lib/graphviz/edge.rb in ruby-graphviz_c-1.1.0 vs lib/graphviz/edge.rb in ruby-graphviz_c-1.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -16,154 +16,154 @@
require 'graphviz/attrs'
require 'graphviz/constants'
class GraphViz
- class Edge
- include GraphViz::Constants
+ class Edge
+ include GraphViz::Constants
- # Create a new edge
- #
- # In:
- # * vNodeOne : First node (can be a GraphViz::Node or a node ID)
- # * vNodeTwo : Second node (can be a GraphViz::Node or a node ID)
- # * parent_graph : Graph
- def initialize( vNodeOne, vNodeTwo, parent_graph )
- @node_one_id, @node_one_port = getNodeNameAndPort( vNodeOne )
- @node_two_id, @node_two_port = getNodeNameAndPort( vNodeTwo )
+ # Create a new edge
+ #
+ # In:
+ # * vNodeOne : First node (can be a GraphViz::Node or a node ID)
+ # * vNodeTwo : Second node (can be a GraphViz::Node or a node ID)
+ # * parent_graph : Graph
+ def initialize( vNodeOne, vNodeTwo, parent_graph )
+ @node_one_id, @node_one_port = getNodeNameAndPort( vNodeOne )
+ @node_two_id, @node_two_port = getNodeNameAndPort( vNodeTwo )
- @parent_graph = parent_graph
- @edge_attributes = GraphViz::Attrs::new( nil, "edge", EDGESATTRS )
- @index = nil
+ @parent_graph = parent_graph
+ @edge_attributes = GraphViz::Attrs::new( nil, "edge", EDGESATTRS )
+ @index = nil
- unless @parent_graph.directed?
- (@parent_graph.find_node(@node_one_id) || @parent_graph.add_nodes(@node_one_id)).incidents << (@parent_graph.find_node(@node_two_id) || @parent_graph.add_nodes(@node_two_id))
- (@parent_graph.find_node(@node_two_id) || @parent_graph.add_nodes(@node_two_id)).neighbors << (@parent_graph.find_node(@node_one_id) || @parent_graph.add_nodes(@node_one_id))
- end
- (@parent_graph.find_node(@node_one_id) || @parent_graph.add_nodes(@node_one_id)).neighbors << (@parent_graph.find_node(@node_two_id) || @parent_graph.add_nodes(@node_two_id))
- (@parent_graph.find_node(@node_two_id) || @parent_graph.add_nodes(@node_two_id)).incidents << (@parent_graph.find_node(@node_one_id) || @parent_graph.add_nodes(@node_one_id))
+ unless @parent_graph.directed?
+ (@parent_graph.find_node(@node_one_id) || @parent_graph.add_nodes(@node_one_id)).incidents << (@parent_graph.find_node(@node_two_id) || @parent_graph.add_nodes(@node_two_id))
+ (@parent_graph.find_node(@node_two_id) || @parent_graph.add_nodes(@node_two_id)).neighbors << (@parent_graph.find_node(@node_one_id) || @parent_graph.add_nodes(@node_one_id))
+ (@parent_graph.find_node(@node_one_id) || @parent_graph.add_nodes(@node_one_id)).neighbors << (@parent_graph.find_node(@node_two_id) || @parent_graph.add_nodes(@node_two_id))
+ (@parent_graph.find_node(@node_two_id) || @parent_graph.add_nodes(@node_two_id)).incidents << (@parent_graph.find_node(@node_one_id) || @parent_graph.add_nodes(@node_one_id))
+ end
- # Return the node one as string (so with port if any)
- def node_one( with_port = true )
- if not(@node_one_port and with_port)
- GraphViz.escape(@node_one_id)
- else
- GraphViz.escape(@node_one_id, :force => true) + ":#{@node_one_port}"
- end
+ # Return the node one as string (so with port if any)
+ def node_one( with_port = true )
+ if not(@node_one_port and with_port)
+ @node_one_id
+ else
+ "#{@node_one_id}:#{@node_one_port}"
- alias :tail_node :node_one
+ end
+ alias :tail_node :node_one
- # Return the node two as string (so with port if any)
- def node_two( with_port = true )
- if not(@node_two_port and with_port)
- GraphViz.escape(@node_two_id)
- else
- GraphViz.escape(@node_two_id, :force => true) + ":#{@node_two_port}"
- end
+ # Return the node two as string (so with port if any)
+ def node_two( with_port = true )
+ if not(@node_two_port and with_port)
+ @node_two_id
+ else
+ "#{@node_two_id}:#{@node_two_port}"
- alias :head_node :node_two
+ end
+ alias :head_node :node_two
- # Return the index of the edge
- def index
- @index
- end
- def index=(i) #:nodoc:
- @index = i if @index == nil
- end
+ # Return the index of the edge
+ def index
+ @index
+ end
+ def index=(i) #:nodoc:
+ @index = i if @index == nil
+ end
- # Set value +attribute_value+ to the edge attribute +attribute_name+
- def []=( attribute_name, attribute_value )
- attribute_value = attribute_value.to_s if attribute_value.class == Symbol
- @edge_attributes[attribute_name.to_s] = attribute_value
- end
+ # Set value +attribute_value+ to the edge attribute +attribute_name+
+ def []=( attribute_name, attribute_value )
+ attribute_value = attribute_value.to_s if attribute_value.class == Symbol
+ @edge_attributes[attribute_name.to_s] = attribute_value
+ end
- # Set values for edge attributes or
- # get the value of the given edge attribute +attribute_name+
- def []( attribute_name )
- # Modification by axgle (
- if Hash === attribute_name
- attribute_name.each do |key, value|
- self[key] = value
- end
- else
- if @edge_attributes[attribute_name.to_s]
- @edge_attributes[attribute_name.to_s].clone
- else
- nil
- end
- end
+ # Set values for edge attributes or
+ # get the value of the given edge attribute +attribute_name+
+ def []( attribute_name )
+ # Modification by axgle (
+ if Hash === attribute_name
+ attribute_name.each do |key, value|
+ self[key] = value
+ end
+ else
+ if @edge_attributes[attribute_name.to_s]
+ @edge_attributes[attribute_name.to_s].clone
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ end
- #
- # Calls block once for each attribute of the edge, passing the name and value to the
- # block as a two-element array.
- #
- # If global is set to false, the block does not receive the attributes set globally
- #
- def each_attribute(global = true, &b)
- attrs = @edge_attributes.to_h
- if global
- attrs = pg.edge.to_h.merge attrs
- end
- attrs.each do |k,v|
- yield(k,v)
- end
+ #
+ # Calls block once for each attribute of the edge, passing the name and value to the
+ # block as a two-element array.
+ #
+ # If global is set to false, the block does not receive the attributes set globally
+ #
+ def each_attribute(global = true, &b)
+ attrs = @edge_attributes.to_h
+ if global
+ attrs = pg.edge.to_h.merge attrs
- def each_attribut(global = true, &b)
- warn "`GraphViz::Edge#each_attribut` is deprecated, please use `GraphViz::Edge#each_attribute`"
- each_attribute(global, &b)
+ attrs.each do |k,v|
+ yield(k,v)
+ end
+ def each_attribut(global = true, &b)
+ warn "`GraphViz::Edge#each_attribut` is deprecated, please use `GraphViz::Edge#each_attribute`"
+ each_attribute(global, &b)
+ end
- def <<( node ) #:nodoc:
- n = @parent_graph.get_node(@node_two_id)
+ def <<( node ) #:nodoc:
+ n = @parent_graph.get_node(@node_two_id)
- GraphViz::commonGraph( node, n ).add_edges( n, node )
- end
- alias :> :<< #:nodoc:
- alias :- :<< #:nodoc:
- alias :>> :<< #:nodoc:
+ GraphViz::commonGraph( node, n ).add_edges( n, node )
+ end
+ alias :> :<< #:nodoc:
+ alias :- :<< #:nodoc:
+ alias :>> :<< #:nodoc:
- #
- # Return the root graph
- #
- def root_graph
- return( ( ? nil : )
- end
+ #
+ # Return the root graph
+ #
+ def root_graph
+ return( ( ? nil : )
+ end
- def pg #:nodoc:
- @parent_graph
- end
+ def pg #:nodoc:
+ @parent_graph
+ end
- # Set edge attributes
- #
- # Example :
- # e = graph.add_edges( ... )
- # ...
- # e.set { |_e|
- # _e.color = "blue"
- # _e.fontcolor = "red"
- # }
- def set( &b )
- yield( self )
- end
+ # Set edge attributes
+ #
+ # Example :
+ # e = graph.add_edges( ... )
+ # ...
+ # e.set { |_e|
+ # _e.color = "blue"
+ # _e.fontcolor = "red"
+ # }
+ def set( &b )
+ yield( self )
+ end
- # Add edge options
- # use edge.<option>=<value> or edge.<option>( <value> )
- def method_missing( idName, *args, &block ) #:nodoc:
- return if idName == :to_ary # ruby 1.9.2 fix
- xName = idName.id2name
+ # Add edge options
+ # use edge.<option>=<value> or edge.<option>( <value> )
+ def method_missing( idName, *args, &block ) #:nodoc:
+ return if idName == :to_ary # ruby 1.9.2 fix
+ xName = idName.id2name
- self[xName.gsub( /=$/, "" )]=args[0]
- end
+ self[xName.gsub( /=$/, "" )]=args[0]
+ end
- def output( oGraphType ) #:nodoc:
- xLink = " -> "
+ def output( oGraphType ) #:nodoc:
+ xLink = " -> "
if oGraphType == "graph"
xLink = " -- "
- xOut = self.node_one + xLink + self.node_two
+ xOut = GraphViz.escape(self.node_one) + xLink + GraphViz.escape(self.node_two)
xAttr = ""
xSeparator = "" do |k, v|
xAttr << xSeparator + k + " = " + v.to_gv
xSeparator = ", "