README.rdoc in ruby-conf-0.1.0 vs README.rdoc in ruby-conf-1.0.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,38 @@
= ruby-conf
-Description goes here.
+ Simple way to do ruby config DSL
+== Examples
+ RubyConf.define :godzilla do
+ mothra 'sucks'
+ godzilla 'rocks'
+ end
+ > RubyConf.godzilla.mothra
+ => "sucks"
+ > RubyConf.godzilla.godzilla
+ => "rocks"
+ RubyConf.define "monkey" , :as => 'MyBonobo' do
+ has_legs true
+ number_arms 2
+ number_legs 2
+ name 'Nancy' , 'Drew'
+ age 34
+ number_of_bananas_eaten lambda {
+ BanannaChomper.lookup("nancy.bananas").count
+ }
+ end
+ # ['Nancy' , 'Drew']
+ MyBonobo.number_of_bananas_eaten # execute proc
+ MyBonobo.number_legs # 2
+ ...
== Contributing to ruby-conf
* Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
* Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.