiler should be acceptable.</li>
- <li><a href="">Ruby</a>
- – version 1.8 or newer, including header and linkable object files for building extensions, is necessary. You can install Ruby by following <a href="">these instructions</a>.</li>
+ <li><a href="">SWIG</a>
+ – version 1.3.29 or newer is necessary.</li>
+ <li><a href="">Ruby</a>
+ – version 1.8 or newer, including header and linkable object files for building extensions, is necessary. You can install Ruby by following <a href="">these instructions</a>.</li>
<div id="Libraries" class="paragraph">
@@ -241,11 +255,11 @@
<hr style="display: none"/>
<div id="intro.applications" class="section">
<h1 class="title">
- <a href="#a-607552458">4</a>
+ <a href="#a-607424848">4</a>
@@ -287,11 +301,11 @@
<hr style="display: none"/>
<div id="intro.appetizers" class="section">
<h1 class="title">
- <a href="#a-607555198">5</a>
+ <a href="#a-607427418">5</a>
@@ -355,35 +369,37 @@
<hr style="display: none"/>
<div id="intro.license" class="section">
<h1 class="title">
- <a href="#a-607558088">6</a>
+ <a href="#a-607430248">6</a>
- <p>Copyright 2006 Suraj N. Kurapati <></p>
+ <p>Copyright 2006 Suraj N. Kurapati <SNK at GNA dot ORG><br/>
+Copyright 1999 Kazuhiro HIWADA <HIWADA at KUEE dot KYOTO-U dot AC dot JP><br/></p>
<p>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:</p>
- <p>1. All modified and unmodified copies and substantial portions of the Software
- (the "Derivatives") and their corresponding machine-readable source code (the
- "Code") must include the above copyright notice and this permission notice.</p>
+ <p>1. All copies and substantial portions of the Software, whether modified or
+ unmodified, (the "Derivatives") and their corresponding machine-readable
+ source code (the "Code") must include the above copyright notice and this
+ permission notice.</p>
- <p>2. Upon distribution, the Derivatives must be accompanied either by the Code or,
- if the Code is obtainable for no more than the cost of distribution plus a
+ <p>2. The Derivatives, upon distribution, must be accompanied by the Code or, if
+ the Code is obtainable for no more than the cost of distribution plus a
nominal fee, by information on how to obtain the Code.</p>
<p><span class="caps">THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED</span> "AS IS", <span class="caps">WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND</span>, EXPRESS OR
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<hr style="display: none"/>
<div id="intro.related-works" class="section">
<h1 class="title">
- <a href="#a-607563868">7</a>
+ <a href="#a-607435548">7</a>
Related works
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<hr style="display: none"/>
<div id="intro.related-works.pli" class="section">
<h2 class="title">
- <a href="#a-607560688">7.1</a>
+ <a href="#a-607432668">7.1</a>
Ye olde PLI