lib/dnn/core/models.rb in ruby-dnn-1.2.3 vs lib/dnn/core/models.rb in ruby-dnn-1.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -128,10 +128,11 @@
@loss_func = nil
@built = false
@loss_weights = nil
@callbacks = []
@last_log = {}
+ @early_stop_requested = false
def call(input_tensors)
output_tensors = forward(input_tensors)
@built = true unless @built
@@ -180,25 +181,28 @@
# @param [Integer] batch_size Batch size used for one training.
# @param [Integer] initial_epoch Initial epoch.
# @param [Array | NilClass] test If you to test the model for every 1 epoch,
# specify [x_test, y_test]. Don't test to the model, specify nil.
# @param [Boolean] verbose Set true to display the log. If false is set, the log is not displayed.
- # @param [Boolean] accuracy Set true to compute the accuracy.
+ # @param [Boolean] need_accuracy Set true to compute the accuracy.
+ # @param [IO] io Specifies the IO object to use for logging.
def train(x, y, epochs,
batch_size: 1,
initial_epoch: 1,
test: nil,
verbose: true,
- accuracy: true)
- check_xy_type(x, y)
- train_iterator =, y)
- train_by_iterator(train_iterator, epochs,
- batch_size: batch_size,
- initial_epoch: initial_epoch,
- test: test,
- verbose: verbose,
- accuracy: accuracy)
+ need_accuracy: true,
+ io: $stdout)
+ trainer =
+ trainer.start_train(x, y, epochs,
+ batch_size: batch_size,
+ initial_epoch: initial_epoch,
+ test: test,
+ verbose: verbose,
+ need_accuracy: need_accuracy,
+ io: io)
+ trainer.update while
alias fit train
# Start training by iterator.
@@ -208,203 +212,183 @@
# @param [Integer] batch_size Batch size used for one training.
# @param [Integer] initial_epoch Initial epoch.
# @param [Array | NilClass] test If you to test the model for every 1 epoch,
# specify [x_test, y_test]. Don't test to the model, specify nil.
# @param [Boolean] verbose Set true to display the log. If false is set, the log is not displayed.
- # @param [Boolean] accuracy Set true to compute the accuracy.
+ # @param [Boolean] need_accuracy Set true to compute the accuracy.
+ # @param [IO] io Specifies the IO object to use for logging.
def train_by_iterator(train_iterator, epochs,
batch_size: 1,
initial_epoch: 1,
test: nil,
verbose: true,
- accuracy: true)
- raise DNNError, "The model is not optimizer setup complete." unless @optimizer
- raise DNNError, "The model is not loss_func setup complete." unless @loss_func
- num_train_datas = train_iterator.num_datas
- num_train_datas = num_train_datas / batch_size * batch_size if train_iterator.last_round_down
- stopped = catch(:stop) do
- (initial_epoch..epochs).each do |epoch|
- @last_log[:epoch] = epoch
- call_callbacks(:before_epoch)
- puts "【 epoch #{epoch}/#{epochs} 】" if verbose
- train_iterator.foreach(batch_size) do |x_batch, y_batch, index|
- @last_log[:step] = index
- train_step_met = train_step(x_batch, y_batch)
- num_trained_datas = (index + 1) * batch_size
- num_trained_datas = num_trained_datas > num_train_datas ? num_train_datas : num_trained_datas
- log = "\r"
- 40.times do |i|
- if i < num_trained_datas * 40 / num_train_datas
- log << "="
- elsif i == num_trained_datas * 40 / num_train_datas
- log << ">"
- else
- log << "_"
- end
- end
- log << " #{num_trained_datas}/#{num_train_datas} "
- log << metrics_to_str(train_step_met)
- print log if verbose
- end
- if test
- acc, loss = if test.is_a?(Array)
- evaluate(test[0], test[1], batch_size: batch_size, accuracy: accuracy)
- else
- evaluate_by_iterator(test, batch_size: batch_size, accuracy: accuracy)
- end
- if verbose
- metrics = if accuracy
- { accuracy: acc, test_loss: loss }
- else
- { test_loss: loss }
- end
- print " " + metrics_to_str(metrics)
- end
- end
- puts "" if verbose
- call_callbacks(:after_epoch)
- end
- nil
- end
- if stopped
- puts "\n#{stopped}" if verbose
- end
+ need_accuracy: true,
+ io: $stdout)
+ trainer =
+ trainer.start_train_by_iterator(train_iterator, epochs,
+ batch_size: batch_size,
+ initial_epoch: initial_epoch,
+ test: test,
+ verbose: verbose,
+ need_accuracy: need_accuracy,
+ io: io)
+ trainer.update while
alias fit_by_iterator train_by_iterator
# Implement the training process to be performed in one step.
# @param [Numo::SFloat] x Input training data.
# @param [Numo::SFloat] y Output training data.
+ # @param [Boolean] need_accuracy Set true to compute the accuracy.
# @return [Hash] Hash of contents to be output to log.
- private def train_step(x, y)
- loss_value = train_on_batch(x, y)
- { loss: loss_value }
+ def train_step(x, y, need_accuracy: false)
+ output_data, loss_data = train_on_batch_internal(x, y)
+ if loss_data.is_a?(Array)
+ loss_value = []
+ acc = [] if need_accuracy
+ loss_data.each_index do |i|
+ loss_value << Utils.to_f(loss_data)
+ acc << accuracy(output_data[i], y[i]).to_f / y[i].shape[0] if need_accuracy
+ end
+ else
+ loss_value = Utils.to_f(loss_data)
+ acc = accuracy(output_data, y).to_f / y.shape[0] if need_accuracy
+ end
+ if need_accuracy
+ { loss: loss_value, accuracy: acc }
+ else
+ { loss: loss_value }
+ end
# Training once.
# Setup the model before use this method.
# @param [Numo::SFloat] x Input training data.
# @param [Numo::SFloat] y Output training data.
- # @return [Float | Numo::SFloat] Return loss value in the form of Float or Numo::SFloat.
+ # @return [Float | Array] Return loss value in the form of Float or Array.
def train_on_batch(x, y)
raise DNNError, "The model is not optimizer setup complete." unless @optimizer
raise DNNError, "The model is not loss_func setup complete." unless @loss_func
- check_xy_type(x, y)
- call_callbacks(:before_train_on_batch)
+ Utils.check_input_data_type("x", x, Xumo::SFloat)
+ Utils.check_input_data_type("y", y, Xumo::SFloat)
+ *, loss_data = train_on_batch_internal(x, y)
+ if loss_data.is_a?(Array)
+ { |v| Utils.to_f(v) }
+ else
+ Utils.to_f(loss_data)
+ end
+ end
+ private def train_on_batch_internal(x, y)
DNN.learning_phase = true
output_tensors = call(Tensor.convert(x))
if output_tensors.is_a?(Array)
+ output_data = []
loss_data = []
output_tensors.each.with_index do |out, i|
+ output_data <<
loss_opt = {}
loss_opt[:layers] = layers if i == 0
loss_opt[:loss_weight] = @loss_weights[i] if @loss_weights
loss = @loss_func[i].loss(out, Tensor.convert(y[i]), **loss_opt)
- loss_data << Utils.to_f(
+ loss_data <<[i][0...1, false].shape[0], 1))
out = output_tensors
+ output_data =
loss = @loss_func.loss(out, Tensor.convert(y), layers: layers)
- loss_data = Utils.to_f(
+ loss_data =[0...1, false].shape[0], 1))
- @last_log[:train_loss] = loss_data
- call_callbacks(:after_train_on_batch)
- loss_data
+ [output_data, loss_data]
# Evaluate model and get accuracy and loss of test data.
# @param [Numo::SFloat] x Input test data.
# @param [Numo::SFloat] y Output test data.
# @param [Integer] batch_size Batch size used for one test.
+ # @param [Boolean] need_accuracy Set true to compute the accuracy.
# @return [Array] Returns the test data accuracy and mean loss in the form [accuracy, mean_loss].
# If accuracy is not needed returns in the form [nil, mean_loss].
- def evaluate(x, y, batch_size: 100, accuracy: true)
- check_xy_type(x, y)
- evaluate_by_iterator(, y, random: false), batch_size: batch_size, accuracy: accuracy)
+ def evaluate(x, y, batch_size: 100, need_accuracy: true)
+ Utils.check_input_data_type("x", x, Xumo::SFloat)
+ Utils.check_input_data_type("y", y, Xumo::SFloat)
+ evaluator =
+ evaluator.start_evaluate(x, y, batch_size: batch_size, need_accuracy: need_accuracy)
+ evaluator.update while evaluator.evaluating?
+ [@last_log[:test_accuracy], @last_log[:test_loss]]
# Evaluate model by iterator.
# @param [DNN::Iterator] test_iterator Iterator used for testing.
# @param [Integer] batch_size Batch size used for one test.
+ # @param [Boolean] need_accuracy Set true to compute the accuracy.
# @return [Array] Returns the test data accuracy and mean loss in the form [accuracy, mean_loss].
# If accuracy is not needed returns in the form [nil, mean_loss].
- def evaluate_by_iterator(test_iterator, batch_size: 100, accuracy: true)
- num_test_datas = test_iterator.num_datas
- batch_size = batch_size >= num_test_datas ? num_test_datas : batch_size
- if @loss_func.is_a?(Array)
- total_correct =, 0)
- sum_loss =, 0)
- else
- total_correct = 0
- sum_loss = 0
- end
- max_steps = (num_test_datas.to_f / batch_size).ceil
- test_iterator.foreach(batch_size) do |x_batch, y_batch|
- correct, loss_value = test_on_batch(x_batch, y_batch, accuracy: accuracy)
- if @loss_func.is_a?(Array)
- @loss_func.each_index do |i|
- total_correct[i] += correct[i] if accuracy
- sum_loss[i] += loss_value[i]
- end
- else
- total_correct += correct if accuracy
- sum_loss += loss_value
+ def evaluate_by_iterator(test_iterator, batch_size: 100, need_accuracy: true)
+ evaluator =
+ evaluator.start_evaluate_by_iterator(test_iterator, batch_size: batch_size, need_accuracy: need_accuracy)
+ evaluator.update while evaluator.evaluating?
+ [@last_log[:test_accuracy], @last_log[:test_loss]]
+ end
+ # Testing process to be performed in one step.
+ # @param [Numo::SFloat] x Input training data.
+ # @param [Numo::SFloat] y Output training data.
+ # @return [Hash] Hash of contents to be output to log.
+ def test_step(x, y, need_accuracy: false)
+ output_data, loss_data = test_on_batch_internal(x, y)
+ if loss_data.is_a?(Array)
+ loss_value = []
+ accuracy = []
+ loss_data.each_index do |i|
+ loss_value << Utils.to_f(loss_data)
+ accuracy << accuracy(output_data[i], y[i]).to_f / y[i].shape[0]
- end
- acc = nil
- if @loss_func.is_a?(Array)
- mean_loss =, 0)
- acc =, 0) if accuracy
- @loss_func.each_index do |i|
- mean_loss[i] += sum_loss[i] / max_steps
- acc[i] += total_correct[i].to_f / num_test_datas if accuracy
- end
- mean_loss = sum_loss / max_steps
- acc = total_correct.to_f / num_test_datas if accuracy
+ loss_value = Utils.to_f(loss_data)
- @last_log[:test_loss] = mean_loss
- @last_log[:test_accuracy] = acc
- [acc, mean_loss]
+ { test_loss: loss_value, test_accuracy: accuracy(output_data, y) }
- # Evaluate once.
+ # Test once.
# @param [Numo::SFloat | Array] x Input test data.
# @param [Numo::SFloat | Array] y Output test data.
- # @return [Array] Returns the test data accuracy and mean loss in the form [accuracy, loss].
- # If accuracy is not needed returns in the form [nil, loss].
- def test_on_batch(x, y, accuracy: true)
- call_callbacks(:before_test_on_batch)
+ # @return [Float | Array] Return loss value in the form of Float or Array.
+ def test_on_batch(x, y)
+ raise DNNError, "The model is not loss_func setup complete." unless @loss_func
+ Utils.check_input_data_type("x", x, Xumo::SFloat)
+ Utils.check_input_data_type("y", y, Xumo::SFloat)
+ *, loss_data = test_on_batch_internal(x, y)
+ if loss_data.is_a?(Array)
+ { |v| Utils.to_f(v) }
+ else
+ Utils.to_f(loss_data)
+ end
+ end
+ private def test_on_batch_internal(x, y)
DNN.learning_phase = false
output_tensors = call(Tensor.convert(x))
- correct = nil
if output_tensors.is_a?(Array)
- correct = [] if accuracy
+ output_data = []
loss_data = []
output_tensors.each.with_index do |out, i|
- correct << accuracy(, y[i]) if accuracy
+ output_data <<
loss = @loss_func[i].(out, Tensor.convert(y[i]))
- loss_data << Utils.to_f(
+ loss_data <<
out = output_tensors
- correct = accuracy(, y) if accuracy
+ output_data =
loss = @loss_func.(out, Tensor.convert(y))
- loss_data = Utils.to_f(
+ loss_data =
- call_callbacks(:after_test_on_batch)
- [correct, loss_data]
+ [output_data, loss_data]
# Implement the process to accuracy this model.
# @param [Numo::SFloat] x Input test data.
# @param [Numo::SFloat] y Output test data.
@@ -427,11 +411,11 @@
# Predict data.
# @param [Numo::SFloat] x Input data.
# @param [Boolean] use_loss_activation Use loss activation when loss has an activation.
def predict(x, use_loss_activation: true)
- check_xy_type(x)
+ Utils.check_input_data_type("x", x, Xumo::SFloat)
DNN.learning_phase = false
output_tensors = call(Tensor.convert(x))
if output_tensors.is_a?(Array)
lfs = @loss_func
ary_output_tensors = output_tensors
@@ -452,11 +436,11 @@
# Predict one data.
# @param [Numo::SFloat] x Input data. However, x is single data.
def predict1(x, use_loss_activation: true)
- check_xy_type(x)
+ Utils.check_input_data_type("x", x, Xumo::SFloat)
input = if x.is_a?(Array) { |v| v.reshape(1, *v.shape) }
x.reshape(1, *x.shape)
@@ -616,12 +600,23 @@
- private
+ # Request training early stop.
+ def request_early_stop
+ @early_stop_requested = true
+ end
+ def check_early_stop_requested
+ if @early_stop_requested
+ @early_stop_requested = false
+ return true
+ end
+ false
+ end
def get_all_trainable_params { |layer| layer.is_a?(Layers::TrainableLayer) && layer.trainable }
.map { |layer| layer.get_params.values }.flatten.compact
@@ -629,11 +624,250 @@
def call_callbacks(event)
@callbacks.each do |callback|
callback.send(event) if callback.respond_to?(event)
+ end
+ class ModelTrainer
+ def initialize(model)
+ @model = model
+ @state = :none
+ @initial_epoch = 1
+ @step = 1
+ @max_steps = 1
+ @train_iterator = nil
+ @max_epochs = 1
+ @batch_size = 1
+ @epoch = 1
+ @test = nil
+ @verbose = false
+ @need_accuracy = false
+ @io = nil
+ @num_train_datas = 0
+ end
+ # Start training.
+ # Setup the model before use this method.
+ # @param [Numo::SFloat] x Input training data.
+ # @param [Numo::SFloat] y Output training data.
+ # @param [Integer] epochs Number of training.
+ # @param [Integer] batch_size Batch size used for one training.
+ # @param [Integer] initial_epoch Initial epoch.
+ # @param [Array | NilClass] test If you to test the model for every 1 epoch,
+ # specify [x_test, y_test]. Don't test to the model, specify nil.
+ # @param [Boolean] verbose Set true to display the log. If false is set, the log is not displayed.
+ # @param [Boolean] need_accuracy Set true to compute the accuracy.
+ # @param [IO] io Specifies the IO object to use for logging.
+ def start_train(x, y, epochs,
+ batch_size: 1,
+ initial_epoch: 1,
+ test: nil,
+ verbose: true,
+ need_accuracy: true,
+ io: $stdout)
+ Utils.check_input_data_type("x", x, Xumo::SFloat)
+ Utils.check_input_data_type("y", y, Xumo::SFloat)
+ train_iterator =, y)
+ start_train_by_iterator(train_iterator, epochs,
+ batch_size: batch_size,
+ initial_epoch: initial_epoch,
+ test: test,
+ verbose: verbose,
+ need_accuracy: need_accuracy,
+ io: io)
+ end
+ # Start training by iterator.
+ # Setup the model before use this method.
+ # @param [DNN::Iterator] train_iterator Iterator used for training.
+ # @param [Integer] epochs Number of training.
+ # @param [Integer] batch_size Batch size used for one training.
+ # @param [Integer] initial_epoch Initial epoch.
+ # @param [Array | NilClass] test If you to test the model for every 1 epoch,
+ # specify [x_test, y_test]. Don't test to the model, specify nil.
+ # @param [Boolean] verbose Set true to display the log. If false is set, the log is not displayed.
+ # @param [Boolean] need_accuracy Set true to compute the accuracy.
+ # @param [IO] io Specifies the IO object to use for logging.
+ def start_train_by_iterator(train_iterator, epochs,
+ batch_size: 1,
+ initial_epoch: 1,
+ test: nil,
+ verbose: true,
+ need_accuracy: true,
+ io: $stdout)
+ raise DNNError, "The model is not optimizer setup complete." unless @model.optimizer
+ raise DNNError, "The model is not loss_func setup complete." unless @model.loss_func
+ @model.check_early_stop_requested # Clear early stop request.
+ @train_iterator = train_iterator
+ @max_epochs = epochs
+ @batch_size = batch_size
+ @epoch = initial_epoch
+ @test = test
+ @verbose = verbose
+ @need_accuracy = need_accuracy
+ @io = io
+ @state = :start_epoch
+ @max_steps = train_iterator.max_steps(batch_size)
+ @num_train_datas = train_iterator.num_usable_datas(batch_size)
+ @line_first_pos = 0
+ @model.call_callbacks(:before_train)
+ end
+ # Check if it is currently evaluating.
+ # @return [Boolean] Returns true if currently training.
+ def training?
+ @state != :none
+ end
+ # Update trainer.
+ def update
+ case @state
+ when :start_epoch
+ start_epoch
+ when :start_step
+ start_step
+ when :train_step
+ train_step
+ when :end_step
+ end_step
+ when :end_epoch
+ end_epoch
+ when :start_evaluate
+ start_evaluate
+ when :evaluating
+ evaluating
+ when :end_evaluate
+ end_evaluate
+ when :end_training
+ end_training
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def start_epoch
+ @model.last_log[:epoch] = @epoch
+ @model.call_callbacks(:before_epoch)
+ @io.puts "【 epoch #{@epoch}/#{@max_epochs} 】" if @verbose
+ @step = 1
+ @state = :start_step
+ end
+ def start_step
+ @model.last_log[:step] = @step
+ @state = :train_step
+ end
+ def train_step
+ (x_batch, y_batch) = @train_iterator.next_batch(@batch_size)
+ @model.call_callbacks(:before_train_on_batch)
+ train_step_met = @model.train_step(x_batch, y_batch, need_accuracy: @need_accuracy)
+ @model.last_log.merge!(train_step_met)
+ @model.call_callbacks(:after_train_on_batch)
+ num_trained_datas = @step * @batch_size
+ num_trained_datas = num_trained_datas > @num_train_datas ? @num_train_datas : num_trained_datas
+ if @io == $stdout
+ log = "\r"
+ else
+ @line_first_pos = @io.pos
+ log = ""
+ end
+ 40.times do |i|
+ if i < num_trained_datas * 40 / @num_train_datas
+ log << "="
+ elsif i == num_trained_datas * 40 / @num_train_datas
+ log << ">"
+ else
+ log << "_"
+ end
+ end
+ log << " #{num_trained_datas}/#{@num_train_datas} "
+ log << metrics_to_str(train_step_met)
+ @io.print log if @verbose
+ if @model.check_early_stop_requested
+ @io.puts("\nEarly stopped.") if @verbose
+ @state = :end_training
+ else
+ @state = :end_step
+ end
+ end
+ def end_step
+ @step += 1
+ if @step <= @max_steps
+ unless @io == $stdout
+ @io.pos = @line_first_pos
+ end
+ @state = :start_step
+ else
+ @state = :end_epoch
+ end
+ end
+ def end_epoch
+ @epoch += 1
+ if @test
+ @state = :start_evaluate
+ else
+ @io.puts "" if @verbose
+ @model.call_callbacks(:after_epoch)
+ if @epoch <= @max_epochs
+ @train_iterator.reset
+ @state = :start_epoch
+ else
+ @state = :none
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def start_evaluate
+ @evaluator =
+ if @test.is_a?(Array)
+ @evaluator.start_evaluate(@test[0], @test[1], batch_size: @batch_size, need_accuracy: @need_accuracy)
+ else
+ @evaluator.start_evaluate_by_iterator(@test, batch_size: @batch_size, need_accuracy: @need_accuracy)
+ end
+ @state = :evaluating
+ end
+ def evaluating
+ @evaluator.update
+ unless @evaluator.evaluating?
+ @state = :end_evaluate
+ end
+ end
+ def end_evaluate
+ if @verbose
+ metrics = if @need_accuracy
+ { test_accuracy: @model.last_log[:test_accuracy], test_loss: @model.last_log[:test_loss] }
+ else
+ { test_loss: @model.last_log[:test_loss] }
+ end
+ @io.print " " + metrics_to_str(metrics)
+ end
+ @io.puts "" if @verbose
+ @model.call_callbacks(:after_epoch)
+ if @epoch <= @max_epochs
+ @train_iterator.reset
+ if @model.check_early_stop_requested
+ @io.puts("Early stopped.") if @verbose
+ @state = :end_training
+ else
+ @state = :start_epoch
+ end
+ else
+ @state = :end_training
+ end
+ end
+ def end_training
+ @model.call_callbacks(:after_train)
+ @state = :none
+ end
def metrics_to_str(mertics) { |key, values|
str_values = if values.is_a?(Array)
values_fmt = { |v| sprintf('%.4f', Utils.to_f(v)) }
"[#{values_fmt.join(", ")}]"
@@ -641,31 +875,122 @@
sprintf('%.4f', Utils.to_f(values))
"#{key}: #{str_values}"
}.join(", ")
+ end
- def check_xy_type(x, y = nil)
- if !x.is_a?(Xumo::SFloat) && !x.is_a?(Array)
- raise TypeError, "x:#{} is not an instance of #{} class or Array class."
+ class ModelEvaluator
+ def initialize(model)
+ @model = model
+ @state = :none
+ end
+ # Start evaluate model and get accuracy and loss of test data.
+ # @param [Numo::SFloat] x Input test data.
+ # @param [Numo::SFloat] y Output test data.
+ # @param [Integer] batch_size Batch size used for one test.
+ # @param [Boolean] need_accuracy Set true to compute the accuracy.
+ # @return [Array] Returns the test data accuracy and mean loss in the form [accuracy, mean_loss].
+ # If accuracy is not needed returns in the form [nil, mean_loss].
+ def start_evaluate(x, y, batch_size: 100, need_accuracy: true)
+ Utils.check_input_data_type("x", x, Xumo::SFloat)
+ Utils.check_input_data_type("y", y, Xumo::SFloat)
+ start_evaluate_by_iterator(, y, random: false), batch_size: batch_size, need_accuracy: need_accuracy)
+ end
+ # Start Evaluate model by iterator.
+ # @param [DNN::Iterator] test_iterator Iterator used for testing.
+ # @param [Integer] batch_size Batch size used for one test.
+ # @param [Boolean] need_accuracy Set true to compute the accuracy.
+ # @return [Array] Returns the test data accuracy and mean loss in the form [accuracy, mean_loss].
+ # If accuracy is not needed returns in the form [nil, mean_loss].
+ def start_evaluate_by_iterator(test_iterator, batch_size: 100, need_accuracy: true)
+ @test_iterator = test_iterator
+ @num_test_datas = test_iterator.num_datas
+ @batch_size = batch_size >= @num_test_datas ? @num_test_datas : batch_size
+ @need_accuracy = need_accuracy
+ if @loss_func.is_a?(Array)
+ @total_correct =, 0)
+ @sum_loss =, 0)
+ else
+ @total_correct = 0
+ @sum_loss = 0
- if x.is_a?(Array)
- x.each.with_index do |v, i|
- unless v.is_a?(Xumo::SFloat)
- raise TypeError, "x[#{i}]:#{} is not an instance of #{} class."
- end
+ @step = 1
+ @max_steps = (@num_test_datas.to_f / @batch_size).ceil
+ @state = :start_step
+ end
+ # Check if it is currently evaluating.
+ # @return [Boolean] Returns true if currently evaluating.
+ def evaluating?
+ @state != :none
+ end
+ # Update evaluator.
+ def update
+ case @state
+ when :start_step
+ start_step
+ when :test_step
+ test_step
+ when :end_step
+ end_step
+ when :end_evaluate
+ end_evaluate
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def start_step
+ @model.last_log[:step] = @step
+ @state = :test_step
+ end
+ def test_step
+ (x_batch, y_batch) = @test_iterator.next_batch(@batch_size)
+ @model.call_callbacks(:before_test_on_batch)
+ test_met = @model.test_step(x_batch, y_batch, need_accuracy: @need_accuracy)
+ @model.call_callbacks(:after_test_on_batch)
+ if @loss_func.is_a?(Array)
+ @loss_func.each_index do |i|
+ @total_correct[i] += test_met[:test_accuracy][i] if @need_accuracy
+ @sum_loss[i] += test_met[:test_loss][i]
+ else
+ @total_correct += test_met[:test_accuracy] if @need_accuracy
+ @sum_loss += test_met[:test_loss]
- if y && !y.is_a?(Xumo::SFloat) && !y.is_a?(Array)
- raise TypeError, "y:#{} is not an instance of #{} class or Array class."
+ @state = :end_step
+ end
+ def end_step
+ @step += 1
+ if @step <= @max_steps
+ @state = :start_step
+ else
+ @state = :end_evaluate
- if y.is_a?(Array)
- y.each.with_index do |v, i|
- unless v.is_a?(Xumo::SFloat)
- raise TypeError, "x[#{i}]:#{} is not an instance of #{} class."
- end
+ end
+ def end_evaluate
+ acc = nil
+ if @loss_func.is_a?(Array)
+ mean_loss =, 0)
+ acc =, 0) if @need_accuracy
+ @loss_func.each_index do |i|
+ mean_loss[i] += @sum_loss[i] / @max_steps
+ acc[i] += @total_correct[i].to_f / @num_test_datas if @need_accuracy
+ else
+ mean_loss = @sum_loss / @max_steps
+ acc = @total_correct.to_f / @num_test_datas if @need_accuracy
+ @model.last_log[:test_loss] = mean_loss
+ @model.last_log[:test_accuracy] = acc
+ @state = :none
class Sequential < Model
attr_reader :stack