in ruby-jss-0.12.0 vs in ruby-jss-0.13.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# Change History
+## v 0.13.0, 2018-05-30
+- Update: Now requires rest-client gem v2.0 and up, and ruby v 2.0.0 and up. Thanks to HIMANSHU-ELIGIBLE @ github for catching & fixing this one.
+- Fix: a few minor bugs in JSS::Criteriable::Criterion
## v 0.12.0, 2018-04-16
- Simplification: when building .pkg's with JSS::Composer.mk_pkg, only two params are related to Package Signing: 'signing_identity:' the name of the signing identity to use, and and 'signing_options:' a string of all other signing-related CLI options that will be passed to the pkgbuild command, e.g. keychain locations, timestamps, certs, etc. For details, see `man pkgbuild`
- Improvement: Now augmenting ruby Hashes with an embeded 'recursive-open-struct' version of themselves. This simplifies accessing values from deeply-nested Hash structures, e.g. JSS::Computer#hardware instead of `computer_instance.hardware[:storage].first[:partition][:percentage_full]` you can do ``. See for details. Uses the [recursive-open-struct gem](