lib/jss.rb in ruby-jss-0.6.5 vs lib/jss.rb in ruby-jss-0.6.6
- old
+ new
@@ -21,182 +21,166 @@
### language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
-### JSS, A Ruby module for interacting with the JAMF Software Server via it's REST API.
+### JSS, A Ruby module for interacting with the JAMF Pro Server via it's REST API.
module JSS
### The minimum Ruby version that works with this gem
+ MINIMUM_RUBY_VERSION = '2.0.0'.freeze
if <
raise "Can't use the JSS module, ruby itself must be version #{MINIMUM_RUBY_VERSION} or greater."
- #####################################
### Required Libraries, etc
### Standard Libraries
require 'date'
require 'singleton'
require 'pathname'
require 'fileutils'
require 'uri'
- require "ipaddr"
- require "rexml/document"
- require "base64"
- require "shellwords"
- require "digest"
+ require 'ipaddr'
+ require 'rexml/document'
+ require 'base64'
+ require 'shellwords'
+ require 'digest'
require 'yaml'
+ require 'open3'
### Gems
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
require 'plist'
- #####################################
### Constants
### The minimum JSS version that works with this gem, as returned by the API
### in the deprecated 'jssuser' resource
### The current local UTC offset as a fraction of a day ( is the offset in seconds,
### 60*60*24 is the seconds in a day)
- TIME_ZONE_OFFSET = Rational(, 60*60*24)
+ TIME_ZONE_OFFSET = Rational(, 60 * 60 * 24)
### These are handy for testing values without making new arrays, strings, etc every time.
- TRUE_FALSE = [true, false]
+ TRUE_FALSE = [true, false].freeze
### When parsing a date/time data into a Time object, these will return nil
- NIL_DATES = [0, nil, '', '0']
+ NIL_DATES = [0, nil, '', '0'].freeze
- #####################################
### Module Variables
### The contents of anything piped to stdin, split into lines. See {JSS.stdin}
@@stdin_lines = nil
- #####################################
### Module Methods
- ###
### Define classes and submodules here so that they don't
### generate errors when referenced during the loading of
### the library.
- #####################################
### Sub Modules
- module Composer ; end
+ module Composer; end
### Mix-in Sub Modules
- module Creatable ; end
- module FileUpload ; end
- module Locatable ; end
- module Matchable ; end
- module Purchasable ; end
- module Updatable ; end
- module Extendable ; end
+ module Creatable; end
+ module FileUpload; end
+ module Locatable; end
+ module Matchable; end
+ module Purchasable; end
+ module Updatable; end
+ module Extendable; end
### Mix-in Sub Modules with Classes
- module Criteriable ; end
- class Criteriable::Criteria ; end
- class Criteriable::Criterion ; end
+ module Criteriable
+ class Criteria; end
+ class Criterion; end
+ end
+ module Scopable
+ class Scope ; end
+ end
- module Scopable ; end
- class Scopable::Scope ; end
- #####################################
### Classes
- class APIObject ; end
- class APIConnection ; end
- class Client ; end
- class DBConnection ; end
- class Server ; end
- class Preferences ; end
+ class APIObject; end
+ class APIConnection; end
+ class Client; end
+ class DBConnection; end
+ class Server; end
+ class Preferences; end
- #####################################
### SubClasses
### APIObject Classes with SubClasses
- class AdvancedSearch < JSS::APIObject ; end
- class AdvancedComputerSearch < JSS::AdvancedSearch ; end
- class AdvancedMobileDeviceSearch < JSS::AdvancedSearch ; end
- class AdvancedUserSearch < JSS::AdvancedSearch ; end
+ class AdvancedSearch < JSS::APIObject; end
+ class AdvancedComputerSearch < JSS::AdvancedSearch; end
+ class AdvancedMobileDeviceSearch < JSS::AdvancedSearch; end
+ class AdvancedUserSearch < JSS::AdvancedSearch; end
+ class ExtensionAttribute < JSS::APIObject; end
+ class ComputerExtensionAttribute < JSS::ExtensionAttribute; end
+ class MobileDeviceExtensionAttribute < JSS::ExtensionAttribute; end
+ class UserExtensionAttribute < JSS::ExtensionAttribute; end
- class ExtensionAttribute < JSS::APIObject ; end
- class ComputerExtensionAttribute < JSS::ExtensionAttribute ; end
- class MobileDeviceExtensionAttribute < JSS::ExtensionAttribute ; end
- class UserExtensionAttribute < JSS::ExtensionAttribute ; end
+ class Group < JSS::APIObject; end
+ class ComputerGroup < JSS::Group; end
+ class MobileDeviceGroup < JSS::Group; end
+ class UserGroup < JSS::Group; end
- class Group < JSS::APIObject ; end
- class ComputerGroup < JSS::Group ; end
- class MobileDeviceGroup < JSS::Group ; end
- class UserGroup < JSS::Group ; end
### APIObject Classes without SubClasses
- class Account < JSS::APIObject ; end
- class Building < JSS::APIObject ; end
- class Category < JSS::APIObject ; end
- class Computer < JSS::APIObject ; end
- class Department < JSS::APIObject ; end
- class DistributionPoint < JSS::APIObject ; end
- class LDAPServer < JSS::APIObject ; end
- class MobileDevice < JSS::APIObject ; end
- class NetBootServer < JSS::APIObject ; end
- class NetworkSegment < JSS::APIObject ; end
- class OSXConfigurationProfile < JSS::APIObject ; end
- class Package < JSS::APIObject ; end
- class PeripheralType < JSS::APIObject ; end
- class Peripheral < JSS::APIObject ; end
- class Policy < JSS::APIObject ; end
- class RemovableMacAddress < JSS::APIObject ; end
- class RestrictedSoftware < JSS::APIObject ; end
- class Script < JSS::APIObject ; end
- class Site < JSS::APIObject ; end
- class SoftwareUpdateServer < JSS::APIObject ; end
- class User < JSS::APIObject ; end
+ class Account < JSS::APIObject; end
+ class Building < JSS::APIObject; end
+ class Category < JSS::APIObject; end
+ class Computer < JSS::APIObject; end
+ class Department < JSS::APIObject; end
+ class DistributionPoint < JSS::APIObject; end
+ class LDAPServer < JSS::APIObject; end
+ class MobileDevice < JSS::APIObject; end
+ class NetBootServer < JSS::APIObject; end
+ class NetworkSegment < JSS::APIObject; end
+ class OSXConfigurationProfile < JSS::APIObject; end
+ class Package < JSS::APIObject; end
+ class PeripheralType < JSS::APIObject; end
+ class Peripheral < JSS::APIObject; end
+ class Policy < JSS::APIObject; end
+ class RemovableMacAddress < JSS::APIObject; end
+ class RestrictedSoftware < JSS::APIObject; end
+ class Script < JSS::APIObject; end
+ class Site < JSS::APIObject; end
+ class SoftwareUpdateServer < JSS::APIObject; end
+ class User < JSS::APIObject; end
end # module JSS
### Load the rest of the module
-require "jss/utility"
-require "jss/composer"
-require "jss/compatibility"
-require "jss/ruby_extensions"
-require "jss/exceptions"
-require "jss/api_connection"
-require "jss/api_object"
-require "jss/server"
-require "jss/client"
-require "jss/configuration"
-require "jss/db_connection"
-require "jss/version"
+require 'jss/utility'
+require 'jss/composer'
+require 'jss/compatibility'
+require 'jss/ruby_extensions'
+require 'jss/exceptions'
+require 'jss/api_connection'
+require 'jss/api_object'
+require 'jss/server'
+require 'jss/client'
+require 'jss/configuration'
+require 'jss/db_connection'
+require 'jss/version'