lib/jss/api_object/group.rb in ruby-jss-0.14.0 vs lib/jss/api_object/group.rb in ruby-jss-1.0.0b2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,364 +1,309 @@
-### Copyright 2018 Pixar
+# Copyright 2018 Pixar
-### Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
-### with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
-### compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
-### Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
-### 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
-### names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
-### and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
-### the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
-### You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
-### Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-### distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
-### KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
-### language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
+# with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
+# compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
+# Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
+# 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
+# names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
+# and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
+# the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
+# You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
+# KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
+# language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
module JSS
+ # Classes
- ### Module Constants
- #####################################
- #####################################
- ### Module Variables
- #####################################
- #####################################
- ### Module Methods
- #####################################
- #####################################
- ### Classes
- #####################################
- ###
- ### This is the parent class of the smart/static group objects in the JSS
- ### namely, {ComputerGroup}, {MobileDeviceGroup}, and {UserGroup}
- ###
- ### It provides methods for working with the membership of static groups and, by
- ### including {JSS::Criteriable}, the criteria for smart groups.
- ###
- ### When changing the criteria of a smart group, use the #criteria attribute,
- ### which is a {JSS::Criteria} instance.
- ###
- ### Subclasses must define the constant MEMBER_CLASS which indicates Ruby class
- ### to which the group members belong (e.g. JSS::MobileDevice)
- ###
- ### @see JSS::APIObject
- ###
- ### @see JSS::Criteriable
- ###
+ # This is the parent class of the smart/static group objects in the JSS
+ # namely, {ComputerGroup}, {MobileDeviceGroup}, and {UserGroup}
+ #
+ # It provides methods for working with the membership of static groups and, by
+ # including {JSS::Criteriable}, the criteria for smart groups.
+ #
+ # When changing the criteria of a smart group, use the #criteria attribute,
+ # which is a {JSS::Criteria} instance.
+ #
+ # Subclasses must define the constant MEMBER_CLASS which indicates Ruby class
+ # to which the group members belong (e.g. JSS::MobileDevice)
+ #
+ # @see JSS::APIObject
+ #
+ # @see JSS::Criteriable
+ #
class Group < JSS::APIObject
+ # Mix-Ins
- ### Mix-Ins
- #####################################
include JSS::Creatable
include JSS::Updatable
include JSS::Criteriable
include JSS::Sitable
+ # Class Constants
- ### Class Constants
- #####################################
- ### the types of groups allowed for creation
- GROUP_TYPES = [:smart, :static]
+ # the types of groups allowed for creation
+ GROUP_TYPES = %i[smart static].freeze
# Where is the Site data in the API JSON?
+ # Class Methods
- ### Class Variables
- #####################################
- #####################################
- ### Class Methods
- #####################################
- ###
- ### Returns an Array of all the smart
- ### groups.
- ###
+ # Returns an Array of all the smart
+ # groups.
+ #
def self.all_smart(refresh = false, api: JSS.api)
- all(refresh, api: api).select{|g| g[:is_smart] }
+ all(refresh, api: api).select { |g| g[:is_smart] }
- ###
- ### Returns an Array of all the static
- ### groups.
- ###
+ # Returns an Array of all the static
+ # groups.
+ #
def self.all_static(refresh = false, api: JSS.api)
- all(refresh, api: api).select{|g| not g[:is_smart] }
+ all(refresh, api: api).select { |g| (g[:is_smart]) }
+ # Attributes
- ### Attributes
- #####################################
- ### @return [Array<Hash>] the group membership
- ###
- ### Each hash contains the identifiers for
- ### a member of the group, those being:
- ### - :id, :name, and possibly :udid, :serial_number, :mac_address, :alt_mac_address, and :wifi_mac_address
- ###
- ### @see #member_ids
- ###
- ### @see #member_names
- ###
+ # @return [Array<Hash>] the group membership
+ #
+ # Each hash contains the identifiers for
+ # a member of the group, those being:
+ # - :id, :name, and possibly :udid, :serial_number, :mac_address, :alt_mac_address, and :wifi_mac_address
+ #
+ # @see #member_ids
+ #
+ # @see #member_names
+ #
attr_reader :members
- ### @return [Boolean] is this a smart group
+ # @return [Boolean] is this a smart group
attr_reader :is_smart
- ### @return [Boolean] does this group send notifications when it changes?
+ # @return [Boolean] does this group send notifications when it changes?
attr_reader :notify_on_change
- ### @return [String] the :name of the site for this group
+ # @return [String] the :name of the site for this group
attr_reader :site
+ # Constructor
- ### Constructor
- #####################################
- ###
- ### When creating a new group in the JSS, you must call .new with a :type key
- ### and a value of :smart or :static, as well as a :name and the :id => :new
- ###
- ### @see JSS::APIObject
- ###
+ # When creating a new group in the JSS, you must call .new with a :type key
+ # and a value of :smart or :static, as well as a :name and the :id => :new
+ #
+ # @see JSS::APIObject
+ #
def initialize(args = {})
if args[:id] == :new
- raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "New group creation must specify a :type of :smart or :static" unless GROUP_TYPES.include? args[:type]
+ raise JSS::InvalidDataError, 'New group creation must specify a :type of :smart or :static' unless GROUP_TYPES.include? args[:type]
super args
@is_smart = @init_data[:is_smart] || (args[:type] == :smart)
- @members = if @init_data[self.class::MEMBER_CLASS::RSRC_LIST_KEY]
- @init_data[self.class::MEMBER_CLASS::RSRC_LIST_KEY]
- else
- []
- end
+ @members =
+ if @init_data[self.class::MEMBER_CLASS::RSRC_LIST_KEY]
+ @init_data[self.class::MEMBER_CLASS::RSRC_LIST_KEY]
+ else
+ []
+ end
@site = JSS::APIObject.get_name(@init_data[:site])
+ end # init
- end #init
+ # Public Instance Methods
- ### Public Instance Methods
- #####################################
- ###
- ### @see Creatable#create
- ###
- def create
+ # @see Creatable#create
+ #
+ def create(calculate_members: true)
if @is_smart
- raise JSS::MissingDataError, "No criteria specified for smart group" unless @criteria
+ raise JSS::MissingDataError, 'No criteria specified for smart group' unless @criteria
- super
- refresh_members
- return @id
+ super()
+ refresh_members if calculate_members
+ @id
- ###
- ### @see Updatable#update
- ###
+ # @see Updatable#update
+ #
def update
- ###
- ### @see APIObject#delete
- ###
+ # @see APIObject#delete
+ #
def delete
@is_smart = nil
@criteria = nil
@site = nil
@members = []
end # delete
- ###
- ### Apply a new set of criteria to a smart group
- ###
- ### @param new_criteria[JSS::Criteria] the new criteria for the smart group
- ###
- def criteria= (new_criteria)
- raise InvalidDataError, "Only smart groups have criteria." unless @is_smart
+ # Apply a new set of criteria to a smart group
+ #
+ # @param new_criteria[JSS::Criteria] the new criteria for the smart group
+ #
+ def criteria=(new_criteria)
+ raise InvalidDataError, 'Only smart groups have criteria.' unless @is_smart
- ###
- ### How many members of the group?
- ###
- ### @return [Integer] the number of members of the group
- ###
+ # How many members of the group?
+ #
+ # @return [Integer] the number of members of the group
+ #
def size
- ###
- ### @return [Array<String>] the names of the group members
- ###
+ # @return [Array<String>] the names of the group members
+ #
def member_names
-{|m| m[:name]}
+ { |m| m[:name] }
- ###
- ### @return [Array<Integer>] the ids of the group members
- ###
+ # @return [Array<Integer>] the ids of the group members
+ #
def member_ids
-{|m| m[:id]}
+ { |m| m[:id] }
- ###
- ### Replace all @members with an array of uniq device identfiers (names, ids, serial numbers, etc)
- ### E.g: [ 'lambic', 1233, '2341', 'monkey']
- ###
- ### They must all be in the JSS or an error is raised
- ### before doing anything. See {#check_member}
- ###
- ### @param new_members[Array<Integer,String>] the new group members
- ###
- ### @return [void]
- ###
- def members= (new_members)
+ # Replace all @members with an array of uniq device identfiers (names, ids, serial numbers, etc)
+ # E.g: [ 'lambic', 1233, '2341', 'monkey']
+ #
+ # They must all be in the JSS or an error is raised
+ # before doing anything. See {#check_member}
+ #
+ # @param new_members[Array<Integer,String>] the new group members
+ #
+ # @return [void]
+ #
+ def members=(new_members)
raise UnsupportedError, "Smart group members can't be changed." if @is_smart
- raise InvalidDataError, "Arg must be an array of names and/or ids" unless new_members.kind_of? Array
+ raise InvalidDataError, 'Arg must be an array of names and/or ids' unless new_members.is_a? Array
ok_members = []
new_members.each do |m|
ok_members << check_member(m)
- ### make sure we've actually changed...
- unless{|m| m[:id]}.sort =={|m| m[:id]}.sort
- @members = ok_members
- @need_to_update = true
- end
+ # make sure we've actually changed...
+ return if { |m| m[:id] }.sort == { |m| m[:id] }.sort
+ @members = ok_members
+ @need_to_update = true
- ###
- ### Add a member, by name or id
- ###
- ### @param m[Integer,String] the id or name of the member to add
- ###
- ### @return [void]
- ###
- def add_member(m)
+ # Add a member, by name or id
+ #
+ # @param m[Integer,String] the id or name of the member to add
+ #
+ # @return [void]
+ #
+ def add_member(mem)
raise UnsupportedError, "Smart group members can't be changed." if @is_smart
- @members << check_member(m)
+ @members << check_member(mem)
@need_to_update = true
- ###
- ### Remove a member by id, or name
- ###
- ### @param m[Integer,String] the id or name of the member to remove
- ###
- ### @return [void]
- ###
- def remove_member(m)
+ # Remove a member by id, or name
+ #
+ # @param m[Integer,String] the id or name of the member to remove
+ #
+ # @return [void]
+ #
+ def remove_member(mem)
raise InvalidDataError, "Smart group members can't be changed." if @is_smart
- if @members.reject!{ |mm| [mm[:id], mm[:name], mm[:username]].include? m }
- @need_to_update = true
- else
- raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, "No member matches '#{m}'"
- end
+ raise InvalidDataError, "Can't remove nil" if mem.nil?
+ removed = @members.reject! { |mm| [mm[:id], mm[:name], mm[:username]].include? mem }
+ @need_to_update = true if removed
- ###
- ### Remove all members
- ###
- ### @return [void]
- ###
+ # Remove all members
+ #
+ # @return [void]
+ #
def clear
raise InvalidDataError, "Smart group members can't be changed." if @is_smart
return if @members.empty?
@need_to_update = true
- ###
- ### Refresh the membership from the API
- ###
- ### @return [Array<Hash>] the refresh membership
- ###
+ # Refresh the membership from the API
+ #
+ # @return [Array<Hash>] the refresh membership
+ #
def refresh_members
@members = @api.get_rsrc(@rest_rsrc)[self.class::RSRC_OBJECT_KEY][self.class::MEMBER_CLASS::RSRC_LIST_KEY]
- ###
- ### Change the site for this group
- ###
- ### @param new_val[String] the name of the new site
- ###
- ### @return [void]
- ###
- def site= (new_val)
+ # Change the site for this group
+ #
+ # @param new_val[String] the name of the new site
+ #
+ # @return [void]
+ #
+ def site=(new_val)
raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, "No site named #{new_val} in the JSS" unless JSS::Site.all_names(api: @api).include? new_val
@site = new_val
@need_to_update = true
+ # aliases
- ### aliases
alias smart? is_smart
alias notify_on_change? notify_on_change
alias notify? notify_on_change
alias count size
+ # Public Instance Methods
- ### Public Instance Methods
- #####################################
- ###
- ### Check that a potential group member is valid in the JSS.
- ### Arg must be an id or name.
- ### An exception is raised if the device doesn't exist.
- ###
- ### @return [Hash{:id=>Integer,:name=>String}] the valid id and name
- ###
+ # Check that a potential group member is valid in the JSS.
+ # Arg must be an id or name.
+ # An exception is raised if the device doesn't exist.
+ #
+ # @return [Hash{:id=>Integer,:name=>String}] the valid id and name
+ #
def check_member(m)
potential_members = self.class::MEMBER_CLASS.map_all_ids_to(:name, api: @api)
if m.to_s =~ /^\d+$/
- return {:id=>m.to_i, :name=> potential_members[m]} if potential_members.keys.include? m.to_i
+ return { id: m.to_i, name: potential_members[m] } if potential_members.key?(m.to_i)
- return {:name=>m, :id=> potential_members.invert[m]} if potential_members.values.include? m
+ return { name: m, id: potential_members.invert[m] } if potential_members.value?(m)
raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, "No #{self.class::MEMBER_CLASS::RSRC_OBJECT_KEY} matching '#{m}' in the JSS."
- ###
- ### the xml formated data for adding or updating this in the JSS,
- ###
+ # the xml formated data for adding or updating this in the JSS,
+ #
def rest_xml
doc = JSS::APIConnection::XML_HEADER
group = doc.add_element self.class::RSRC_OBJECT_KEY.to_s
group.add_element('name').text = @name
group.add_element('is_smart').text = @is_smart
@@ -368,16 +313,15 @@
group << self.class::MEMBER_CLASS.xml_list(@members, :id)
- return doc.to_s
+ doc.to_s
+ end # rest_xml
- end #rest_xml
end # class ComputerGroup
end # module JSS
-require "jss/api_object/group/computer_group"
-require "jss/api_object/group/mobile_device_group"
-require "jss/api_object/group/user_group"
+require 'jss/api_object/group/computer_group'
+require 'jss/api_object/group/mobile_device_group'
+require 'jss/api_object/group/user_group'