spec/rubabel/atom_spec.rb in rubabel-0.3.0 vs spec/rubabel/atom_spec.rb in rubabel-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -43,26 +43,129 @@
(mol.atoms[0] == mol2.atoms[0]).should_not be_true
(mol.atoms[0].equal?(mol2.atoms[0])).should_not be_true
(mol.atoms[0].eql?(mol2.atoms[0])).should_not be_true
- it 'removes hydrogens with proper charge accounting' do
- mol = Rubabel["CC"]
- mol.add_h!
- mol.atoms[0].remove_an_h!
- mol.formula.should == "C2H5"
- mol.csmiles.should == 'C[CH2+]'
- mol.exact_mass.round(5).should == 29.03913
- mol.charge.should == 1
- # can't seem to get working properly!!!
- #mol.atoms[0].add_an_h!
- #mol.formula.should == 'C2H6'
- #mol.csmiles.should == 'CC'
- #mol.charge.should == 0
- ##fmol.atoms[0].charge -= 1
- #mol.exact_mass.should == 323
+ describe 'removing protons and hydrides' do
+ def are_identical(obs, exp, atom_index)
+ [:formula, :csmiles, :charge, :exact_mass].each do |mol_prop|
+ exp_val = exp.send(mol_prop)
+ obs_val = obs.send(mol_prop)
+ exp_val.is_a?(Float) ?
+ (obs_val.round(5).should == exp_val.round(5)) :
+ (obs_val.should == exp_val)
+ end
+ [:formal_charge, :implicit_valence, :isotope, :spin, :valence, :partial_charge].each do |prop|
+ obs[atom_index].send(prop).should == exp.atoms[atom_index].send(prop)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'on a molecule with implicit hydrogens' do
+ subject { Rubabel["CC"] }
+ specify 'removing a hydride' do
+ subject[1].remove_a_hydride!
+ are_identical( subject, Rubabel["C[CH2+]"].remove_h!, 1)
+ end
+ specify 'removing a proton' do
+ subject[1].remove_a_proton!
+ are_identical( subject, Rubabel["C[CH2-]"].remove_h!, 1)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'on a molecule with explicit hydrogens' do
+ subject { Rubabel["CC"].add_h! }
+ specify 'removing a hydride' do
+ subject[1].remove_a_hydride!
+ are_identical( subject, Rubabel["C[CH2+]"].add_h!, 1)
+ end
+ specify 'removing a proton' do
+ subject[1].remove_a_proton!
+ are_identical( subject, Rubabel["C[CH2-]"].add_h!, 1)
+ end
+ # the :partial_charge is not matching up on these, not sure why!
+ specify 'the atom matches the partial_charge from atom made from smiles'
+ end
+# describe 'removing protons and hydrides' do
+#describe 'on molecule with implicit hydrogens' do
+#subject { Rubabel["CC"] }
+ #it 'behaves like an ethane carbanion' do
+ ##http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbanion
+ #ethane_carbanion = Rubabel["C[CH2-]"]
+ #ethane_carbanion.add_h! if subject.hydrogens_added?
+ #[:formula, :csmiles, :charge, :exact_mass].each do |mol_prop|
+ #ethane_carbanion.send(mol_prop).should == subject.send(mol_prop)
+ #end
+ #[:formal_charge, :implicit_valence, :isotope, :partial_charge, :spin, :valence].each do |prop|
+ #ethane_carbanion[1].send(prop).should == subject.atoms[altered_atom_idx].send(prop)
+ #end
+ #end
+ #end
+ #end
+ #xit "removes protons on molecule with implicit hydrogens" do
+ #mol = Rubabel["CC"]
+ #mol.atoms[1].remove_a_proton!
+ #include_examples "is ethane carbanion", mol
+ #end
+ #xit "removes protons on molecule with explicit H's" do
+ #mol = Rubabel["CC"]
+ #mol.add_h!
+ #mol.atoms[1].remove_a_proton!
+ #mol.formula.should == "C2H5-"
+ #mol.csmiles.should == '[CH2-]C'
+ #mol.exact_mass.round(5).should == 29.03913
+ #mol.charge.should == 1
+ #end
+ #end
+ #describe 'properly removing a hydride' do
+ #before do
+ #@ethane = Rubabel["CC"]
+ #end
+ #shared_examples "is ethenium" do |mol|
+ ## http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethenium
+ ## protonated ethylene
+ #ethenium = Rubabel["C[CH2+]"]
+ #ethenium.add_h! if mol.hydrogens_added?
+ #[:formula, :csmiles, :charge, :exact_mass].each do |mol_prop|
+ #ethenium.send(mol_prop).should == mol.send(mol_prop)
+ #end
+ #[:formal_charge, :implicit_valence, :isotope, :partial_charge, :spin, :valence].each do |prop|
+ #ethenium.send(prop).should == mol.send(prop)
+ #end
+ #end
+ #it "removes hydrides on molecule with implicit hydrogens" do
+ #@ethane.atoms[1].remove_a_hydride!
+ #include_examples "is ethenium", @ethane
+ #end
+ #xit "removes hydrides on molecule with explicit hydrogens" do
+ #@ethane = Rubabel["CC"]
+ #@ethane.add_h!
+ #@ethane.atoms[1].remove_a_hydride!
+ #@ethane.formula.should == "C2H5-"
+ #@ethane.csmiles.should == 'C[CH2-]'
+ #@ethane.exact_mass.round(5).should == 29.03913
+ #@ethane.charge.should == -1
+ #end
+ #end
it 'can find atom identities with simple questions' do
mol = Rubabel["NCC(O)CC(=O)"]
(c_exp, o_exp) = mol.matches("C=O").first
mol.find(&:carbonyl_carbon?).id.should == c_exp.id