lib/ruby-units.rb in ruby-units-1.0.1 vs lib/ruby-units.rb in ruby-units-1.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,1414 +1,11 @@
-require 'mathn'
-require 'rational'
-require 'date'
-require 'parsedate'
-# = Ruby Units 1.0.1
-# Copyright 2006 by Kevin C. Olbrich, Ph.D.
-# See
-# mailto://
-# See README for detailed usage instructions and examples
-# ==Unit Definition Format
-# '<name>' => [%w{prefered_name synonyms}, conversion_to_base, :classification, %w{<base> <units> <in> <numerator>} , %w{<base> <units> <in> <denominator>} ],
-# Prefixes (e.g., a :prefix classification) get special handling
-# Note: The accuracy of unit conversions depends on the precision of the conversion factor.
-# If you have more accurate estimates for particular conversion factors, please send them
-# to me and I will incorporate them into the next release. It is also incumbent on the end-user
-# to ensure that the accuracy of any conversions is sufficient for their intended application.
-# While there are a large number of unit specified in the base package,
-# there are also a large number of units that are not included.
-# This package covers nearly all SI, Imperial, and units commonly used
-# in the United States. If your favorite units are not listed here, send me an email
-# To add / override a unit definition, add a code block like this..
-# class Unit < Numeric
-# <name>' => [%w{prefered_name synonyms}, conversion_to_base, :classification, %w{<base> <units> <in> <numerator>} , %w{<base> <units> <in> <denominator>} ]
-# }
-# end
-# Unit.setup
-class Unit < Numeric
- require 'units'
- # pre-generate hashes from unit definitions for performance.
- VERSION = '1.0.1'
- @@PREFIX_MAP = {}
- @@UNIT_MAP = {}
- @@UNIT_VALUES = {}
- @@OUTPUT_MAP = {}
- @@BASE_UNITS = ['<meter>','<kilogram>','<second>','<mole>', '<farad>', '<ampere>','<radian>','<kelvin>','<byte>','<dollar>','<candela>','<each>','<steradian>','<decibel>']
- UNITY = '<1>'
- FEET_INCH_REGEX = /(\d+)\s*(?:'|ft|feet)\s*(\d+)\s*(?:"|in|inches)/
- TIME_REGEX = /(\d+)*:(\d+)*:*(\d+)*[:,]*(\d+)*/
- LBS_OZ_REGEX = /(\d+)\s*(?:#|lbs|pounds)+[\s,]*(\d+)\s*(?:oz|ounces)/
- SCI_NUMBER = %r{([+-]?\d*[.]?\d+(?:[Ee][+-]?)?\d*)}
- RATIONAL_NUMBER = /(\d+)\/(\d+)/
- NUMBER_REGEX = /#{SCI_NUMBER}*\s*(.+)?/
- UNIT_STRING_REGEX = /#{SCI_NUMBER}*\s*([^\/]*)\/*(.+)*/
- TOP_REGEX = /([^ \*]+)(?:\^|\*\*)([\d-]+)/
- BOTTOM_REGEX = /([^* ]+)(?:\^|\*\*)(\d+)/
- UNCERTAIN_REGEX = /#{SCI_NUMBER}\s*\+\/-\s*#{SCI_NUMBER}\s(.+)/
- KELVIN = ['<kelvin>']
- FARENHEIT = ['<farenheit>']
- RANKINE = ['<rankine>']
- CELCIUS = ['<celcius>']
+require 'ruby_units/array'
+require 'ruby_units/date'
+require 'ruby_units/time'
+require 'ruby_units/math'
+require 'ruby_units/numeric'
+require 'ruby_units/object'
+require 'ruby_units/string'
+require 'ruby_units/complex'
+require 'ruby_units/units'
+require 'ruby_units/ruby-units'
- SIGNATURE_VECTOR = [:length, :time, :temperature, :mass, :current, :substance, :luminosity, :currency, :memory, :angle, :capacitance]
- @@KINDS = {
- -312058=>:resistance,
- -312038=>:inductance,
- -152040=>:magnetism,
- -152038=>:magnetism,
- -152058=>:potential,
- -39=>:acceleration,
- -38=>:radiation,
- -20=>:frequency,
- -19=>:speed,
- -18=>:viscosity,
- 0=>:unitless,
- 1=>:length,
- 2=>:area,
- 3=>:volume,
- 20=>:time,
- 400=>:temperature,
- 7942=>:power,
- 7959=>:pressure,
- 7962=>:energy,
- 7979=>:viscosity,
- 7981=>:force,
- 7997=>:mass_concentration,
- 8000=>:mass,
- 159999=>:magnetism,
- 160000=>:current,
- 160020=>:charge,
- 312058=>:resistance,
- 3199980=>:activity,
- 3199997=>:molar_concentration,
- 3200000=>:substance,
- 63999998=>:illuminance,
- 64000000=>:luminous_power,
- 1280000000=>:currency,
- 25600000000=>:memory,
- 511999999980=>:angular_velocity,
- 512000000000=>:angle,
- 10240000000000=>:capacitance,
- }
- @@cached_units = {}
- @@base_unit_cache = {}
- def self.setup
- for unit in (@@ALL_UNIT_DEFINITIONS) do
- key, value = unit
- if value[2] == :prefix then
- @@PREFIX_VALUES[key]=value[1]
- for name in value[0] do
- @@PREFIX_MAP[name]=key
- end
- else
- @@UNIT_VALUES[key]={}
- @@UNIT_VALUES[key][:scalar]=value[1]
- @@UNIT_VALUES[key][:numerator]=value[3] if value[3]
- @@UNIT_VALUES[key][:denominator]=value[4] if value[4]
- for name in value[0] do
- @@UNIT_MAP[name]=key
- end
- end
- @@OUTPUT_MAP[key]=value[0][0]
- end
- @@PREFIX_REGEX = @@PREFIX_MAP.keys.sort_by {|prefix| prefix.length}.reverse.join('|')
- @@UNIT_REGEX = @@UNIT_MAP.keys.sort_by {|unit| unit.length}.reverse.join('|')
- end
- include Comparable
- attr_accessor :scalar, :numerator, :denominator, :signature, :base_scalar, :base_numerator, :base_denominator, :output, :unit_name
- def to_yaml_properties
- %w{@scalar @numerator @denominator @signature @base_scalar}
- end
- def copy(from)
- @scalar = from.scalar
- @numerator = from.numerator
- @denominator = from.denominator
- @is_base = from.is_base?
- @signature = from.signature
- @base_scalar = from.base_scalar
- @output = from.output rescue nil
- @unit_name = from.unit_name rescue nil
- end
- # basically a copy of the basic to_yaml. Needed because otherwise it ends up coercing the object to a string
- # before YAML'izing it.
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- YAML::quick_emit( object_id, opts ) do |out|
- taguri, to_yaml_style ) do |map|
- for m in to_yaml_properties do
- map.add( m[1..-1], instance_variable_get( m ) )
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # Create a new Unit object. Can be initialized using a string, or a hash
- # Valid formats include:
- # "5.6 kg*m/s^2"
- # "5.6 kg*m*s^-2"
- # "5.6 kilogram*meter*second^-2"
- # "2.2 kPa"
- # "37 degC"
- # "1" -- creates a unitless constant with value 1
- # "GPa" -- creates a unit with scalar 1 with units 'GPa'
- # 6'4" -- recognized as 6 feet + 4 inches
- # 8 lbs 8 oz -- recognized as 8 lbs + 8 ounces
- #
- def initialize(*options)
- @scalar = nil
- @base_scalar = nil
- @unit_name = nil
- @signature = nil
- @output = nil
- if options.size == 2
- begin
- cached = @@cached_units[options[1]] * options[0]
- copy(cached)
- rescue
- initialize("#{options[0]} #{(options[1].units rescue options[1])}")
- end
- return
- end
- if options.size == 3
- begin
- cached = @@cached_units["#{options[1]}/#{options[2]}"] * options[0]
- copy(cached)
- rescue
- initialize("#{options[0]} #{options[1]}/#{options[2]}")
- end
- return
- end
- case options[0]
- when Hash:
- @scalar = options[0][:scalar] || 1
- @numerator = options[0][:numerator] || UNITY_ARRAY
- @denominator = options[0][:denominator] || UNITY_ARRAY
- @signature = options[0][:signature]
- when Array:
- initialize(*options[0])
- return
- when Numeric:
- @scalar = options[0]
- @numerator = @denominator = UNITY_ARRAY
- when Time:
- @scalar = options[0].to_f
- @numerator = ['<second>']
- @denominator = UNITY_ARRAY
- when DateTime:
- @scalar = options[0].ajd
- @numerator = ['<day>']
- @denominator = UNITY_ARRAY
- when "": raise ArgumentError, "No Unit Specified"
- when String: parse(options[0])
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "Invalid Unit Format"
- end
- self.update_base_scalar
- self.replace_temperature
- unary_unit = self.units || ""
- opt_units = options[0].scan(NUMBER_REGEX)[0][1] if String === options[0]
- unless @@cached_units.keys.include?(opt_units) || (opt_units =~ /(temp|deg(C|K|R|F))|(pounds|lbs[ ,]\d+ ounces|oz)|('\d+")|(ft|feet[ ,]\d+ in|inch|inches)|%|(#{TIME_REGEX})|i\s?(.+)?/)
- @@cached_units[opt_units] = (self.scalar == 1 ? self : opt_units.unit) if opt_units && !opt_units.empty?
- end
- unless @@cached_units.keys.include?(unary_unit) || (unary_unit =~ /(temp|deg)(C|K|R|F)/) then
- @@cached_units[unary_unit] = (self.scalar == 1 ? self : unary_unit.unit)
- end
- [@scalar, @numerator, @denominator, @base_scalar, @signature, @is_base].each {|x| x.freeze}
- self
- end
- def kind
- return @@KINDS[self.signature]
- end
- def self.cached
- return @@cached_units
- end
- def self.clear_cache
- @@cached_units = {}
- @@base_unit_cache = {}
- end
- def self.base_unit_cache
- return @@base_unit_cache
- end
- def to_unit
- self
- end
- alias :unit :to_unit
- # Returns 'true' if the Unit is represented in base units
- def is_base?
- return @is_base if defined? @is_base
- return @is_base=true if @signature == 400 && @numerator.size == 1 && @numerator[0] =~ /(celcius|kelvin|farenheit|rankine)/
- n = @numerator + @denominator
- for x in n.compact do
- return @is_base=false unless x == UNITY || (@@BASE_UNITS.include?((x)))
- end
- return @is_base = true
- end
- # convert to base SI units
- # results of the conversion are cached so subsequent calls to this will be fast
- def to_base
- return self if self.is_base?
- cached = @@base_unit_cache[self.units] * self.scalar rescue nil
- return cached if cached
- num = []
- den = []
- q = 1
- for unit in @numerator.compact do
- if @@PREFIX_VALUES[unit]
- q *= @@PREFIX_VALUES[unit]
- else
- q *= @@UNIT_VALUES[unit][:scalar] if @@UNIT_VALUES[unit]
- num << @@UNIT_VALUES[unit][:numerator] if @@UNIT_VALUES[unit] && @@UNIT_VALUES[unit][:numerator]
- den << @@UNIT_VALUES[unit][:denominator] if @@UNIT_VALUES[unit] && @@UNIT_VALUES[unit][:denominator]
- end
- end
- for unit in @denominator.compact do
- if @@PREFIX_VALUES[unit]
- q /= @@PREFIX_VALUES[unit]
- else
- q /= @@UNIT_VALUES[unit][:scalar] if @@UNIT_VALUES[unit]
- den << @@UNIT_VALUES[unit][:numerator] if @@UNIT_VALUES[unit] && @@UNIT_VALUES[unit][:numerator]
- num << @@UNIT_VALUES[unit][:denominator] if @@UNIT_VALUES[unit] && @@UNIT_VALUES[unit][:denominator]
- end
- end
- num = num.flatten.compact
- den = den.flatten.compact
- num = UNITY_ARRAY if num.empty?
- base=,num,den))
- @@base_unit_cache[self.units]=base
- return base * @scalar
- end
- # Generate human readable output.
- # If the name of a unit is passed, the unit will first be converted to the target unit before output.
- # some named conversions are available
- #
- # :ft - outputs in feet and inches (e.g., 6'4")
- # :lbs - outputs in pounds and ounces (e.g, 8 lbs, 8 oz)
- #
- # You can also pass a standard format string (i.e., '%0.2f')
- # or a strftime format string.
- #
- # output is cached so subsequent calls for the same format will be fast
- #
- def to_s(target_units=nil)
- out = @output[target_units] rescue nil
- if out
- return out
- else
- case target_units
- when :ft:
- inches ="in").scalar.to_int
- out = "#{(inches / 12).truncate}\'#{(inches % 12).round}\""
- when :lbs:
- ounces ="oz").scalar.to_int
- out = "#{(ounces / 16).truncate} lbs, #{(ounces % 16).round} oz"
- when String
- begin #first try a standard format string
- target_units =~ /(%[\w\d#+-.]*)*\s*(.+)*/
- out = $2 ?$2).to_s($1) : "#{($1 || '%g') % @scalar || 0} #{self.units}".strip
- rescue #if that is malformed, try a time string
- out = ( + self).strftime(target_units)
- end
- else
- out = case @scalar
- when Rational :
- "#{@scalar} #{self.units}"
- else
- "#{'%g' % @scalar} #{self.units}"
- end.strip
- end
- @output = {target_units => out}
- return out
- end
- end
- # Normally pretty prints the unit, but if you really want to see the guts of it, pass ':dump'
- def inspect(option=nil)
- return super() if option == :dump
- self.to_s
- end
- # returns true if no associated units
- # false, even if the units are "unitless" like 'radians, each, etc'
- def unitless?
- (@numerator == UNITY_ARRAY && @denominator == UNITY_ARRAY)
- end
- # Compare two Unit objects. Throws an exception if they are not of compatible types.
- # Comparisons are done based on the value of the unit in base SI units.
- def <=>(other)
- case other
- when Unit:
- raise ArgumentError, "Incompatible Units" unless self =~ other
- self.base_scalar <=> other.base_scalar
- else
- x,y = coerce(other)
- x <=> y
- end
- end
- # check to see if units are compatible, but not the scalar part
- # this check is done by comparing signatures for performance reasons
- # if passed a string, it will create a unit object with the string and then do the comparison
- # this permits a syntax like:
- # unit =~ "mm"
- # if you want to do a regexp on the unit string do this ...
- # unit.units =~ /regexp/
- def =~(other)
- case other
- when Unit : self.signature == other.signature
- else
- x,y = coerce(other)
- x =~ y
- end
- end
- alias :compatible? :=~
- alias :compatible_with? :=~
- # Compare two units. Returns true if quantities and units match
- #
- # Unit("100 cm") === Unit("100 cm") # => true
- # Unit("100 cm") === Unit("1 m") # => false
- def ===(other)
- case other
- when Unit: (self.scalar == other.scalar) && (self.units == other.units)
- else
- x,y = coerce(other)
- x === y
- end
- end
- alias :same? :===
- alias :same_as? :===
- # Add two units together. Result is same units as receiver and scalar and base_scalar are updated appropriately
- # throws an exception if the units are not compatible.
- # It is possible to add Time objects to units of time
- def +(other)
- if Unit === other
- if self =~ other then
- @q ||= @@cached_units[self.units].scalar / @@cached_units[self.units].base_scalar
->(self.base_scalar + other.base_scalar)*@q, :numerator=>@numerator, :denominator=>@denominator, :signature => @signature)
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "Incompatible Units"
- end
- elsif Time === other
- other + self
- else
- x,y = coerce(other)
- y + x
- end
- end
- # Subtract two units. Result is same units as receiver and scalar and base_scalar are updated appropriately
- # throws an exception if the units are not compatible.
- def -(other)
- if Unit === other
- if self =~ other then
- @q ||= @@cached_units[self.units].scalar / @@cached_units[self.units].base_scalar
->(self.base_scalar - other.base_scalar)*@q, :numerator=>@numerator, :denominator=>@denominator, :signature=>@signature)
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "Incompatible Units"
- end
- elsif Time === other
- other - self
- else
- x,y = coerce(other)
- y-x
- end
- end
- # Multiply two units.
- def *(other)
- case other
- when Unit
- opts = Unit.eliminate_terms(@scalar*other.scalar, @numerator + other.numerator ,@denominator + other.denominator)
- opts.merge!(:signature => @signature + other.signature)
- when Numeric
->@scalar*other, :numerator=>@numerator, :denominator=>@denominator, :signature => @signature)
- else
- x,y = coerce(other)
- x * y
- end
- end
- # Divide two units.
- # Throws an exception if divisor is 0
- def /(other)
- case other
- when Unit
- raise ZeroDivisionError if
- opts = Unit.eliminate_terms(@scalar/other.scalar, @numerator + other.denominator ,@denominator + other.numerator)
- opts.merge!(:signature=> @signature - other.signature)
- when Numeric
- raise ZeroDivisionError if
->@scalar/other, :numerator=>@numerator, :denominator=>@denominator, :signature => @signature)
- else
- x,y = coerce(other)
- y / x
- end
- end
- # Exponentiate. Only takes integer powers.
- # Note that anything raised to the power of 0 results in a Unit object with a scalar of 1, and no units.
- # Throws an exception if exponent is not an integer.
- # Ideally this routine should accept a float for the exponent
- # It should then convert the float to a rational and raise the unit by the numerator and root it by the denominator
- # but, sadly, floats can't be converted to rationals.
- #
- # For now, if a rational is passed in, it will be used, otherwise we are stuck with integers and certain floats < 1
- def **(other)
- if Numeric === other
- return Unit("1") if
- return self if other == 1
- return self.inverse if other == -1
- end
- case other
- when Rational:
- self.power(other.numerator).root(other.denominator)
- when Integer:
- self.power(other)
- when Float:
- return self**(other.to_i) if other == other.to_i
- valid = (1..9).map {|x| 1/x}
- raise ArgumentError, "Not a n-th root (1..9), use 1/n" unless valid.include? other.abs
- self.root((1/other).to_int)
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "Invalid Exponent"
- end
- end
- def real
- return,self.units)
- end
- def imag
- return, self.units)
- end
- # returns the unit raised to the n-th power. Integers only
- def power(n)
- raise ArgumentError, "Can only use Integer exponenents" unless Integer === n
- return self if n == 1
- return Unit("1") if n == 0
- return self.inverse if n == -1
- if n > 0 then
- (1..n.to_i).inject("1")) {|product, x| product * self}
- else
- (1..-n.to_i).inject("1")) {|product, x| product / self}
- end
- end
- # Calculates the n-th root of a unit, where n = (1..9)
- # if n < 0, returns 1/unit^(1/n)
- def root(n)
- raise ArgumentError, "Exponent must an Integer" unless Integer === n
- raise ArgumentError, "0th root undefined" if n == 0
- return self if n == 1
- return self.root(n.abs).inverse if n < 0
- vec = self.unit_signature_vector
- {|x| x % n}
- raise ArgumentError, "Illegal root" unless vec.max == 0
- num = @numerator.dup
- den = @denominator.dup
- for item in @numerator.uniq do
- x = num.find_all {|i| i==item}.size
- r = ((x/n)*(n-1)).to_int
- r.times {|x| num.delete_at(num.index(item))}
- end
- for item in @denominator.uniq do
- x = den.find_all {|i| i==item}.size
- r = ((x/n)*(n-1)).to_int
- r.times {|x| den.delete_at(den.index(item))}
- end
- q = @scalar < 0 ? (-1)**Rational(1,n) * (@scalar.abs)**Rational(1,n) : @scalar**Rational(1,n)
- end
- # returns inverse of Unit (1/unit)
- def inverse
- Unit("1") / self
- end
- # convert to a specified unit string or to the same units as another Unit
- #
- # unit >> "kg" will covert to kilograms
- # unit1 >> unit2 converts to same units as unit2 object
- #
- # To convert a Unit object to match another Unit object, use:
- # unit1 >>= unit2
- # Throws an exception if the requested target units are incompatible with current Unit.
- #
- # Special handling for temperature conversions is supported. If the Unit object is converted
- # from one temperature unit to another, the proper temperature offsets will be used.
- # Supports Kelvin, Celcius, Farenheit, and Rankine scales.
- #
- # Note that if temperature is part of a compound unit, the temperature will be treated as a differential
- # and the units will be scaled appropriately.
- def to(other)
- return self if other.nil?
- return self if TrueClass === other
- return self if FalseClass === other
- if (Unit === other && other.units =~ /temp(K|C|R|F)/) || (String === other && other =~ /temp(K|C|R|F)/)
- raise ArgumentError, "Receiver is not a temperature unit" unless self.signature==400
- start_unit = self.units
- target_unit = other.units rescue other
- q=case start_unit
- when 'degC':
- case target_unit
- when 'tempC' : @scalar
- when 'tempK' : @scalar + 273.15
- when 'tempF' : @scalar * (9.0/5.0) + 32.0
- when 'tempR' : @scalar * (9.0/5.0) + 491.67
- end
- when 'degK':
- case target_unit
- when 'tempC' : @scalar - 273.15
- when 'tempK' : @scalar
- when 'tempF' : @scalar * (9.0/5.0) - 459.67
- when 'tempR' : @scalar * (9.0/5.0)
- end
- when 'degF':
- case target_unit
- when 'tempC' : (@scalar-32)*(5.0/9.0)
- when 'tempK' : (@scalar+459.67)*(5.0/9.0)
- when 'tempF' : @scalar
- when 'tempR' : @scalar + 459.67
- end
- when 'degR':
- case target_unit
- when 'tempC' : @scalar*(5.0/9.0) -273.15
- when 'tempK' : @scalar*(5.0/9.0)
- when 'tempF' : @scalar - 459.67
- when 'tempR' : @scalar
- end
- else
- return unless self.is_base?
- #raise ArgumentError, "Unknown temperature conversion requested #{self.numerator}"
- end
- target_unit =~ /temp(C|K|F|R)/
-"#{q} deg#{$1}")
- else
- case other
- when Unit:
- return self if other.units == self.units
- target = other
- when String: target =
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "Unknown target units"
- end
- raise ArgumentError, "Incompatible Units" unless self =~ target
- one = {|x| @@PREFIX_VALUES[x] ? @@PREFIX_VALUES[x] : x}.map {|i| i.kind_of?(Numeric) ? i : @@UNIT_VALUES[i][:scalar] }.compact
- two = {|x| @@PREFIX_VALUES[x] ? @@PREFIX_VALUES[x] : x}.map {|i| i.kind_of?(Numeric) ? i : @@UNIT_VALUES[i][:scalar] }.compact
- v = one.inject(1) {|product,n| product*n} / two.inject(1) {|product,n| product*n}
- one = {|x| @@PREFIX_VALUES[x] ? @@PREFIX_VALUES[x] : x}.map {|x| x.kind_of?(Numeric) ? x : @@UNIT_VALUES[x][:scalar] }.compact
- two = {|x| @@PREFIX_VALUES[x] ? @@PREFIX_VALUES[x] : x}.map {|x| x.kind_of?(Numeric) ? x : @@UNIT_VALUES[x][:scalar] }.compact
- y = one.inject(1) {|product,n| product*n} / two.inject(1) {|product,n| product*n}
- q = @scalar * v/y
->q, :numerator=>target.numerator, :denominator=>target.denominator, :signature => target.signature)
- end
- end
- alias :>> :to
- alias :convert_to :to
- # converts the unit back to a float if it is unitless. Otherwise raises an exception
- def to_f
- return @scalar.to_f if self.unitless?
- raise RuntimeError, "Can't convert to Float unless unitless. Use Unit#scalar"
- end
- # converts the unit back to a complex if it is unitless. Otherwise raises an exception
- def to_c
- return Complex(@scalar) if self.unitless?
- raise RuntimeError, "Can't convert to Complex unless unitless. Use Unit#scalar"
- end
- # returns the 'unit' part of the Unit object without the scalar
- def units
- return "" if @numerator == UNITY_ARRAY && @denominator == UNITY_ARRAY
- return @unit_name unless @unit_name.nil?
- output_n = []
- output_d =[]
- num = @numerator.clone.compact
- den = @denominator.clone.compact
- if @numerator == UNITY_ARRAY
- output_n << "1"
- else
- num.each_with_index do |token,index|
- if token && @@PREFIX_VALUES[token] then
- output_n << "#{@@OUTPUT_MAP[token]}#{@@OUTPUT_MAP[num[index+1]]}"
- num[index+1]=nil
- else
- output_n << "#{@@OUTPUT_MAP[token]}" if token
- end
- end
- end
- if @denominator == UNITY_ARRAY
- output_d = ['1']
- else
- den.each_with_index do |token,index|
- if token && @@PREFIX_VALUES[token] then
- output_d << "#{@@OUTPUT_MAP[token]}#{@@OUTPUT_MAP[den[index+1]]}"
- den[index+1]=nil
- else
- output_d << "#{@@OUTPUT_MAP[token]}" if token
- end
- end
- end
- on = output_n.reject {|x| x.empty?}.map {|x| [x, output_n.find_all {|z| z==x}.size]} {|x| ("#{x[0]}".strip+ (x[1] > 1 ? "^#{x[1]}" : ''))}
- od = output_d.reject {|x| x.empty?}.map {|x| [x, output_d.find_all {|z| z==x}.size]} {|x| ("#{x[0]}".strip+ (x[1] > 1 ? "^#{x[1]}" : ''))}
- out = "#{on.join('*')}#{od == ['1'] ? '': '/'+od.join('*')}".strip
- @unit_name = out unless self.kind == :temperature
- return out
- end
- # negates the scalar of the Unit
- def -@
- return -@scalar if self.unitless?
- -1 * self.dup
- end
- # returns abs of scalar, without the units
- def abs
- return @scalar.abs
- end
- def ceil
- return @scalar.ceil if self.unitless?
-, @numerator, @denominator)
- end
- def floor
- return @scalar.floor if self.unitless?
-, @numerator, @denominator)
- end
- # if unitless, returns an int, otherwise raises an error
- def to_i
- return @scalar.to_int if self.unitless?
- raise RuntimeError, 'Cannot convert to Integer unless unitless'
- end
- alias :to_int :to_i
- # Tries to make a Time object from current unit. Assumes the current unit hold the duration in seconds from the epoch.
- def to_time
- end
- alias :time :to_time
- def truncate
- return @scalar.truncate if self.unitless?
-, @numerator, @denominator)
- end
- # convert a duration to a DateTime. This will work so long as the duration is the duration from the zero date
- # defined by DateTime
- def to_datetime
- end
- def round
- return @scalar.round if self.unitless?
-, @numerator, @denominator)
- end
- # true if scalar is zero
- def zero?
- return
- end
- # '5 min'.unit.ago
- def ago
- self.before
- end
- # '5 min'.before(time)
- def before(time_point =
- raise ArgumentError, "Must specify a Time" unless time_point
- if String === time_point
- time_point.time - self rescue time_point.datetime - self
- else
- time_point - self rescue time_point.to_datetime - self
- end
- end
- alias :before_now :before
- # 'min'.since(time)
- def since(time_point =
- case time_point
- when Time: ( - time_point).unit('s').to(self)
- when DateTime, Date: ( - time_point).unit('d').to(self)
- when String:
- ( - time_point.time(:context=>:past)).unit('d').to(self)
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "Must specify a Time, DateTime, or String"
- end
- end
- # 'min'.until(time)
- def until(time_point =
- case time_point
- when Time: (time_point -'s').to(self)
- when DateTime, Date: (time_point -'d').to(self)
- when String:
- r = (time_point.time(:context=>:future) -
- Time === time_point.time ? r.unit('s').to(self) : r.unit('d').to(self)
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "Must specify a Time, DateTime, or String"
- end
- end
- # '5 min'.from(time)
- def from(time_point =
- raise ArgumentError, "Must specify a Time" unless time_point
- if String === time_point
- time_point.time + self rescue time_point.datetime + self
- else
- time_point + self rescue time_point.to_datetime + self
- end
- end
- alias :after :from
- alias :from_now :from
- # returns next unit in a range. '1 mm'.unit.succ #=> '2 mm'.unit
- # only works when the scalar is an integer
- def succ
- raise ArgumentError, "Non Integer Scalar" unless @scalar == @scalar.to_i
- q = @scalar.to_i.succ
-, @numerator, @denominator)
- end
- # automatically coerce objects to units when possible
- # if an object defines a 'to_unit' method, it will be coerced using that method
- def coerce(other)
- if other.respond_to? :to_unit
- return [other.to_unit, self]
- end
- case other
- when Unit : [other, self]
- else
- [, self]
- end
- end
- # Protected and Private Functions that should only be called from this class
- protected
- def update_base_scalar
- return @base_scalar unless @base_scalar.nil?
- if self.is_base?
- @base_scalar = @scalar
- @signature = unit_signature
- else
- base = self.to_base
- @base_scalar = base.scalar
- @signature = base.signature
- end
- end
- # calculates the unit signature vector used by unit_signature
- def unit_signature_vector
- return self.to_base.unit_signature_vector unless self.is_base?
- result = self
- vector =,0)
- for element in @numerator
- if r=@@ALL_UNIT_DEFINITIONS[element]
- n = SIGNATURE_VECTOR.index(r[2])
- vector[n] = vector[n] + 1 if n
- end
- end
- for element in @denominator
- if r=@@ALL_UNIT_DEFINITIONS[element]
- n = SIGNATURE_VECTOR.index(r[2])
- vector[n] = vector[n] - 1 if n
- end
- end
- vector
- end
- def replace_temperature
- return self unless self.kind == :temperature && self.units =~ /temp(R|K|F|C)/
- un = $1
- @numerator = case un
- when 'R' : RANKINE
- when 'C' : CELCIUS
- when 'F' : FARENHEIT
- when 'K' : KELVIN
- end
- @unit_name = nil
- r="tempK")
- copy(r)
- end
- private
- def initialize_copy(other)
- @numerator = other.numerator.dup
- @denominator = other.denominator.dup
- end
- # calculates the unit signature id for use in comparing compatible units and simplification
- # the signature is based on a simple classification of units and is based on the following publication
- #
- # Novak, G.S., Jr. "Conversion of units of measurement", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,
- # 21(8), Aug 1995, pp.651-661
- # doi://10.1109/32.403789
- #
- #
- def unit_signature
- return @signature unless @signature.nil?
- vector = unit_signature_vector
- vector.each_with_index {|item,index| vector[index] = item * 20**index}
- @signature=vector.inject(0) {|sum,n| sum+n}
- end
- def self.eliminate_terms(q, n, d)
- num = n.dup
- den = d.dup
- num.delete_if {|v| v == UNITY}
- den.delete_if {|v| v == UNITY}
- combined =
- i = 0
- loop do
- break if i > num.size
- if @@PREFIX_VALUES.has_key? num[i]
- k = [num[i],num[i+1]]
- i += 2
- else
- k = num[i]
- i += 1
- end
- combined[k] += 1 unless k.nil? || k == UNITY
- end
- j = 0
- loop do
- break if j > den.size
- if @@PREFIX_VALUES.has_key? den[j]
- k = [den[j],den[j+1]]
- j += 2
- else
- k = den[j]
- j += 1
- end
- combined[k] -= 1 unless k.nil? || k == UNITY
- end
- num = []
- den = []
- for key, value in combined do
- case
- when value > 0 : value.times {num << key}
- when value < 0 : value.abs.times {den << key}
- end
- end
- num = UNITY_ARRAY if num.empty?
- den = UNITY_ARRAY if den.empty?
- {:scalar=>q, :numerator=>num.flatten.compact, :denominator=>den.flatten.compact}
- end
- # parse a string into a unit object.
- # Typical formats like :
- # "5.6 kg*m/s^2"
- # "5.6 kg*m*s^-2"
- # "5.6 kilogram*meter*second^-2"
- # "2.2 kPa"
- # "37 degC"
- # "1" -- creates a unitless constant with value 1
- # "GPa" -- creates a unit with scalar 1 with units 'GPa'
- # 6'4" -- recognized as 6 feet + 4 inches
- # 8 lbs 8 oz -- recognized as 8 lbs + 8 ounces
- def parse(passed_unit_string="0")
- unit_string = passed_unit_string.dup
- if unit_string =~ /\$\s*(#{NUMBER_REGEX})/
- unit_string = "#{$1} USD"
- end
- unit_string.gsub!(/%/,'percent')
- unit_string.gsub!(/'/,'feet')
- unit_string.gsub!(/"/,'inch')
- unit_string.gsub!(/#/,'pound')
- if defined?(Uncertain) && unit_string =~ /(\+\/-|±)/
- value, uncertainty, unit_s = unit_string.scan(UNCERTAIN_REGEX)[0]
- result = unit_s.unit * Uncertain(value.to_f,uncertainty.to_f)
- copy(result)
- return
- end
- if defined?(Complex) && unit_string =~ COMPLEX_NUMBER
- real, imaginary, unit_s = unit_string.scan(COMPLEX_REGEX)[0]
- result = Unit(unit_s || '1') * Complex(real.to_f,imaginary.to_f)
- copy(result)
- return
- end
- if defined?(Rational) && unit_string =~ RATIONAL_NUMBER
- numerator, denominator, unit_s = unit_string.scan(RATIONAL_REGEX)[0]
- result = Unit(unit_s || '1') * Rational(numerator.to_i,denominator.to_i)
- copy(result)
- return
- end
- unit_string =~ NUMBER_REGEX
- unit = @@cached_units[$2]
- mult = ($1.empty? ? 1.0 : $1.to_f) rescue 1.0
- if unit
- copy(unit)
- @scalar *= mult
- @base_scalar *= mult
- return self
- end
- unit_string.gsub!(/[<>]/,"")
- if unit_string =~ /:/
- hours, minutes, seconds, microseconds = unit_string.scan(TIME_REGEX)[0]
- raise ArgumentError, "Invalid Duration" if [hours, minutes, seconds, microseconds].all? {|x| x.nil?}
- result = "#{hours || 0} h".unit +
- "#{minutes || 0} minutes".unit +
- "#{seconds || 0} seconds".unit +
- "#{microseconds || 0} usec".unit
- copy(result)
- return
- end
- # Special processing for unusual unit strings
- # feet -- 6'5"
- feet, inches = unit_string.scan(FEET_INCH_REGEX)[0]
- if (feet && inches)
- result ="#{feet} ft") +"#{inches} inches")
- copy(result)
- return
- end
- # weight -- 8 lbs 12 oz
- pounds, oz = unit_string.scan(LBS_OZ_REGEX)[0]
- if (pounds && oz)
- result ="#{pounds} lbs") +"#{oz} oz")
- copy(result)
- return
- end
- raise( ArgumentError, "'#{passed_unit_string}' Unit not recognized") if unit_string.count('/') > 1
- raise( ArgumentError, "'#{passed_unit_string}' Unit not recognized") if unit_string.scan(/\s\d+\S*/).size > 0
- @scalar, top, bottom = unit_string.scan(UNIT_STRING_REGEX)[0] #parse the string into parts
- top.scan(TOP_REGEX).each do |item|
- n = item[1].to_i
- x = "#{item[0]} "
- case
- when n>=0 : top.gsub!(/#{item[0]}(\^|\*\*)#{n}/) {|s| x * n}
- when n<0 : bottom = "#{bottom} #{x * -n}"; top.gsub!(/#{item[0]}(\^|\*\*)#{n}/,"")
- end
- end
- bottom.gsub!(BOTTOM_REGEX) {|s| "#{$1} " * $2.to_i} if bottom
- @scalar = @scalar.to_f unless @scalar.nil? || @scalar.empty?
- @scalar = 1 unless @scalar.kind_of? Numeric
- @numerator ||= UNITY_ARRAY
- @denominator ||= UNITY_ARRAY
- @numerator = top.scan(@@UNIT_MATCH_REGEX).delete_if {|x| x.empty?}.compact if top
- @denominator = bottom.scan(@@UNIT_MATCH_REGEX).delete_if {|x| x.empty?}.compact if bottom
- us = "#{(top || '' + bottom || '')}".to_s.gsub(@@UNIT_MATCH_REGEX,'').gsub(/[\d\*, "'_^\/\$]/,'')
- raise( ArgumentError, "'#{passed_unit_string}' Unit not recognized") unless us.empty?
- @numerator = do |item|
- @@PREFIX_MAP[item[0]] ? [@@PREFIX_MAP[item[0]], @@UNIT_MAP[item[1]]] : [@@UNIT_MAP[item[1]]]
- end.flatten.compact.delete_if {|x| x.empty?}
- @denominator = do |item|
- @@PREFIX_MAP[item[0]] ? [@@PREFIX_MAP[item[0]], @@UNIT_MAP[item[1]]] : [@@UNIT_MAP[item[1]]]
- end.flatten.compact.delete_if {|x| x.empty?}
- @numerator = UNITY_ARRAY if @numerator.empty?
- @denominator = UNITY_ARRAY if @denominator.empty?
- self
- end
-# Allow date objects to do offsets by a time unit
-# + U"1 week" => gives today+1 week
-class Date
- alias :unit_date_add :+
- def +(unit)
- case unit
- when Unit:
- unit ='d').round if ['y', 'decade', 'century'].include? unit.units
- unit_date_add('day').scalar)
- when Time: unit_date_add(unit.to_datetime)
- else
- unit_date_add(unit)
- end
- end
- alias :unit_date_sub :-
- def -(unit)
- case unit
- when Unit:
- unit ='d').round if ['y', 'decade', 'century'].include? unit.units
- unit_date_sub('day').scalar)
- when Time: unit_date_sub(unit.to_datetime)
- else
- unit_date_sub(unit)
- end
- end
- def to_unit(other = nil)
- other ? :
- end
- alias :unit :to_unit
- def to_time
- Time.local(*ParseDate.parsedate(self.to_s))
- end
- alias :units_datetime_inspect :inspect
- def inspect(raw = false)
- return self.units_datetime_inspect if raw
- self.to_s
- end
- def to_date
- Date.civil(self.year, self.month,
- end
-class Object
- def Unit(*other)
- other.to_unit
- end
- alias :U :Unit
- alias :u :Unit
-# make a unitless unit with a given scalar
-class Numeric
- def to_unit(other = nil)
- other ?, other) :
- end
- alias :unit :to_unit
- alias :u :to_unit
-# make a unit from an array
-# [1, 'mm'].unit => 1 mm
-class Array
- def to_unit(other = nil)
- other ? :
- end
- alias :unit :to_unit
- alias :u :to_unit
-# make a string into a unit
-class String
- def to_unit(other = nil)
- other ? :
- end
- alias :unit :to_unit
- alias :u :to_unit
- alias :unit_format :%
- # format unit output using formating codes '%0.2f' % '1 mm'.unit => '1.00 mm'
- def %(*args)
- case args[0]
- when Unit: args[0].to_s(self)
- when Complex: args[0].to_s
- else
- unit_format(*args)
- end
- end
- #needed for compatibility with Rails, which defines a String.from method
- if self.public_instance_methods.include? 'from'
- alias :old_from :from
- end
- def from(time_point =
- return old_from(time_point) if Integer === time_point
- self.unit.from(time_point)
- end
- alias :after :from
- alias :from_now :from
- def ago
- self.unit.ago
- end
- def before(time_point =
- self.unit.before(time_point)
- end
- alias :before_now :before
- def since(time_point =
- self.unit.since(time_point)
- end
- def until(time_point =
- self.unit.until(time_point)
- end
- def to(other)
- end
- def time(options = {})
- self.to_time(options) rescue self.to_datetime(options)
- end
- def to_time(options = {})
- begin
- #raises exception when Chronic not defined or when it returns a nil (i.e., can't parse the input)
- r = Chronic.parse(self,options)
- raise(ArgumentError, 'Invalid Time String') unless r
- return r
- rescue
- Time.local(*ParseDate.parsedate(self))
- end
- end
- def to_datetime(options = {})
- begin
- # raises an exception if Chronic.parse = nil or if Chronic not defined
- r = Chronic.parse(self,options).to_datetime
- rescue
- r=DateTime.civil(*ParseDate.parsedate(self)[0..5].compact)
- end
- raise RuntimeError, "Invalid Time String" if r ==
- return r
- end
- def to_date(options={})
- begin
- r = Chronic.parse(self,options).to_date
- rescue
- r = Date.civil(*ParseDate.parsedate(self)[0..5].compact)
- end
- raise RuntimeError, 'Invalid Date String' if r ==
- return r
- end
- def datetime(options = {})
- self.to_datetime(options) rescue self.to_time(options)
- end
-# Time math is handled slightly differently. The difference is considered to be an exact duration if
-# the subtracted value is in hours, minutes, or seconds. It is rounded to the nearest day if the offset
-# is in years, decades, or centuries. This leads to less precise values, but ones that match the
-# calendar better.
-class Time
- class << self
- alias unit_time_at at
- end
- def*args)
- if Unit === args[0]
- unit_time_at(args[0].to("s").scalar)
- else
- unit_time_at(*args)
- end
- end
- def to_unit(other = nil)
- other ? :
- end
- alias :unit :to_unit
- alias :u :to_unit
- alias :unit_add :+
- def to_datetime
- DateTime.civil(1970,1,1)+(self.to_f+self.gmt_offset)/86400
- end
- def to_date
- Date.civil(1970,1,1)+(self.to_f+self.gmt_offset)/86400
- end
- def +(other)
- case other
- when Unit:
- other ='d')'s') if ['y', 'decade', 'century'].include? other.units
- begin
- unit_add('s').scalar)
- rescue RangeError
- self.to_datetime + other
- end
- when DateTime: unit_add(other.to_time)
- else
- unit_add(other)
- end
- end
- # usage: '5 min'
- def
- + duration.to_unit
- end
- alias :unit_sub :-
- def -(other)
- case other
- when Unit:
- other ='d')'s') if ['y', 'decade', 'century'].include? other.units
- begin
- unit_sub('s').scalar)
- rescue RangeError
- self.to_datetime - other
- end
- when DateTime: unit_sub(other.to_time)
- else
- unit_sub(other)
- end
- end
-# Math will convert unit objects to radians and then attempt to use the value for
-# trigonometric functions.
-module Math
- alias unit_sqrt sqrt
- def sqrt(n)
- Unit === n ? n**(1/2) : unit_sqrt(n)
- end
- alias unit_sin sin
- def sin(n)
- Unit === n ? unit_sin('radian').scalar) : unit_sin(n)
- end
- alias unit_cos cos
- def cos(n)
- Unit === n ? unit_cos('radian').scalar) : unit_cos(n)
- end
- alias unit_sinh sinh
- def sinh(n)
- Unit === n ? unit_sinh('radian').scalar) : unit_sinh(n)
- end
- alias unit_cosh cosh
- def cosh(n)
- Unit === n ? unit_cosh('radian').scalar) : unit_cosh(n)
- end
- alias unit_tan tan
- def tan(n)
- Unit === n ? unit_tan('radian').scalar) : unit_tan(n)
- end
- alias unit_tanh tanh
- def tanh(n)
- Unit === n ? unit_tanh('radian').scalar) : unit_tanh(n)
- end
- alias unit_hypot hypot
- # Convert parameters to consistent units and perform the function
- def hypot(x,y)
- if Unit === x && Unit === y
- (x**2 + y**2)**(1/2)
- else
- unit_hypot(x,y)
- end
- end
- alias unit_atan2 atan2
- def atan2(x,y)
- case
- when (Unit === x && Unit === y) && (x !~ y)
- raise ArgumentError, "Incompatible Units"
- when (Unit === x && Unit === y) && (x =~ y)
- unit_atan2(x.base_scalar, y.base_scalar)
- else
- unit_atan2(x,y)
- end
- end
- module_function :unit_hypot
- module_function :hypot
- module_function :unit_sqrt
- module_function :sqrt
- module_function :unit_sin
- module_function :sin
- module_function :unit_cos
- module_function :cos
- module_function :unit_sinh
- module_function :sinh
- module_function :unit_cosh
- module_function :cosh
- module_function :unit_tan
- module_function :tan
- module_function :unit_tanh
- module_function :tanh
- module_function :unit_atan2
- module_function :atan2