lib/rspec-system/node_set/vagrant.rb in rspec-system-2.3.0 vs lib/rspec-system/node_set/vagrant.rb in rspec-system-2.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
require 'fileutils'
require 'systemu'
require 'net/ssh'
+require 'net/scp'
+require 'rspec-system/node_set/base'
module RSpecSystem
# A NodeSet implementation for Vagrant.
class NodeSet::Vagrant < RSpecSystem::NodeSet::Base
include RSpecSystem::Log
include RSpecSystem::Util
ENV_TYPE = 'vagrant'
# Creates a new instance of RSpecSystem::NodeSet::Vagrant
# @param setname [String] name of the set to instantiate
# @param config [Hash] nodeset configuration hash
@@ -117,24 +120,68 @@
FileUtils.mkdir_p(@vagrant_path), "Vagrantfile")), 'w') do |f|
f.write('Vagrant.configure("2") do |c|' + "\n")
nodes.each do |k,v|
ps = v.provider_specifics['vagrant']
+ default_options = { 'mac' => randmac }
+ options = default_options.merge(v.options || {})
node_config = " c.vm.define '#{k}' do |v|\n"
node_config << " v.vm.hostname = '#{k}'\n"
node_config << " = '#{ps['box']}'\n"
node_config << " v.vm.box_url = '#{ps['box_url']}'\n" unless ps['box_url'].nil?
+ node_config << customize_vm(k,options)
node_config << " v.vm.provider 'virtualbox' do |vbox|\n"
- node_config << " vbox.customize ['modifyvm',:id,'--macaddress1','#{randmac}']\n"
+ node_config << customize_virtualbox(k,options)
node_config << " end\n"
node_config << " end\n"
+ end
+ # Adds virtualbox customization to the Vagrantfile
+ #
+ # @api private
+ # @param name [String] name of the node
+ # @param options [Hash] customization options
+ # @return [String] a series of vbox.customize lines
+ def customize_virtualbox(name,options)
+ custom_config = ""
+ options.each_pair do |key,value|
+ next if VALID_VM_OPTIONS.include?(key)
+ case key
+ when 'cpus','memory'
+ custom_config << " vbox.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--#{key}','#{value}']\n"
+ when 'mac'
+ custom_config << " vbox.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--macaddress1','#{value}']\n"
+ else
+ log.warn("Skipped invalid custom option for node #{name}: #{key}=#{value}")
+ end
+ end
+ custom_config
+ end
+ # Adds VM customization to the Vagrantfile
+ #
+ # @api private
+ # @param name [String] name of the node
+ # @param options [Hash] customization options
+ # @return [String] a series of v.vm lines
+ def customize_vm(name,options)
+ vm_config = ""
+ options.each_pair do |key,value|
+ case key
+ when 'ip'
+ vm_config << " :private_network, :ip => '#{value}'\n"
+ else
+ next
+ end
+ end
+ vm_config
# Here we get vagrant to drop the ssh_config its using so we can monopolize
# it for transfers and custom stuff. We drop it into a single file, and
# since its indexed based on our own node names its quite ideal.