lib/ruby-growl.rb in ruby-growl-3.0 vs lib/ruby-growl.rb in ruby-growl-4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,151 +1,83 @@
-#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w
require 'digest/md5'
require 'socket'
+ require 'dnssd'
+rescue LoadError
-# ruby-growl allows you to perform Growl notification via UDP from machines
-# without growl installed (for example, non-OSX machines).
+# ruby-growl allows you to perform Growl notifications from machines without
+# growl installed (for example, non-OSX machines).
-# What's Growl? Growl is a really cool "global notification system for Mac OS
-# X". See
+# In version 4, the Growl class is a wrapper for Growl::UDP and Growl::GNTP.
+# The GNTP protocol allows setting icons for notifications and callbacks. To
+# upgrade from version 3 replace the notification names passed to initialize
+# with a call to #add_notification.
-# You'll need a Mac to recieve Growl notifications, but you can send Growl
-# notifications from any UDP-capable machine that runs Ruby.
+# Basic usage:
-# See also the Ruby Growl bindings in Growl's subversion repository:
+# require 'ruby-growl'
-# ruby-growl also contains a command-line notification tool named 'growl'. It
-# is almost completely option-compatible with growlnotify. (All except for -p
-# is supported, use --priority instead.)
+# g = "localhost", "ruby-growl"
+# g.add_notification "ruby-growl Notification"
+# g.notify "ruby-growl Notification", "It came from ruby-growl!",
+# "Greetings!"
-# = Synopsis
+# For GNTP users, ruby-growl ships with the Ruby icon from the {Ruby Visual
+# Identity Team}[]:
-# g = "", "ruby-growl",
-# ["ruby-growl Notification"]
-# g.notify "ruby-growl Notification", "It Came From Ruby-Growl",
-# "Greetings!"
+# require 'ruby-growl'
+# require 'ruby-growl/ruby_logo'
+# g = "localhost", "ruby-growl"
+# g.add_notification("notification", "ruby-growl Notification",
+# Growl::RUBY_LOGO_PNG)
+# g.notify "notification", "It came from ruby-growl", "Greetings!"
+# See Growl::UDP and Growl::GNTP for protocol-specific API.
class Growl
- # The Ruby that ships with Tiger has a broken #pack, so 'v' means network
- # byte order instead of 'n'.
+ # ruby-growl version
- BROKEN_PACK = [1].pack("n") != "\000\001" # :nodoc:
+ VERSION = '4.0'
- little_endian = [1].pack('V*') == [1].pack('L*')
- little_endian = !little_endian if BROKEN_PACK
- # Endianness of this machine
+ # Growl error base class
- LITTLE_ENDIAN = little_endian
+ class Error < RuntimeError
+ end
- # ruby-growl Version
+ # Password for authenticating and encrypting requests.
- VERSION = '3.0'
+ attr_accessor :password
- # Growl Network Registration Packet +pack+ Format
- #--
- # Format:
- #
- # struct GrowlNetworkRegistration {
- # struct GrowlNetworkPacket {
- # unsigned char version;
- # unsigned char type;
- # } __attribute__((packed));
- # unsigned short appNameLen;
- # unsigned char numAllNotifications;
- # unsigned char numDefaultNotifications;
- # /*
- # * Variable sized. Format:
- # * <application name><all notifications><default notifications><checksum>
- # * where <all notifications> is of the form (<length><name>){num} and
- # * <default notifications> is an array of indices into the all notifications
- # * array, each index being 8 bits.
- # */
- # unsigned char data[];
- # } __attribute__((packed));
- GNR_FORMAT.gsub!(/n/, 'v') if BROKEN_PACK
- ##
- # Growl Network Notification Packet +pack+ Format
- #--
- # Format:
- #
- # struct GrowlNetworkNotification {
- # struct GrowlNetworkPacket {
- # unsigned char version;
- # unsigned char type;
- # } __attribute__((packed));
- # struct GrowlNetworkNotificationFlags {
- # unsigned reserved: 12;
- # signed priority: 3;
- # unsigned sticky: 1;
- # } __attribute__((packed)) flags; //size = 16 (12 + 3 + 1)
- # unsigned short nameLen;
- # unsigned short titleLen;
- # unsigned short descriptionLen;
- # unsigned short appNameLen;
- # /*
- # * Variable sized. Format:
- # * <notification name><title><description><application name><checksum>
- # */
- # unsigned char data[];
- # } __attribute__((packed));
- GNN_FORMAT = "CCnnnnna*"
- GNN_FORMAT.gsub!(/n/, 'v') if BROKEN_PACK
- # For litle endian machines the NetworkNotificationFlags aren't in network
- # byte order
- GNN_FORMAT.sub!((BROKEN_PACK ? 'v' : 'n'), 'v') if LITTLE_ENDIAN
- ##
- # Growl UDP Port
- ##
- # Growl Protocol Version
- ##
- # Growl Registration Packet Id
- ##
- # Growl Notification Packet Id
- ##
# List of hosts accessible via dnssd
- def self.list
- require 'dnssd'
+ def self.list type
+ raise 'you must gem install dnssd' unless Object.const_defined? :DNSSD
+ require 'timeout'
growls = []
- DNSSD.browse! '_growl._tcp' do |reply|
- next unless reply.flags.add?
+ begin
+ Timeout.timeout 10 do
+ DNSSD.browse! type do |reply|
+ next unless reply.flags.add?
- growls << reply
+ growls << reply
- break unless reply.flags.more_coming?
+ break unless reply.flags.more_coming?
+ end
+ end
+ rescue Timeout::Error
hosts = []
growls.each do |growl|
@@ -154,12 +86,10 @@
- rescue LoadError
- raise 'you must gem install dnssd'
# Sends a notification using +options+
@@ -170,14 +100,14 @@
puts "Type your message and hit ^D" if $stdin.tty?
message = $
notify_type = options[:notify_type]
- notify_types = [notify_type]
- g = new(options[:host], options[:name], notify_types, notify_types,
- options[:password])
+ g = new options[:host], options[:name]
+ g.add_notification notify_type
+ g.password = options[:password]
g.notify(notify_type, options[:title], message, options[:priority],
@@ -186,19 +116,19 @@
def self.process_args argv
require 'optparse'
options = {
- :host => nil,
- :message => nil,
- :name => "ruby-growl",
- :notify_type => "ruby-growl Notification",
- :password => nil,
- :priority => 0,
- :sticky => false,
- :title => "",
- :list => false,
+ host: nil,
+ message: nil,
+ name: "ruby-growl",
+ notify_type: "ruby-growl Notification",
+ password: nil,
+ priority: 0,
+ sticky: false,
+ title: "",
+ list: false,
opts = do |o|
o.program_name = File.basename $0
o.version = Growl::VERSION
@@ -275,11 +205,15 @@
def argv = ARGV
options = process_args argv
if options[:list] then
- puts list
+ puts 'Growl GNTP hosts:'
+ puts list '_gntp._tcp'
+ puts
+ puts 'Growl UDP hosts:'
+ puts list '_growl._tcp'
rescue => e
raise unless e.message =~ /gem install dnssd/
abort "#{e.message} to use --list"
@@ -288,167 +222,107 @@
notify options
- # Creates a new Growl notifier and automatically registers any notifications
- # with the remote machine.
+ # Creates a new growl basic notifier for +host+ and +application_name+.
- # +host+ is the host to contact.
+ # +growl_type+ is used to specify the type of growl server to connect to.
+ # The following values are allowed:
- # +app_name+ is the name of the application sending the notifications.
+ # nil::
+ # Automatically determine the growl type. If a GNTP server is not found
+ # then ruby-growl chooses UDP.
+ # 'GNTP'::
+ # Use GNTP connections. GNTP is supported by Growl 1.3 and newer and by
+ # Growl for Windows.
+ # 'UDP'::
+ # Uses the UDP growl protocol. UDP growl is supported by Growl 1.2 and
+ # older.
- # +all_notifies+ is a list of notification types your application sends.
- #
- # +default_notifies+ is a list of notification types that are turned on by
- # default.
- #
- # I'm not sure about what +default_notifies+ is supposed to be set to, since
- # there is a comment that says "not a subset of all_notifies" in the code.
- #
- # +password+ is the password needed to send notifications to +host+.
+ # You can use <tt>growl --list</tt> to see growl servers on your local
+ # network.
- def initialize(host, app_name, all_notifies, default_notifies = nil,
- password = nil)
- @socket =
- # FIXME This goes somewhere else
- @socket.connect host, GROWL_UDP_PORT
- @app_name = app_name
- @all_notifies = all_notifies
- @default_notifies = default_notifies.nil? ? all_notifies : default_notifies
- @password = password
+ def initialize host, application_name, growl_type = nil
+ @host = host
+ @application_name = application_name
- register
+ @notifications = {}
+ @password = nil
+ @growl_type = choose_implementation growl_type
- # Sends a notification.
- #
- # +notify_type+ is the type of notification to send.
- #
- # +title+ is a title for the notification.
- #
- # +message+ is the body of the notification.
- #
- # +priority+ is the priorty of message to send.
- #
- # +sticky+ makes the notification stick until clicked.
+ # Adds a notification named +name+ to the basic notifier. For GNTP servers
+ # you may specify a +display_name+ and +icon+ and set the default +enabled+
+ # status.
- def notify(notify_type, title, message, priority = 0, sticky = false)
- raise "Unknown Notification" unless @all_notifies.include? notify_type
- raise "Invalid Priority" unless priority >= -2 and priority <= 2
- send notification_packet(notify_type, title, message, priority, sticky)
+ def add_notification name, display_name = nil, icon = nil, enabled = true
+ @notifications[name] = display_name, icon, enabled
- ##
- # Registers the notification types with +host+.
+ def choose_implementation type # :nodoc:
+ raise ArgumentError,
+ "type must be \"GNTP\", \"UDP\" or nil; was #{type.inspect}" unless
+ ['GNTP', 'UDP', nil].include? type
- def register
- send registration_packet
- end
+ return type if type
- ##
- # Sends a Growl packet
+ @host, Growl::GNTP::PORT do end
- def send(packet)
- set_sndbuf packet.length
- @socket.send packet, 0
- @socket.flush
+ 'GNTP'
+ rescue SystemCallError
+ 'UDP'
- # Builds a Growl registration packet
+ # Sends a notification of type +name+ with the given +title+, +message+,
+ # +priority+ and +sticky+ settings.
- def registration_packet
- length = 0
- data = []
- data_format = ""
+ def notify name, title, message, priority = 0, sticky = false
+ case @growl_type
+ when 'GNTP' then
+ notify_gntp name, title, message, priority, sticky
+ when 'UDP' then
+ notify_udp name, title, message, priority, sticky
+ else
+ raise Growl::Error, "bug, unknown growl type #{@growl_type.inspect}"
+ end
- packet = [
- ]
+ self
+ end
- packet << @app_name.bytesize
- packet << @all_notifies.length
- packet << @default_notifies.length
+ def notify_gntp name, title, message, priority, sticky # :nodoc:
+ growl = @host, @application_name
+ growl.password = @password
- data << @app_name
- data_format = "a#{@app_name.bytesize}"
- @all_notifies.each do |notify|
- data << notify.length
- data << notify
- data_format << "na#{notify.length}"
+ @notifications.each do |name, details|
+ growl.add_notification name, *details
- @default_notifies.each do |notify|
- data << @all_notifies.index(notify) if @all_notifies.include? notify
- data_format << "C"
- end
+ growl.register
- data_format.gsub!(/n/, 'v') if BROKEN_PACK
- data = data.pack data_format
- packet << data
- packet = packet.pack GNR_FORMAT
- checksum = << packet
- checksum.update @password unless @password.nil?
- packet << checksum.digest
- return packet
+ growl.notify name, title, message, priority, sticky
- ##
- # Builds a Growl notification packet
+ def notify_udp name, title, message, priority, sticky # :nodoc:
+ all_notifications = @notifications.keys
+ default_notifications = do |name, (_, _, enabled)|
+ enabled
+ do |name,|
+ name
+ end
- def notification_packet(name, title, description, priority, sticky)
- flags = 0
- data = []
+ notification = all_notifications.first
- packet = [
- ]
+ growl =, @application_name, all_notifications,
+ default_notifications, @password)
- flags = 0
- flags |= ((0x7 & priority) << 1) # 3 bits for priority
- flags |= 1 if sticky # 1 bit for sticky
- packet << flags
- packet << name.bytesize
- packet << title.length
- packet << description.bytesize
- packet << @app_name.bytesize
- data << name
- data << title
- data << description
- data << @app_name
- packet << data.join
- packet = packet.pack GNN_FORMAT
- checksum = << packet
- checksum.update @password unless @password.nil?
- packet << checksum.digest
- return packet
+ growl.notify name, title, message, priority, sticky
- ##
- # Set the size of the send buffer
- #--
- # Is this truly necessary?
- def set_sndbuf(length)
- @socket.setsockopt Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_SNDBUF, length
- end
+require 'ruby-growl/gntp'
+require 'ruby-growl/udp'