lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/current_path_expectation.rb in rubocop-rspec-2.17.1 vs lib/rubocop/cop/rspec/capybara/current_path_expectation.rb in rubocop-rspec-2.18.0
- old
+ new
@@ -2,124 +2,38 @@
module RuboCop
module Cop
module RSpec
module Capybara
- # Checks that no expectations are set on Capybara's `current_path`.
- #
- # The
- #[`have_current_path` matcher]
- # should be used on `page` to set expectations on Capybara's
- # current path, since it uses
- #[Capybara's waiting functionality]
- # which ensures that preceding actions (like `click_link`) have
- # completed.
- #
- # This cop does not support autocorrection in some cases.
- #
- # @example
- # # bad
- # expect(current_path).to eq('/callback')
- #
- # # good
- # expect(page).to have_current_path('/callback')
- #
- # # bad (does not support autocorrection)
- # expect(page.current_path).to match(variable)
- #
- # # good
- # expect(page).to have_current_path('/callback')
- #
- class CurrentPathExpectation < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base
- extend AutoCorrector
- MSG = 'Do not set an RSpec expectation on `current_path` in ' \
- 'Capybara feature specs - instead, use the ' \
- '`have_current_path` matcher on `page`'
- RESTRICT_ON_SEND = %i[expect].freeze
- # @!method expectation_set_on_current_path(node)
- def_node_matcher :expectation_set_on_current_path, <<-PATTERN
- (send nil? :expect (send {(send nil? :page) nil?} :current_path))
- # Supported matchers: eq(...) / match(/regexp/) / match('regexp')
- # @!method as_is_matcher(node)
- def_node_matcher :as_is_matcher, <<-PATTERN
- (send
- #expectation_set_on_current_path ${:to :to_not :not_to}
- ${(send nil? :eq ...) (send nil? :match (regexp ...))})
- # @!method regexp_str_matcher(node)
- def_node_matcher :regexp_str_matcher, <<-PATTERN
- (send
- #expectation_set_on_current_path ${:to :to_not :not_to}
- $(send nil? :match (str $_)))
- def self.autocorrect_incompatible_with
- [Style::TrailingCommaInArguments]
- end
- def on_send(node)
- expectation_set_on_current_path(node) do
- add_offense(node.loc.selector) do |corrector|
- next unless node.chained?
- autocorrect(corrector, node)
- end
- end
- end
- private
- def autocorrect(corrector, node)
- as_is_matcher(node.parent) do |to_sym, matcher_node|
- rewrite_expectation(corrector, node, to_sym, matcher_node)
- end
- regexp_str_matcher(node.parent) do |to_sym, matcher_node, regexp|
- rewrite_expectation(corrector, node, to_sym, matcher_node)
- convert_regexp_str_to_literal(corrector, matcher_node, regexp)
- end
- end
- def rewrite_expectation(corrector, node, to_symbol, matcher_node)
- current_path_node = node.first_argument
- corrector.replace(current_path_node, 'page')
- corrector.replace(node.parent.loc.selector, 'to')
- matcher_method = if to_symbol == :to
- 'have_current_path'
- else
- 'have_no_current_path'
- end
- corrector.replace(matcher_node.loc.selector, matcher_method)
- add_ignore_query_options(corrector, node)
- end
- def convert_regexp_str_to_literal(corrector, matcher_node, regexp_str)
- str_node = matcher_node.first_argument
- regexp_expr =
- corrector.replace(str_node, regexp_expr)
- end
- # `have_current_path` with no options will include the querystring
- # while `page.current_path` does not.
- # This ensures the option `ignore_query: true` is added
- # except when the expectation is a regexp or string
- def add_ignore_query_options(corrector, node)
- expectation_node = node.parent.last_argument
- expectation_last_child = expectation_node.children.last
- return if %i[regexp str].include?(expectation_last_child.type)
- corrector.insert_after(
- expectation_last_child,
- ', ignore_query: true'
- )
- end
- end
+ # @!parse
+ # # Checks that no expectations are set on Capybara's `current_path`.
+ # #
+ # # The
+ # #[`have_current_path` matcher]
+ # # should be used on `page` to set expectations on Capybara's
+ # # current path, since it uses
+ # #[Capybara's waiting functionality]
+ # # which ensures that preceding actions (like `click_link`) have
+ # # completed.
+ # #
+ # # This cop does not support autocorrection in some cases.
+ # #
+ # # @example
+ # # # bad
+ # # expect(current_path).to eq('/callback')
+ # #
+ # # # good
+ # # expect(page).to have_current_path('/callback')
+ # #
+ # # # bad (does not support autocorrection)
+ # # expect(page.current_path).to match(variable)
+ # #
+ # # # good
+ # # expect(page).to have_current_path('/callback')
+ # #
+ # class CurrentPathExpectation < ::RuboCop::Cop::Base; end
+ CurrentPathExpectation =
+ ::RuboCop::Cop::Capybara::CurrentPathExpectation