lib/rtsp/client.rb in rtsp-0.0.1.alpha vs lib/rtsp/client.rb in rtsp-0.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,272 +1,514 @@
-require 'rubygems'
-require 'logger'
require 'socket'
require 'tempfile'
require 'timeout'
-require 'uri'
-require 'rtsp/request_messages'
-require 'rtsp/response'
+require_relative 'transport_parser'
+require_relative 'capturer'
+require_relative 'error'
+require_relative 'global'
+require_relative 'helpers'
+require_relative 'message'
+require_relative 'response'
module RTSP
- # Allows for pulling streams from an RTSP server.
+ # This is the main interface to an RTSP server. A client object uses a couple
+ # main objects for configuration: an +RTSP::Capturer+ and a Connection Struct.
+ # Use the capturer to configure how to capture the data which is the RTP
+ # stream provided by the RTSP server. Use the connection object to control
+ # the connection to the server.
+ #
+ # You can initialize your client object using a block:
+ # client ="rtsp://") do |connection, capturer|
+ # connection.timeout = 5
+ # capturer.rtp_file ="my_file.rtp", "wb")
+ # end
+ #
+ # ...or, without the block:
+ # client ="rtsp://")
+ # client.connection.timeout = 5
+ # client.capturer.rtp_file ="my_file.rtp", "wb")
+ #
+ # After setting up the client object, call RTSP methods, Ruby style:
+ # client.options
+ #
+ # Remember that, unlike HTTP, RTSP is state-based (and thus the ability to
+ # call certain methods depends on calling other methods first). Your client
+ # object tells you the current RTSP state that it's in:
+ # client.options
+ # client.session_state # => :init
+ # client.describe
+ # client.session_state # => :init
+ # client.setup(client.media_control_tracks.first)
+ # client.session_state # => :ready
+ #
+ # client.session_state # => :playing
+ # client.pause(client.aggregate_control_track)
+ # client.session_state # => :ready
+ # client.teardown(client.aggregate_control_track)
+ # client.session_state # => :init
+ #
+ # To enable/disable logging for clients, class methods:
+ # RTSP::Client.log? # => true
+ # RTSP::Client.log = false
+ # @todo Break Stream out in to its own class.
class Client
- include RTSP::RequestMessages
+ include RTSP::Helpers
+ extend RTSP::Global
+ DEFAULT_CAPFILE_NAME = "ruby_rtsp_capture.rtsp"
- attr_reader :server_uri
- attr_accessor :stream_tracks
+ # @return [URI] The URI that points to the RTSP server's resource.
+ attr_reader :server_uri
- # @param [String] rtsp_url URL to the resource to stream. If no scheme is given,
- # "rtsp" is assumed. If no port is given, 554 is assumed. If no path is
- # given, "/stream1"is assumed.
- def initialize(rtsp_url, options={})
- @server_uri = build_server_uri(rtsp_url)
- @socket = options[:socket] ||,
- @server_uri.port)
- @stream_tracks = options[:stream_tracks] || ["/track1"]
- @timeout = options[:timeout] || 2
- @session
- @logger =
- if options[:capture_file_path] && options[:capture_duration]
- @capture_file_path = options[:capture_file_path]
- @capture_duration = options[:capture_duration]
- setup_capture
- end
- end
+ # @return [Fixnum] Also known as the "sequence" number, this starts at 1 and
+ # increments after every request to the server. It is reset after
+ # calling #teardown.
+ attr_reader :cseq
- def setup_capture
- @capture_file =, File::WRONLY|File::EXCL|File::CREAT)
- @capture_socket =
- @capture_socket.bind "", @server_uri.port
- end
+ # @return [Fixnum] A session is only established after calling #setup;
+ # otherwise returns nil.
+ attr_reader :session
- # TODO: update sequence
- # @return [Hash] The response formatted as a Hash.
- def options
- @logger.debug "Sending OPTIONS to #{}#{@stream_path}"
- response = send_rtsp RequestMessages.options(@server_uri.to_s)
- @logger.debug "Recieved response:"
- @logger.debug response
+ # @return [Array<Symbol>] Only populated after calling #options; otherwise
+ # returns nil. There's no sense in making any other requests than these
+ # since the server doesn't support them.
+ attr_reader :supported_methods
- @session = response.cseq
+ # @return [Struct::Connection]
+ attr_accessor :connection
- response
- end
+ # Use to get/set an object for capturing received data.
+ # @param [RTSP::Capturer]
+ # @return [RTSP::Capturer]
+ attr_accessor :capturer
- # TODO: update sequence
- # TODO: get tracks, IP's, ports, multicast/unicast
- # @return [Hash] The response formatted as a Hash.
- def describe
- @logger.debug "Sending DESCRIBE to #{}#{@stream_path}"
- response = send_rtsp(RequestMessages.describe("#{@server_uri.to_s}#{@stream_path}"))
+ # @return [Symbol] See {RFC section A.1.}[]
+ attr_reader :session_state
- @logger.debug "Recieved response:"
- @logger.debug response.inspect
+ # Use to configure options for all clients.
+ # @see RTSP::Global
+ def self.configure
+ yield self if block_given?
+ end
- @session = response.cseq
- @sdp_info = response.body
- @content_base = response.content_base
+ # @param [String] server_url URL to the resource to stream. If no scheme is
+ # given, "rtsp" is assumed. If no port is given, 554 is assumed.
+ # @yield [Struct::Connection, RTSP::Capturer]
+ # @yieldparam [Struct::Connection] server_url=
+ # @yieldparam [Struct::Connection] timeout=
+ # @yieldparam [Struct::Connection] socket=
+ # @yieldparam [Struct::Connection] do_capture=
+ # @yieldparam [Struct::Connection] interleave=
+ # @todo Use server_url everywhere; just use URI to ensure the port & rtspu.
+ def initialize(server_url=nil)
+ Thread.abort_on_exception = true
- response
- end
+"Connection", :server_url, :timeout, :socket,
+ :do_capture, :interleave)
+ @connection =
+ @capturer =
- # TODO: update sequence
- # TODO: get session
- # TODO: parse Transport header (
- # @return [Hash] The response formatted as a Hash.
- def setup(options={})
- @logger.debug "Sending SETUP to #{}#{@stream_path}"
- setup_url = @content_base || "#{@server_uri.to_s}#{@stream_path}"
- response = send_rtsp RequestMessages.setup(setup_url, options)
+ yield(connection, capturer) if block_given?
- @logger.debug "Recieved response:"
- @logger.debug response
+ @connection.server_url = server_url || @connection.server_url
+ @server_uri = build_resource_uri_from(@connection.server_url)
+ @connection.timeout ||= 30
+ @connection.socket ||=, @server_uri.port)
+ @connection.do_capture ||= true
+ @connection.interleave ||= false
+ @capturer.rtp_port ||= 9000
+ @capturer.transport_protocol ||= :UDP
+ @capturer.broadcast_type ||= :unicast
+ @capturer.rtp_file ||=
- @session = response.cseq
+ @play_thread = nil
+ @cseq = 1
+ reset_state
+ end
- response
+ # The URL for the RTSP server to talk to can change if multiple servers are
+ # involved in delivering content. This method can be used to change the
+ # server to talk to on the fly.
+ #
+ # @param [String] new_url The new server URL to use to communicate over.
+ def server_url=(new_url)
+ @server_uri = build_resource_uri_from new_url
- # TODO: update sequence
- # TODO: get session
- # @return [Hash] The response formatted as a Hash.
- def play(options={})
- @logger.debug "Sending PLAY to #{}#{@stream_path}"
- session = options[:session] || @session
- response = send_rtsp,
- options[:session])
+ # Sends the message over the socket.
+ #
+ # @param [RTSP::Message] message
+ # @return [RTSP::Response]
+ # @raise [RTSP::Error] If the timeout value is reached and the server hasn't
+ # responded.
+ def send_message message
+ RTSP::Client.log "Sending #{message.method_type.upcase} to #{message.request_uri}"
+ message.to_s.each_line { |line| RTSP::Client.log line.strip }
- @logger.debug "Recieved response:"
- @logger.debug response
- @session = response.cseq
- if @capture_file_path
- begin
- Timeout::timeout(@capture_duration) do
- while data = @capture_socket.recvfrom(102400).first
- @logger.debug "data size = #{data.size}"
- @capture_file_path.write data
- end
- end
- rescue Timeout::Error
- # Blind rescue
+ begin
+ response = Timeout::timeout(@connection.timeout) do
+ @connection.socket.send(message.to_s, 0)
+ socket_data = @connection.socket.recvfrom MAX_BYTES_TO_RECEIVE
+ socket_data.first
+ rescue Timeout::Error
+ raise RTSP::Error, "Request took more than #{@connection.timeout} seconds to send."
+ end
- @capture_socket.close
+ RTSP::Client.log "Received response:"
+ if response
+ response.to_s.each_line { |line| RTSP::Client.log line.strip }
- def pause(options={})
- @logger.debug "Sending PAUSE to #{}#{@stream_path}"
- response = send_rtsp RequestMessages.pause(@stream_tracks.first,
- options[:session],
- options[:sequence])
+ # Sends an OPTIONS message to the server specified by +@server_uri+. Sets
+ # +@supported_methods+ based on the list of supported methods returned in
+ # the Public headers.
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] additional_headers
+ # @return [RTSP::Response]
+ # @see RFC 2326, Section 10.1.
+ def options(additional_headers={})
+ message = RTSP::Message.options(@server_uri.to_s).with_headers({
+ cseq: @cseq })
+ message.add_headers additional_headers
- @logger.debug "Recieved response:"
- @logger.debug response
- @session = response.cseq
- response
+ request(message) do |response|
+ @supported_methods = extract_supported_methods_from response.public
+ end
- # @return [Hash] The response formatted as a Hash.
- def teardown
- @logger.debug "Sending TEARDOWN to #{}#{@stream_path}"
- response = send_rtsp RequestMessages.teardown(@server_uri.to_s, @session)
- @logger.debug "Recieved response:"
- @logger.debug response
- #@socket.close if
- @socket = nil
+ # Sends the DESCRIBE request, then extracts the SDP description into
+ # +@session_description+, extracts the session +@start_time+ and +@stop_time+,
+ # +@content_base+, +@media_control_tracks+, and +@aggregate_control_track+.
+ #
+ # @todo get tracks, IP's, ports, multicast/unicast
+ # @param [Hash] additional_headers
+ # @return [RTSP::Response]
+ # @see RFC 2326, Section 10.2.
+ # @see #media_control_tracks
+ # @see #aggregate_control_track
+ def describe additional_headers={}
+ message = RTSP::Message.describe(@server_uri.to_s).with_headers({
+ cseq: @cseq })
+ message.add_headers additional_headers
- response
- end
+ request(message) do |response|
+ @session_description = response.body
+ #@session_start_time = response.body.start_time
+ #@session_stop_time = response.body.stop_time
+ @content_base = build_resource_uri_from response.content_base
- def connect
- timeout(@timeout) { @socket =, @port) } #rescue @socket = nil
+ @media_control_tracks = media_control_tracks
+ @aggregate_control_track = aggregate_control_track
+ end
- def connected?
- @socket == nil ? true : false
+ # Sends an ANNOUNCE Request to the provided URL. This method also requires
+ # an SDP description to send to the server.
+ #
+ # @param [String] request_url The URL to post the presentation or media
+ # object to.
+ # @param [SDP::Description] description The SDP description to send to the
+ # server.
+ # @param [Hash] additional_headers
+ # @return [RTSP::Response]
+ # @see RFC 2326, Section 10.3.
+ def announce(request_url, description, additional_headers={})
+ message = RTSP::Message.announce(request_url).with_headers({ cseq: @cseq })
+ message.add_headers additional_headers
+ message.body = description.to_s
+ request(message)
- def disconnect
- timeout(@timeout) { @socket.close } rescue @socket = nil
+ # Builds the Transport header fields string based on info used in setting up
+ # the Client instance.
+ #
+ # @return [String] The String to use with the Transport header.
+ # @see RFC 2326, Section 12.39.
+ def request_transport
+ value = "RTP/AVP;#{@capturer.broadcast_type};client_port="
+ value << "#{@capturer.rtp_port}-#{@capturer.rtp_port + 1}\r\n"
- # @param []
- def send_rtsp(message)
- message.each_line { |line| @logger.debug line }
- recv if timeout(@timeout) { @socket.send(message, 0) }
+ # Sends the SETUP request, then sets +@session+ to the value returned in the
+ # Session header from the server, then sets the +@session_state+ to +:ready+.
+ #
+ # @todo +@session+ numbers are relevant to tracks, and a client must be able
+ # to play multiple tracks at the same time.
+ # @param [String] track
+ # @param [Hash] additional_headers
+ # @return [RTSP::Response] The response formatted as a Hash.
+ # @see RFC 2326, Section 10.4.
+ def setup(track, additional_headers={})
+ message = RTSP::Message.setup(track).with_headers({
+ cseq: @cseq, transport: request_transport })
+ message.add_headers additional_headers
+ request(message) do |response|
+ if @session_state == :init
+ @session_state = :ready
+ end
+ @session = response.session
+ parser =
+ @transport = parser.parse response.transport
+ unless @transport[:transport_protocol].nil?
+ @capturer.transport_protocol = @transport[:transport_protocol]
+ end
+ @capturer.rtp_port = @transport[:client_port][:rtp].to_i
+ @capturer.broadcast_type = @transport[:broadcast_type]
+ end
- def aggregate_control_track
- aggregate_control = @sdp_info.attributes.find_all do |a|
- a[:attribute] == "control"
+ # Sends the PLAY request and sets +@session_state+ to +:playing+.
+ #
+ # @param [String] track
+ # @param [Hash] additional_headers
+ # @return [RTSP::Response]
+ # @todo If playback over UDP doesn't result in any data coming in on the
+ # socket, re-setup with RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast;interleaved=0-1.
+ # @raise [RTSP::Error] If +#play+ is called but the session hasn't yet been
+ # set up via +#setup+.
+ # @see RFC 2326, Section 10.5.
+ def play(track, additional_headers={})
+ message ={
+ cseq: @cseq, session: @session })
+ message.add_headers additional_headers
+ request(message) do
+ unless @session_state == :ready
+ raise RTSP::Error, "Session not set up yet. Run #setup first."
+ end
+ if @play_thread.nil?
+ RTSP::Client.log "Capturing RTP data on port #{@transport[:client_port][:rtp]}"
+ @play_thread = do
+ end
+ end
+ @session_state = :playing
+ end
- aggregate_control.first[:value]
+ # Sends the PAUSE request and sets +@session_state+ to +:ready+.
+ #
+ # @param [String] track A track or presentation URL to pause.
+ # @param [Hash] additional_headers
+ # @return [RTSP::Response]
+ # @see RFC 2326, Section 10.6.
+ def pause(track, additional_headers={})
+ message = RTSP::Message.pause(track).with_headers({
+ cseq: @cseq, session: @session })
+ message.add_headers additional_headers
+ request(message) do
+ if [:playing, :recording].include? @session_state
+ @session_state = :ready
+ end
+ end
- def media_control_tracks
- tracks = []
- @sdp_info.media_sections.each do |media_section|
- media_section[:attributes].each do |a|
- tracks << a[:value] if a[:attribute] == "control"
+ # Sends the TEARDOWN request, then resets all state-related instance
+ # variables.
+ #
+ # @param [String] track The presentation or media track to teardown.
+ # @param [Hash] additional_headers
+ # @return [RTSP::Response]
+ # @see RFC 2326, Section 10.7.
+ def teardown(track, additional_headers={})
+ message = RTSP::Message.teardown(track).with_headers({
+ cseq: @cseq, session: @session })
+ message.add_headers additional_headers
+ request(message) do
+ reset_state
+ if @play_thread
+ @capturer.rtp_file.close
+ @play_thread.exit
+ end
- tracks
+ # Sets state related variables back to their starting values;
+ # +@session_state+ is set to +:init+; +@session+ is set to 0.
+ def reset_state
+ @session_state = :init
+ @session = 0
- # @return [Hash]
- def recv
- size = 0
- socket_data, sender_sockaddr = @socket.recvfrom MAX_BYTES_TO_RECEIVE
- response = socket_data
+ # Sends the GET_PARAMETERS request.
+ #
+ # @param [String] track The presentation or media track to ping.
+ # @param [String] body The string containing the parameters to send.
+ # @param [Hash] additional_headers
+ # @return [RTSP::Response]
+ # @see RFC 2326, Section 10.8.
+ def get_parameter(track, body="", additional_headers={})
+ message = RTSP::Message.get_parameter(track).with_headers({
+ cseq: @cseq })
+ message.add_headers additional_headers
+ message.body = body
- #unless response.message == "OK"
- # message = "Did not recieve RTSP/1.0 200 OK. Instead got '#{response.status}'"
- # message = message + "Full response:\n#{response.inspect}"
- # raise message
- #
- # end
- response = parse_header
- unless response[:status].include? "RTSP/1.0 200 OK"
- message = "Did not recieve RTSP/1.0 200 OK. Instead got '#{response[:status]}'"
- message = message + "Full response:\n#{response}"
- raise message
- end
+ request(message)
+ end
- response[:status] = readline
- while line = readline
- break if line == "\r\n"
+ # Sends the SET_PARAMETERS request.
+ #
+ # @param [String] track The presentation or media track to teardown.
+ # @param [String] parameters The string containing the parameters to send.
+ # @param [Hash] additional_headers
+ # @return [RTSP::Response]
+ # @see RFC 2326, Section 10.9.
+ def set_parameter(track, parameters, additional_headers={})
+ message = RTSP::Message.set_parameter(track).with_headers({
+ cseq: @cseq })
+ message.add_headers additional_headers
+ message.body = parameters
- if line.include? ": "
- a = line.strip().split(": ")
- response.merge!({a[0].downcase => a[1]})
+ request(message)
+ end
+ # Sends the RECORD request and sets +@session_state+ to +:recording+.
+ #
+ # @param [String] track
+ # @param [Hash] additional_headers
+ # @return [RTSP::Response]
+ # @see RFC 2326, Section 10.11.
+ def record(track, additional_headers={})
+ message = RTSP::Message.record(track).with_headers({
+ cseq: @cseq, session: @session })
+ message.add_headers additional_headers
+ request(message) { @session_state = :recording }
+ end
+ # Executes the Request with the arguments passed in, yields the response to
+ # the calling block, checks the CSeq response and the session response,
+ # then increments +@cseq+ by 1. Handles any exceptions raised during the
+ # Request.
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] new_args
+ # @yield [RTSP::Response]
+ # @return [RTSP::Response]
+ # @raise [RTSP::Error] All 4xx & 5xx response codes & their messages.
+ def request message
+ response = send_message message
+ #compare_sequence_number response.cseq
+ @cseq += 1
+ if response.code.to_s =~ /2../
+ yield response if block_given?
+ elsif response.code.to_s =~ /(4|5)../
+ if (defined? response.connection) && response.connection == 'Close'
+ reset_state
+ raise RTSP::Error, "#{response.code}: #{response.message}"
+ else
+ raise RTSP::Error, "Unknown Response code: #{response.code}"
- size = response["content-length"].to_i if response.has_key?("content-length")
- response[:body] = read_nonblock(size).split("\r\n") unless size == 0
+ dont_ensure_list = [:options, :describe, :teardown, :set_parameter,
+ :get_parameter]
+ unless dont_ensure_list.include? message.method_type
+ ensure_session
+ end
- size = response.content_length.to_i if response.respond_to? 'content_length'
- #response[:body] = read_nonblock(size).split("\r\n") unless size == 0
+ end
- response
+ # Ensures that +@session+ is set before continuing on.
+ #
+ # @raise [RTSP::Error] Raises if @session isn't set.
+ def ensure_session
+ unless @session > 0
+ raise RTSP::Error, "Session number not retrieved from server yet. Run SETUP first."
+ end
- # @param [Number] size
- # @param [Hash] options
- # @option options [Number] time Duration to read on the non-blocking socket.
- def read_nonblock(size, options={})
- options[:time] ||= 1
- buffer = nil
- timeout(options[:time]) { buffer = @socket.read_nonblock(size) }
+ # Extracts the URL associated with the "control" attribute from the main
+ # section of the session description.
+ #
+ # @return [String] The URL as a String.
+ def aggregate_control_track
+ aggregate_control = @session_description.attributes.find_all do |a|
+ a[:attribute] == "control"
+ end
- buffer
+ "#{@content_base}#{aggregate_control.first[:value].gsub(/\*/, "")}"
- # @return [String]
- def readline(options={})
- options[:time] ||= 1
- line = nil
- timeout(options[:time]) { line = @socket.readline }
+ # Extracts the value of the "control" attribute from all media sections of
+ # the session description (SDP). You have to call the +#describe+ method in
+ # order to get the session description info.
+ #
+ # @return [Array<String>] The tracks made up of the content base + control
+ # track value.
+ # @see #describe
+ def media_control_tracks
+ tracks = []
- line
+ if @session_description.nil?
+ tracks << ""
+ else
+ @session_description.media_sections.each do |media_section|
+ media_section[:attributes].each do |a|
+ tracks << "#{@content_base}#{a[:value]}" if a[:attribute] == "control"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ tracks
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Privates!
- private
- def build_server_uri(url)
- unless url =~ /^rtsp/
- url = "rtsp://#{url}"
+ # Compares the sequence number passed in to the current client sequence
+ # number ( +@cseq+ ) and raises if they're not equal. If that's the case, the
+ # server responded to a different request.
+ #
+ # @param [Fixnum] server_cseq Sequence number returned by the server.
+ # @raise [RTSP::Error] If the server returns a CSeq value that's different
+ # from what the client sent.
+ def compare_sequence_number server_cseq
+ if @cseq != server_cseq
+ message = "Sequence number mismatch. Client: #{@cseq}, Server: #{server_cseq}"
+ raise RTSP::Error, message
+ end
- server_uri = URI.parse url
- server_uri.port ||= 554
+ # Compares the session number passed in to the current client session
+ # number ( +@session+ ) and raises if they're not equal. If that's the case,
+ # the server responded to a different request.
+ #
+ # @param [Fixnum] server_session Session number returned by the server.
+ # @raise [RTSP::Error] If the server returns a Session value that's different
+ # from what the client sent.
+ def compare_session_number server_session
+ if @session != server_session
+ message = "Session number mismatch. Client: #{@session}, Server: #{server_session}"
+ raise RTSP::Error, message
+ end
+ end
- #if @server_uri.path ==
- # @server_uri.path = "/stream1"
- #else
- # @server_uri.path
- #end
- server_uri
+ # Takes the methods returned from the Public header from an OPTIONS response
+ # and puts them to an Array.
+ #
+ # @param [String] method_list The string returned from the server containing
+ # the list of methods it supports.
+ # @return [Array<Symbol>] The list of methods as symbols.
+ # @see #options
+ def extract_supported_methods_from method_list
+ method_list.downcase.split(', ').map { |m| m.to_sym }
\ No newline at end of file