in ruby-jss-0.10.0a3 vs in ruby-jss-0.10.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,22 +1,29 @@
# Change History
-## v0.10.0a2 2017-08-17 (pre release)
+## v0.10.0 2017-10-09
-- Fix: require 'English', rather than require 'english'. Thanks to HIMANSHU-ELIGIBLE @ github for catching & fixing this one.
-## v0.10.0a1 2017-08-15 (pre release)
- Improvement: Working with multiple APIConnections is now far more flexible!
There are three ways to work with multiple simultaneous APIConnection instances:
1. Making a connection 'active', after which API calls go thru it (introduced in 0.9.0)
2. Passing an APIConnection instance to methods that use the API
3. Using an APIConnection instance itself to make API calls.
The default/active connection continues to work as always, so your existing code will be fine.
See the [documentation for the JSS::APIConnection class]( for details.
- Fix: Specifying port 443, as well as 8443, when connecting an APIConnection will default to using SSL. To force such a connection to NOT use SSL, provide the parameter `use_ssl: false`
+- Fix: require 'English', rather than require 'english'. Thanks to HIMANSHU-ELIGIBLE @ github for catching & fixing this one.
+- Fix: Popup extension attributes can always take a blank value.
+- Fix: UserGroup members have a 'username' value, not 'name'
+- Add: Two case-insentive string methods added to Array:
+ - Array#jss_ci_include_string? Takes a string, returns true if the Array contains the string without regard to case.
+ E.g. `['ThrAsHer'].jss_ci_include_string? 'thrasher' # => true`
+ - Array#jss_ci_fetch_string Takes a string and fetches it from the array, regardless of case. Nil if not found.
+ E.g. `['thrasher'].jss_ci_fetch_string 'ThrAsHer' # => 'thrasher'`
+- Fix: APIConnection.map_all_ids wasn't honoring :refresh
+- Improvement: Extendable module: only push changed EAs when `update` is called.
+- Add: Computer objects now have a `last_enrolled` attribute
## v0.9.3 2017-08-08
- Add: JSS::Computer instance now allow you to modify mac_address, alt_mac_address, udid, and serial_number.
Note: even tho the WebUI doesn't allow editing of the serial_number, the API does and doing so can be useful