lib/jamf/utility.rb in ruby-jss-1.5.3 vs lib/jamf/utility.rb in ruby-jss-1.6.0b1
- old
+ new
@@ -185,34 +185,62 @@
raise Jamf::InvalidDataError, 'Input must be a comma-separated String or an Array of Strings'
end # case
{ stringform: valstr, arrayform: valarr }
end # to_s_and_a
- # Parse a plist into a Ruby data structure.
- # This enhances Plist::parse_xml taking file paths, as well as XML Strings
- # and reading the files regardless of binary/XML format.
+ # Parse a plist into a Ruby data structure. The plist parameter may be
+ # a String containing an XML plist, or a path to a plist file, or it may be
+ # a Pathname object pointing to a plist file. The plist files may be XML or
+ # binary.
# @param plist[Pathname, String] the plist XML, or the path to a plist file
+ # @param symbol_keys[Boolean] should any Hash keys in the result be converted
+ # into Symbols rather than remain as Strings?
+ #
# @return [Object] the parsed plist as a ruby hash,array, etc.
- def self.parse_plist(plist)
+ def self.parse_plist(plist, symbol_keys: false)
+ require 'cfpropertylist'
# did we get a string of xml, or a string pathname?
case plist
when String
- return Plist.parse_xml plist if plist.include? '</plist>'
+ return CFPropertyList.native_types( plist).value, symbol_keys) if plist.include? '</plist>'
plist = plist
when Pathname
raise ArgumentError, 'Argument must be a path (as a Pathname or String) or a String of XML'
end # case plist
# if we're here, its a Pathname
- raise Jamf::MissingDataError, "No such file: #{plist}" unless plist.file?
+ raise JSS::MissingDataError, "No such file: #{plist}" unless plist.file?
- Plist.parse_xml `/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -x -c print #{Shellwords.escape(plist.to_s)}`.force_encoding('UTF-8')
+ CFPropertyList.native_types( plist).value, symbol_keys)
end # parse_plist
+ # Convert any ruby data to an XML plist.
+ #
+ # NOTE: Binary data is tricky. Easiest way is to pass in a
+ # Pathname or IO object (anything that responds to `read` and
+ # returns a bytestring)
+ # and then the CFPropertyList.guess method will read it and
+ # convert it to a Plist <data> element with base64 encoded
+ # data.
+ # For more info, see CFPropertyList.guess
+ #
+ # @param data [Object] the data to be converted, usually a Hash
+ #
+ # @return [String] the object converted into an XML plist
+ #
+ def self.xml_plist_from(data)
+ require 'cfpropertylist'
+ plist =
+ plist.value = CFPropertyList.guess(data, convert_unknown_to_string: true)
+ plist.to_str(CFPropertyList::List::FORMAT_XML)
+ end
# TODO: Sill needed in Jamf API?
# Converts anything that responds to #to_s to a Time, or nil