test/utils_test.rb in ruby-saml-0.8.15 vs test/utils_test.rb in ruby-saml-0.8.16
- old
+ new
@@ -1,9 +1,197 @@
require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "test_helper"))
class UtilsTest < Minitest::Test
describe "Utils" do
+ describe "format_cert" do
+ let(:formatted_certificate) {read_certificate("formatted_certificate")}
+ let(:formatted_chained_certificate) {read_certificate("formatted_chained_certificate")}
+ it "returns empty string when the cert is an empty string" do
+ cert = ""
+ assert_equal "", OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.format_cert(cert)
+ end
+ it "returns nil when the cert is nil" do
+ cert = nil
+ assert_nil OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.format_cert(cert)
+ end
+ it "returns the certificate when it is valid" do
+ assert_equal formatted_certificate, OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.format_cert(formatted_certificate)
+ end
+ it "reformats the certificate when there are spaces and no line breaks" do
+ invalid_certificate1 = read_certificate("invalid_certificate1")
+ assert_equal formatted_certificate, OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.format_cert(invalid_certificate1)
+ end
+ it "reformats the certificate when there are spaces and no headers" do
+ invalid_certificate2 = read_certificate("invalid_certificate2")
+ assert_equal formatted_certificate, OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.format_cert(invalid_certificate2)
+ end
+ it "returns the cert when it's encoded" do
+ encoded_certificate = read_certificate("certificate.der")
+ assert_equal encoded_certificate, OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.format_cert(encoded_certificate)
+ end
+ it "reformats the certificate when there line breaks and no headers" do
+ invalid_certificate3 = read_certificate("invalid_certificate3")
+ assert_equal formatted_certificate, OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.format_cert(invalid_certificate3)
+ end
+ it "returns the chained certificate when it is a valid chained certificate" do
+ assert_equal formatted_chained_certificate, OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.format_cert(formatted_chained_certificate)
+ end
+ it "reformats the chained certificate when there are spaces and no line breaks" do
+ invalid_chained_certificate1 = read_certificate("invalid_chained_certificate1")
+ assert_equal formatted_chained_certificate, OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.format_cert(invalid_chained_certificate1)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "format_private_key" do
+ let(:formatted_private_key) do
+ read_certificate("formatted_private_key")
+ end
+ it "returns empty string when the private key is an empty string" do
+ private_key = ""
+ assert_equal "", OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.format_private_key(private_key)
+ end
+ it "returns nil when the private key is nil" do
+ private_key = nil
+ assert_nil OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.format_private_key(private_key)
+ end
+ it "returns the private key when it is valid" do
+ assert_equal formatted_private_key, OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.format_private_key(formatted_private_key)
+ end
+ it "reformats the private key when there are spaces and no line breaks" do
+ invalid_private_key1 = read_certificate("invalid_private_key1")
+ assert_equal formatted_private_key, OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.format_private_key(invalid_private_key1)
+ end
+ it "reformats the private key when there are spaces and no headers" do
+ invalid_private_key2 = read_certificate("invalid_private_key2")
+ assert_equal formatted_private_key, OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.format_private_key(invalid_private_key2)
+ end
+ it "reformats the private key when there line breaks and no headers" do
+ invalid_private_key3 = read_certificate("invalid_private_key3")
+ assert_equal formatted_private_key, OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.format_private_key(invalid_private_key3)
+ end
+ describe "an RSA public key" do
+ let(:formatted_rsa_private_key) do
+ read_certificate("formatted_rsa_private_key")
+ end
+ it "returns the private key when it is valid" do
+ assert_equal formatted_rsa_private_key, OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.format_private_key(formatted_rsa_private_key)
+ end
+ it "reformats the private key when there are spaces and no line breaks" do
+ invalid_rsa_private_key1 = read_certificate("invalid_rsa_private_key1")
+ assert_equal formatted_rsa_private_key, OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.format_private_key(invalid_rsa_private_key1)
+ end
+ it "reformats the private key when there are spaces and no headers" do
+ invalid_rsa_private_key2 = read_certificate("invalid_rsa_private_key2")
+ assert_equal formatted_private_key, OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.format_private_key(invalid_rsa_private_key2)
+ end
+ it "reformats the private key when there line breaks and no headers" do
+ invalid_rsa_private_key3 = read_certificate("invalid_rsa_private_key3")
+ assert_equal formatted_private_key, OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.format_private_key(invalid_rsa_private_key3)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "build_query" do
+ it "returns the query string" do
+ params = {}
+ params[:type] = "SAMLRequest"
+ params[:data] = "PHNhbWxwOkF1dGhuUmVxdWVzdCBEZXN0aW5hdGlvbj0naHR0cDovL2V4YW1wbGUuY29tP2ZpZWxkPXZhbHVlJyBJRD0nXzk4NmUxZDEwLWVhY2ItMDEzMi01MGRkLTAwOTBmNWRlZGQ3NycgSXNzdWVJbnN0YW50PScyMDE1LTA2LTAxVDIwOjM0OjU5WicgVmVyc2lvbj0nMi4wJyB4bWxuczpzYW1sPSd1cm46b2FzaXM6bmFtZXM6dGM6U0FNTDoyLjA6YXNzZXJ0aW9uJyB4bWxuczpzYW1scD0ndXJuOm9hc2lzOm5hbWVzOnRjOlNBTUw6Mi4wOnByb3RvY29sJy8+"
+ params[:relay_state] = "http://example.com"
+ params[:sig_alg] = "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"
+ query_string = OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.build_query(params)
+ assert_equal "SAMLRequest=PHNhbWxwOkF1dGhuUmVxdWVzdCBEZXN0aW5hdGlvbj0naHR0cDovL2V4YW1wbGUuY29tP2ZpZWxkPXZhbHVlJyBJRD0nXzk4NmUxZDEwLWVhY2ItMDEzMi01MGRkLTAwOTBmNWRlZGQ3NycgSXNzdWVJbnN0YW50PScyMDE1LTA2LTAxVDIwOjM0OjU5WicgVmVyc2lvbj0nMi4wJyB4bWxuczpzYW1sPSd1cm46b2FzaXM6bmFtZXM6dGM6U0FNTDoyLjA6YXNzZXJ0aW9uJyB4bWxuczpzYW1scD0ndXJuOm9hc2lzOm5hbWVzOnRjOlNBTUw6Mi4wOnByb3RvY29sJy8%2B&RelayState=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com&SigAlg=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2F09%2Fxmldsig%23rsa-sha1", query_string
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#status_error_msg" do
+ it "returns a error msg with a status message" do
+ error_msg = "The status code of the Logout Response was not Success"
+ status_code = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Requester"
+ status_message = "The request could not be performed due to an error on the part of the requester."
+ status_error_msg = OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.status_error_msg(error_msg, status_code, status_message)
+ assert_equal = "The status code of the Logout Response was not Success, was Requester -> The request could not be performed due to an error on the part of the requester.", status_error_msg
+ status_error_msg2 = OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.status_error_msg(error_msg, status_code)
+ assert_equal = "The status code of the Logout Response was not Success, was Requester", status_error_msg2
+ status_error_msg3 = OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.status_error_msg(error_msg)
+ assert_equal = "The status code of the Logout Response was not Success", status_error_msg3
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'uri_match' do
+ it 'matches two urls' do
+ destination = 'http://www.example.com/test?var=stuff'
+ settings = 'http://www.example.com/test?var=stuff'
+ assert OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.uri_match?(destination, settings)
+ end
+ it 'fails to match two urls' do
+ destination = 'http://www.example.com/test?var=stuff'
+ settings = 'http://www.example.com/othertest?var=stuff'
+ assert !OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.uri_match?(destination, settings)
+ end
+ it "matches two URLs if the scheme case doesn't match" do
+ destination = 'http://www.example.com/test?var=stuff'
+ settings = 'HTTP://www.example.com/test?var=stuff'
+ assert OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.uri_match?(destination, settings)
+ end
+ it "matches two URLs if the host case doesn't match" do
+ destination = 'http://www.EXAMPLE.com/test?var=stuff'
+ settings = 'http://www.example.com/test?var=stuff'
+ assert OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.uri_match?(destination, settings)
+ end
+ it "fails to match two URLs if the path case doesn't match" do
+ destination = 'http://www.example.com/TEST?var=stuff'
+ settings = 'http://www.example.com/test?var=stuff'
+ assert !OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.uri_match?(destination, settings)
+ end
+ it "fails to match two URLs if the query case doesn't match" do
+ destination = 'http://www.example.com/test?var=stuff'
+ settings = 'http://www.example.com/test?var=STUFF'
+ assert !OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.uri_match?(destination, settings)
+ end
+ it 'matches two non urls' do
+ destination = 'stuff'
+ settings = 'stuff'
+ assert OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.uri_match?(destination, settings)
+ end
+ it "fails to match two non urls" do
+ destination = 'stuff'
+ settings = 'not stuff'
+ assert !OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.uri_match?(destination, settings)
+ end
+ end
describe 'element_text' do
it 'returns the element text' do
element = REXML::Document.new('<element>element text</element>').elements.first
assert_equal 'element text', OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.element_text(element)
@@ -34,8 +222,10 @@
it 'returns empty string when element has no text' do
element = REXML::Document.new('<element></element>').elements.first
assert_equal '', OneLogin::RubySaml::Utils.element_text(element)
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