lib/jss/api_object/package.rb in ruby-jss-0.7.0 vs lib/jss/api_object/package.rb in ruby-jss-0.8.1
- old
+ new
@@ -46,10 +46,11 @@
class Package < JSS::APIObject
### Mix-Ins
+ include JSS::Categorizable
include JSS::Creatable
include JSS::Updatable
### Class Methods
@@ -125,13 +126,10 @@
attr_reader :switch_with_package
### @return [Boolean] can this item be uninstalled? Some, e.g. OS Updates, can't
attr_reader :allow_uninstalled
- ### @return [String] the category of this pkg, stored in the JSS as the id number from the categories table
- attr_reader :category
### @return [String] the info field for this pkg - stores d3's basename & swupdate values
attr_reader :info
### @return [String] the notes field for this pkg
attr_reader :notes
@@ -154,12 +152,10 @@
### now we have pkg_data with something in it, so fill out the instance vars
@allow_uninstalled = @init_data[:allow_uninstalled]
@boot_volume_required = @init_data[:boot_volume_required]
- @category = JSS::APIObject.get_name(@init_data[:category])
- @category = nil if @category.to_s.casecmp('No category assigned').zero?
@filename = @init_data[:filename] || @init_data[:name]
@fill_existing_users = @init_data[:fill_existing_users]
@fill_user_template = @init_data[:fill_user_template]
@info = @init_data[:info]
@install_if_reported_available = @init_data[:install_if_reported_available]
@@ -212,25 +208,10 @@
raise JSS::InvalidDataError, 'install_if_reported_available must be boolean true or false' unless JSS::TRUE_FALSE.include? new_val
@boot_volume_required = new_val
@need_to_update = true
- ### Change the category in the JSS
- ###
- ### @param new_val[String] must be one listed by 'JSS::Category.all_names'
- ###
- ### @return [void]
- ###
- def category=(new_val)
- return nil if new_val == @category
- new_val = nil if new_val == ''
- new_val ||= JSS::Category::DEFAULT_CATEGORY
- raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Category #{new_val} is not known to the JSS" unless JSS::Category.all_names.include? new_val
- @category = new_val
- @need_to_update = true
- end
### Change the package filename.
### Setting it to nil or empty will make it match the display name
### @param new_val[String]
@@ -457,12 +438,15 @@
### Upload a locally-readable file to the master distribution point.
### If the file is a directory (like a bundle .pk/.mpkg) it will be zipped before
- ### uploading and the @filename will be adjusted accordingly
+ ### uploading and the @filename will be adjusted accordingly by adding a .zip extension
+ ### The name of the local file doesn't matter, the file on the dist. point will
+ ### use the @filename (possibly with .zip)
+ ###
### If you'll be uploading several files you can specify unmount as false, and do it manually when all
### are finished with JSS::DistributionPoint.master_distribution_point.unmount
### @param local_file_path[String,Pathname] the local path to the file to be uploaded
@@ -483,38 +467,41 @@
raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, "Local file '#{@local_file}' doesn't exist" unless local_path.exist?
### should we zip it?
- zipdir = "/tmp/jssgemtmp-#{ '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'}-#{$PROCESS_ID}"
- zipdir.mkpath
- zipdir.chmod 0o700
- zipfile = zipdir + (local_path.basename.to_s + '.zip')
### go to the same dir as the local file
wd = Dir.pwd
Dir.chdir local_path.parent
### the contents of the zip file have to have the same name as the zip file itself (minus the .zip)
### so temporarily rename the source
- local_path.rename(local_path.parent + @filename)
- raise 'There was a problem zipping the pkg bundle' unless system "/usr/bin/zip -qr '#{zipfile}' '#{@filename}'"
+ local_path_to_upload = local_path.parent + @filename
+ local_path.rename local_path_to_upload unless local_path_to_upload == local_path
+ zipdir = "/tmp/rubyjsstmp-#{ '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'}-#{$PROCESS_ID}"
+ zipdir.mkpath
+ zipdir.chmod 0o700
+ zipfile = zipdir + (local_path_to_upload.basename.to_s + '.zip')
+ raise 'There was a problem zipping the pkg bundle' unless system "/usr/bin/zip -qr '#{zipfile}' '#{local_path_to_upload}'"
### rename the source to the original name
- (local_path.parent + @filename).rename local_path if (local_path.parent + @filename).exist?
+ local_path_to_upload.rename local_path if local_path_to_upload.exist? && local_path_to_upload != local_path
### go back where we started
Dir.chdir wd
end # begin
### update our info
local_path = zipfile
- self.filename = zipfile.basename.to_s
+ destination = destination.to_s + '.zip'
+ @filename = zipfile.basename.to_s
+ @need_to_update = true
+ update
end # if directory
- update
FileUtils.copy_entry local_path, destination
mdp.unmount if unmount
end # upload
@@ -794,11 +781,10 @@
def rest_xml
doc = APIConnection::XML_HEADER
pkg = doc.add_element 'package'
pkg.add_element('allow_uninstalled').text = @allow_uninstalled
pkg.add_element('boot_volume_required').text = @boot_volume_required
- pkg.add_element('category').text = @category.to_s.casecmp('No category assigned').zero? ? '' : @category
pkg.add_element('filename').text = @filename
pkg.add_element('fill_existing_users').text = @fill_existing_users
pkg.add_element('fill_user_template').text = @fill_user_template
pkg.add_element('info').text = @info
pkg.add_element('install_if_reported_available').text = @install_if_reported_available
@@ -808,9 +794,10 @@
pkg.add_element('priority').text = @priority
pkg.add_element('reboot_required').text = @reboot_required
pkg.add_element('required_processor').text = @required_processor.to_s.empty? ? 'None' : @required_processor
pkg.add_element('send_notification').text = @send_notification
pkg.add_element('switch_with_package').text = @switch_with_package
+ add_category_to_xml(doc)
end # rest xml
end # class Package