lib/jss/api_connection.rb in ruby-jss-0.10.1 vs lib/jss/api_connection.rb in ruby-jss-0.10.2a4
- old
+ new
@@ -235,15 +235,17 @@
# prod2_computer_sns = production_api2.all :Computer, only: :serial_numbers
# prod2_victim_md = production_api2.fetch :MobileDevice, id: 832
# Here are the API calls you can make directly from an APIConnection object.
- # Most of them behave identically to the same methods in the APIObject classes
+ # They behave practically identically to the same methods in the APIObject
+ # subclasses, since they just call those methods, passing themselves in as the
+ # APIConnection to use.
# - {#all} The 'list' methods of the various APIObject classes. Use the 'only:'
# parameter to specify one of the sub-list-methods, like #all_ids or
- # #all_laptops
+ # #all_laptops, e.g. `my_connection.all :computers, only: :id`
# - {#map_all_ids} the equivalent of #map_all_ids_to in the APIObject classes
# - {#valid_id} given a class and an identifier (like macaddress or udid)
# return a valid id or nil
# - {#exist?} given a class and an identifier (like macaddress or udid) does
# the identifier exist for the class in the JSS
@@ -252,10 +254,13 @@
# - {#fetch} retrieve an object from the JSS
# - {#make} instantiate an object to be created in the JSS
# - {#send_computer_mdm_command} same as {Computer.send_mdm_command}
# - {#computer_checkin_settings} same as {Computer.checkin_settings}
# - {#computer_inventory_collection_settings} same as {Computer.inventory_collection_settings}
+ # - {#computer_application_usage} same as {Computer.application_usage}
+ # - {#computer_management_data} same as {Computer.management_data}
+ # - {#computer_history} same as {Computer.history}
# - {#send_mobiledevice_mdm_command} same as {MobileDevice.send_mdm_command}
# - {#master_distribution_point} same as {DistributionPoint.master_distribution_point}
# - {#my_distribution_point} same as {DistributionPoint.my_distribution_point}
# - {#network_ranges} same as {NetworkSegment.network_ranges}
# - {#network_segments_for_ip} same as {NetworkSegment.segments_for_ip}
@@ -737,29 +742,52 @@
the_class = JSS.api_object_class(class_name)
args[:api] = self
the_class.make args
- # Call {JSS::Computer.checkin_settings} passing this API
+ # Call {JSS::Computer.checkin_settings} q.v., passing this API
# connection
- # @return (see JSS::Computer.checkin_settings)
- #
def computer_checkin_settings
JSS::Computer.checkin_settings api: self
- # Call {JSS::Computer.inventory_collection_settings} passing this API
+ # Call {JSS::Computer.inventory_collection_settings} q.v., passing this API
# connection
- # @return (see JSS::Computer.checkin_settings)
- #
def computer_inventory_collection_settings
JSS::Computer.inventory_collection_settings api: self
+ # Call {JSS::Computer.application_usage} q.v., passing this API
+ # connection
+ #
+ def computer_application_usage(ident, start_date, end_date = nil)
+ JSS::Computer.application_usage ident, start_date, end_date, api: self
+ end
+ # Call {JSS::Computer.management_data} q.v., passing this API
+ # connection
+ #
+ def computer_management_data(ident, subset: nil, only: nil)
+ JSS::Computer.management_data ident, subset: subset, only: only, api: self
+ end
+ # Call {JSS::Computer.history} q.v., passing this API
+ # connection
+ #
+ def computer_history(ident, subset: nil)
+ JSS::Computer.history ident, subset: subset, api: self
+ end
+ # Call {JSS::Computer.send_mdm_command} q.v., passing this API
+ # connection
+ #
+ def send_computer_mdm_command(targets, command, passcode = nil)
+ JSS::Computer.send_mdm_command targets, command, passcode, api: self
+ end
# Get the DistributionPoint instance for the master
# distribution point in the JSS. If there's only one
# in the JSS, return it even if not marked as master.
# @param refresh[Boolean] re-read from the API?
@@ -832,11 +860,11 @@
# @param refresh[Boolean] should the data be re-queried?
# @return [Array<Integer>] the ids of the NetworkSegments containing the given ip
- def network_segments_for_ip(ip, refresh = false)
+ def network_segments_for_ip(ip)
ok_ip =
matches = []
network_ranges.each { |id, subnet| matches << id if subnet.include?(ok_ip) }
@@ -845,18 +873,9 @@
# @return [Array<Integer>] the NetworkSegment ids for this machine right now.
def my_network_segments
network_segments_for_ip JSS::Client.my_ip_address
- end
- # Send an MDM command to one or more computers managed by
- # this JSS
- #
- # see {JSS::Computer.send_mdm_command}
- #
- def send_computer_mdm_command(targets, command, passcode = nil)
- JSS::Computer.send_mdm_command(targets, command, passcode, api: self)
# Send an MDM command to one or more mobile devices managed by
# this JSS