spec/lib/ruby-conf_spec.rb in ruby-conf-1.4.4 vs spec/lib/ruby-conf_spec.rb in ruby-conf-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,21 +1,164 @@
require 'spec_helper'
require 'ruby-conf'
-# write it
-#RubyConf.define "namespace" do
-# thingy 'aoeuaoe'
-## read it
describe RubyConf do
subject { RubyConf }
+ describe "lambda arguments" do
+ it "accepts arguments for lambdas" do
+ RubyConf.define("lambda args", :as => :Hannibal) do
+ silence_of_the lambda { |clarise, fava, chianti|
+ "Hello #{clarise}. I'd like to eat your liver with #{fava} beans, and a nice #{chianti}."
+ }
+ end
+ Hannibal.silence_of_the('Cow', 'refried', 'glass of milk').should == "Hello Cow. I'd like to eat your liver with refried beans, and a nice glass of milk."
+ RubyConf.define("single lambda arg", :as => :Argue) do
+ you_are_a lambda { |meanie|
+ "Why are you such a jerk, #{meanie}"
+ }
+ end
+ Argue.you_are_a('My Love?').should == "Why are you such a jerk, My Love?"
+ end
+ end
+ describe ".root" do
+ it "has a heirarchy" do
+ RubyConf.define "RootTest" do
+ outer do
+ middle do
+ inner do
+ val value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ RootTest.outer.middle.inner.val.should == "value"
+ RootTest.__rc_parent.should be_nil
+ RootTest.outer.__rc_parent.should == RootTest
+ RootTest.outer.middle.__rc_parent.should == RootTest.outer
+ RootTest.outer.middle.inner.__rc_parent.should == RootTest.outer.middle
+ RootTest.__rc_root.should == RootTest
+ RootTest.outer.__rc_root.should == RootTest
+ RootTest.outer.middle.__rc_root == RootTest
+ RootTest.outer.middle.inner.__rc_root.should == RootTest
+ end
+ it "sets self properly in nested procs" do
+ RubyConf.define "SelfSetTest" do
+ val proc { self }
+ outer do
+ val proc { self }
+ middle do
+ val proc { self }
+ inner do
+ val proc { self }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ SelfSetTest.val.should == SelfSetTest
+ SelfSetTest.outer.val.should == SelfSetTest
+ SelfSetTest.outer.middle.val.should == SelfSetTest
+ SelfSetTest.outer.middle.inner.val.should == SelfSetTest
+ end
+ end
+ describe ".to_s" do
+ it "prints out the config in a human readable way" do
+ RubyConf.define("some shapes", :as => :Shapes) {
+ defaults { position { px 10; py 20 }; size { width 100; height 200 }; rotation lambda { '90 degrees' } }
+ other { sides 4; color blue like the color of the sea before a storm }
+ triangle(:inherits => 'defaults') { named :rectangle; size { width 5 }; rotation '180 degrees' }
+ square(:inherits => defaults) { named :rectangle; size { width 50 } }
+ circle(:inherits => [:defaults, :other]) { sides 0; rotation lambda { 'who could possibly tell?' }; fits { pegs { round lambda { "yes" }; square lambda { "no" } } } }
+ polygon { sides 'many'; details { named 'somename'; actual_sides 100; discussion { seems? 'like a lot of damn sides' } } }
+ dafuq? { holy fuck this is some god damn evil fucking black sorcery!; how the hell did he make this happen?; mason is some kind of sorcerer; this is freaking me out man; srsly dude }
+ }
+ Shapes.inspect.should == '[some shapes] circle: { color: "blue like the color of the sea before a storm", fits: { pegs: { round: "yes", square: "no" } }, position: { px: 10, py: 20 }, rotation: "who could possibly tell?", sides: 0, size: { height: 200, width: 100 } }, dafuq?: { holy: "fuck this is some god damn evil fucking black sorcery!", how: "the hell did he make this happen?", mason: "is some kind of sorcerer", srsly: "dude", this: "is freaking me out man" }, defaults: { position: { px: 10, py: 20 }, rotation: "90 degrees", size: { height: 200, width: 100 } }, other: { color: "blue like the color of the sea before a storm", sides: 4 }, polygon: { details: { actual_sides: 100, discussion: { seems?: "like a lot of damn sides" }, named: "somename" }, sides: "many" }, square: { named: :rectangle, position: { px: 10, py: 20 }, rotation: "90 degrees", size: { height: 200, width: 50 } }, triangle: { named: :rectangle, position: { px: 10, py: 20 }, rotation: "180 degrees", size: { height: 200, width: 5 } }'
+ Shapes.to_s.should == <<-TEXT
+[some shapes]
+ color: blue like the color of the sea before a storm
+ fits:
+ pegs:
+ round: yes
+ square: no
+ position:
+ px: 10
+ py: 20
+ rotation: who could possibly tell?
+ sides: 0
+ size:
+ height: 200
+ width: 100
+ holy: fuck this is some god damn evil fucking black sorcery!
+ how: the hell did he make this happen?
+ mason: is some kind of sorcerer
+ srsly: dude
+ this: is freaking me out man
+ position:
+ px: 10
+ py: 20
+ rotation: 90 degrees
+ size:
+ height: 200
+ width: 100
+ color: blue like the color of the sea before a storm
+ sides: 4
+ details:
+ actual_sides: 100
+ discussion:
+ seems?: like a lot of damn sides
+ named: somename
+ sides: many
+ named: rectangle
+ position:
+ px: 10
+ py: 20
+ rotation: 90 degrees
+ size:
+ height: 200
+ width: 50
+ named: rectangle
+ position:
+ px: 10
+ py: 20
+ rotation: 180 degrees
+ size:
+ height: 200
+ width: 5
+ end
+ end
describe ".define" do
context "no arguments" do
it "returns anonymous config" do
config = subject.define do
@@ -52,20 +195,22 @@
it "does not overwrite values" do
inherited_config.city.thing.origin.should == "ocean"
context ":as" do
it "creates a global Constant" do
subject.define "rails_database", :as => :RailsDatabase do
production :host => 'localhost', :password => 'cake', :username => 'eggs2legit'
::RailsDatabase.production[:host].should == 'localhost'
::RailsDatabase.production[:username].should_not be_nil
::RailsDatabase.production[:password].should_not be_nil
it "can reopen configs" do
config = subject.define do
godzilla do
spines false
awesome true
@@ -75,25 +220,28 @@
spines true
config.godzilla.spines.should == true
config.godzilla.awesome.should == true
it "returns a named config" do
config = subject.define "a_name" do
something "hi"
config.something.should == "hi"
subject.a_name.something.should == 'hi'
it "can be chained" do
- subject.define "config", :as => :MyConfig do
+ subject.define "config", :as => :ChainedConfig do
love_song (RubyConf.define "love_song" do
title "in me all along"
- MyConfig.love_song.title.should == 'in me all along'
+ ChainedConfig.love_song.title.should == 'in me all along'
it "can be chained using do blocks instead of RubyConf.define" do
subject.define "config", :as => :MyConfig do
turtles do
teenage true
mutant true
@@ -105,10 +253,11 @@
MyConfig.turtles.mutant.should == true
MyConfig.turtles.raphael.mask.should == "red"
describe "RubyConf" do
it "can access configs using square brackets" do
subject.define "config" do
shredder "villain"
@@ -176,10 +325,10 @@
it "responds to skim_milk" do
subject.cake.should respond_to(:skim_milk)
it "our cake has no bees and raises NameError" do
- lambda do
+ lambda do
end.should raise_error NameError