lib/jamf/api/classic/api_objects/policy.rb in ruby-jss-2.1.1 vs lib/jamf/api/classic/api_objects/policy.rb in ruby-jss-3.0.0b1
- old
+ new
@@ -291,86 +291,145 @@
SCRIPT_PARAMETERS_AVAILABLE = %i[parameter4 parameter5 parameter6 parameter7 parameter8 parameter9 parameter10 parameter11].freeze
# Class Methods
- # Flush logs for a given policy older than some number of days, weeks,
- # months or years, possibly limited to one or more computers.
+ # Flush logs for a given policy older than a given time period.
+ # This flushes the logs of the given policy for all computers.
- # With no parameters, flushes all logs for the policy for all computers.
+ # IMPORTANT: from the Jamf Developer Site:
+ # The ability to flush logs is currently only supported for flushing all logs
+ # for a given policy or all logs for a given computer. There is no support for
+ # flushing logs for a given policy and computer combination.
+ # (See .flush_logs_for_computers to to flush all logs for given computers)
+ #
+ # With no parameters, flushes all logs for the policy.
+ #
+ # Without older_than: and period:, will flush all logs for the policy
+ #
# NOTE: Currently the API doesn't have a way to flush only failed policies.
# WARNING: Log flushing can take a long time, and the API call doesnt return
# until its finished. The connection timeout will be temporarily raised to
# 30 minutes, unless it's already higher.
# @param policy[Integer,String] The id or name of the policy to flush
- # @param older_than[Integer] 0, 1, 2, 3, or 6
+ # @param older_than[Integer] 0, 1, 2, 3, or 6, defaults to 0
- # @param period[Symbol] :days, :weeks, :months, or :years
+ # @param period[Symbol] :days, :weeks, :months, or :years, defaults to :days
- # @param computers[Array<Integer,String>] Identifiers of the target computers
- # either ids, names, SNs, macaddrs, or UDIDs. If omitted, flushes logs for
- # all computers
- #
# @param cnx [Jamf::Connection] the API connection to use.
# @return [void]
- def self.flush_logs(policy, older_than: 0, period: :days, computers: [], api: nil, cnx: Jamf.cnx)
+ def self.flush_logs(policy, older_than: 0, period: :days, api: nil, cnx: Jamf.cnx)
cnx = api if api
- orig_timeout = cnx.timeout
pol_id = valid_id policy, cnx: cnx
raise Jamf::NoSuchItemError, "No Policy identified by '#{policy}'." unless pol_id
- older_than = LOG_FLUSH_INTERVAL_INTEGERS[older_than]
- raise Jamf::InvalidDataError, "older_than must be one of these integers: #{LOG_FLUSH_INTERVAL_INTEGERS.keys.join ', '}" unless older_than
+ older_than, period = validate_log_flush_params(older_than, period)
- raise Jamf::InvalidDataError, "period must be one of these symbols: :#{LOG_FLUSH_INTERVAL_PERIODS.keys.join ', :'}" unless period
- computers = [computers] unless computers.is_a? Array
# log flushes can be really slow
+ orig_timeout = cnx.timeout
cnx.timeout = 1800 unless orig_timeout && orig_timeout > 1800
- return cnx.c_delete "#{LOG_FLUSH_RSRC}/policy/id/#{pol_id}/interval/#{older_than}+#{period}" if computers.empty?
- flush_logs_for_specific_computers pol_id, older_than, period, computers, cnx
+ cnx.c_delete "#{LOG_FLUSH_RSRC}/policy/id/#{pol_id}/interval/#{older_than}+#{period}"
cnx.timeout = orig_timeout
- # use an XML body in a DELETE request to flush logs for
- # a list of computers - used by the flush_logs class method
- def self.flush_logs_for_specific_computers(pol_id, older_than, period, computers, cnx)
+ # Flush policy logs for specific computers older than a given time period.
+ # This flushes the logs for all policies for these computers.
+ #
+ # IMPORTANT: from the Jamf Developer Site:
+ # The ability to flush logs is currently only supported for flushing all logs
+ # for a given policy or all logs for a given computer. There is no support for
+ # flushing logs for a given policy and computer combination.
+ #
+ # (See .flush_logs to to flush all logs for a given policy)
+ #
+ # Without older_than: and period:, will flush all logs for the computers
+ #
+ # NOTE: Currently the API doesn't have a way to flush only failed policies.
+ #
+ # WARNING: Log flushing can take a long time, and the API call doesnt return
+ # until its finished. The connection timeout will be temporarily raised to
+ # 30 minutes, unless it's already higher.
+ #
+ # @param computers[Array<Integer,String>] Identifiers of the target computers
+ # either ids, names, SNs, macaddrs, or UDIDs.
+ #
+ # @param older_than[Integer] 0, 1, 2, 3, or 6, defaults to 0
+ #
+ # @param period[Symbol] :days, :weeks, :months, or :years, defaults to :days
+ #
+ # @param cnx [Jamf::Connection] the API connection to use.
+ #
+ # @return [void]
+ #
+ def self.flush_logs_for_computers(computers = [], older_than: 0, period: :days, api: nil, cnx: Jamf.cnx)
+ cnx = api if api
+ computers = [computers] unless computers.is_a? Array
+ raise JSS::InvalidDataError, 'One or more computers must be specified' if computers.empty?
+ older_than, period = validate_log_flush_params(older_than, period)
# build the xml body for a DELETE request
xml_doc = Jamf::Connection::XML_HEADER
lf = xml_doc.add_element 'logflush'
lf.add_element('log').text = 'policy'
- lf.add_element('log_id').text = pol_id.to_s
lf.add_element('interval').text = "#{older_than} #{period}"
comps_elem = lf.add_element 'computers'
computers.each do |c|
id = Jamf::Computer.valid_id c, cnx: cnx
next unless id
ce = comps_elem.add_element 'computer'
ce.add_element('id').text = id.to_s
+ # for debugging the xml...
+ #
+ # formatter =
+ # formatter.compact = true
+ # formatter.write(xml_doc, $stdout)
+ # puts
+ # return
+ # log flushes can be really slow
+ orig_timeout = cnx.timeout
+ cnx.timeout = 1800 unless orig_timeout && orig_timeout > 1800
# Do a DELETE request with a body.
- cnx.delete(LOG_FLUSH_RSRC) do |req|
+ resp = cnx.c_cnx.delete(LOG_FLUSH_RSRC) do |req|
req.headers[Jamf::Connection::HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER] = Jamf::Connection::MIME_XML
req.body = xml_doc.to_s
+ resp.body
+ ensure
+ cnx.timeout = orig_timeout
- private_class_method :flush_logs_for_specific_computers
+ # validate the logflush params
+ # @return [Array<String>]
+ def self.validate_log_flush_params(older_than, period)
+ older_than = LOG_FLUSH_INTERVAL_INTEGERS[older_than]
+ raise Jamf::InvalidDataError, "older_than must be one of these integers: #{LOG_FLUSH_INTERVAL_INTEGERS.keys.join ', '}" unless older_than
+ raise Jamf::InvalidDataError, "period must be one of these symbols: :#{LOG_FLUSH_INTERVAL_PERIODS.keys.join ', :'}" unless period
+ [older_than, period]
+ end
+ private_class_method :validate_log_flush_params
# Attributes
##### General
# This data comes from the :general hash in the raw JSON data
@@ -1850,38 +1909,38 @@
$ ? true : false
alias execute run
- # Flush logs for this policy older than
- # some number of days, weeks, months or years, possibly limited to
- # one or more computers
+ # Flush logs for this policy older than a given time period.
- # With no parameters, flushes all logs for all computers
+ # IMPORTANT: from the Jamf Developer Site:
+ # The ability to flush logs is currently only supported for flushing all logs
+ # for a given policy or all logs for a given computer. There is no support for
+ # flushing logs for a given policy and computer combination.
+ # With no parameters, will flush all logs for the policy
+ #
# NOTE: Currently the API doesn't have a way to flush only failed policies.
# WARNING: Log flushing can take a long time, and the API call doesnt return
# until its finished. The connection timeout will be temporarily raised to
# 30 minutes, unless it's already higher.
# @param older_than[Integer] 0, 1, 2, 3, or 6
# @param period[Symbol] :days, :weeks, :months, or :years
- # @param computers[Array<Integer,String>] Identifiers of the target computers
- # either ids, names, SNs, macaddrs, or UDIDs
- #
# @return [void]
- def flush_logs(older_than: 0, period: :days, computers: [])
- raise Jamf::NoSuchItemError, "Policy doesn't exist in the JSS. Use #create first." unless @in_jss
+ def flush_logs(older_than: 0, period: :days)
+ raise Jamf::NoSuchItemError, "Policy doesn't exist in the JSS. Use #save first." unless @in_jss
older_than: older_than,
period: period,
- computers: computers, cnx: @cnx
+ cnx: @cnx
# Private Instance Methods