lib/rspec-system/node_set/base.rb in rspec-system-2.5.1 vs lib/rspec-system/node_set/base.rb in rspec-system-2.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -28,30 +28,108 @@
# Setup the NodeSet by starting all nodes.
# @return [void]
- # @abstract Override this method and provide your own node launching code
def setup
- raise "Unimplemented method #setup"
+ launch
+ connect
+ configure
+ # Launch nodes
+ #
+ # @return [void]
+ # @abstract Override this method and provide your own launch code
+ def launch
+ raise RuntimeError "Unimplemented method #launch"
+ end
+ # Connect nodes
+ #
+ # @return [void]
+ # @abstract Override this method and provide your own connect code
+ def connect
+ raise RuntimeError "Unimplemented method #connect"
+ end
+ # Configure nodes
+ #
+ # This is the global configure method that sets up a node before tests are
+ # run, making sure any important preparation steps are executed.
+ #
+ # * fixup profile to stop using mesg to avoid extraneous noise
+ # * ntp synchronisation
+ # * hostname & hosts setup
+ #
+ # @return [void]
+ # @abstract Override this method and provide your own configure code
+ def configure
+ nodes.each do |k,v|
+ rs_storage = RSpec.configuration.rs_storage[:nodes][k]
+ # Fixup profile to avoid noise
+ if v.facts['osfamily'] == 'Debian'
+ shell(:n => k, :c => "sed -i 's/^mesg n/# mesg n/' /root/.profile")
+ end
+ # Setup ntp
+ if v.facts['osfamily'] == 'Debian' then
+ shell(:n => k, :c => 'apt-get install -y ntpdate')
+ elsif v.facts['osfamily'] == 'RedHat' then
+ if v.facts['lsbmajdistrelease'] == '5' then
+ shell(:n => k, :c => 'yum install -y ntp')
+ else
+ shell(:n => k, :c => 'yum install -y ntpdate')
+ end
+ end
+ shell(:n => k, :c => 'ntpdate -u')
+ # Grab IP address for host, if we don't already have one
+ rs_storage[:ipaddress] ||= shell(:n => k, :c => "ip a|awk '/g/{print$2}' | cut -d/ -f1 | head -1").stdout.chomp
+ # Configure local hostname and hosts file
+ shell(:n => k, :c => "hostname #{k}")
+ if v.facts['osfamily'] == 'Debian' then
+ shell(:n => k, :c => "echo '#{k}' > /etc/hostname")
+ end
+ hosts = <<-EOS
+#{rs_storage[:ipaddress]} #{k}
+ #{k} localhost
+::1 #{k} localhost
+ shell(:n => k, :c => "echo '#{hosts}' > /etc/hosts")
+ # Display setup for diagnostics
+ shell(:n => k, :c => 'cat /etc/hosts')
+ shell(:n => k, :c => 'hostname')
+ shell(:n => k, :c => 'hostname -f')
+ end
+ nil
+ end
# Shutdown the NodeSet by shutting down or pausing all nodes.
# @return [void]
# @abstract Override this method and provide your own node teardown code
def teardown
- raise "Unimplemented method #teardown"
+ raise RuntimeError "Unimplemented method #teardown"
# Run a command on a host in the NodeSet.
# @param opts [Hash] options hash containing :n (node) and :c (command)
# @return [Hash] a hash containing :stderr, :stdout and :exit_code
# @abstract Override this method providing your own shell running code
def run(opts)
- raise "Unimplemented method #run"
+ dest = opts[:n].name
+ cmd = opts[:c]
+ ssh = RSpec.configuration.rs_storage[:nodes][dest][:ssh]
+ ssh_exec!(ssh, cmd)
# Copy a file to the host in the NodeSet.
# @param opts [Hash] options
@@ -59,18 +137,32 @@
# @option opts [String] :sp source path
# @option opts [String] :dp destination path
# @return [Boolean] returns true if command succeeded, false otherwise
# @abstract Override this method providing your own file transfer code
def rcp(opts)
- raise "Unimplemented method #rcp"
+ dest = opts[:d].name
+ source = opts[:sp]
+ dest_path = opts[:dp]
+ # Do the copy and print out results for debugging
+ ssh = RSpec.configuration.rs_storage[:nodes][dest][:ssh]
+ begin
+ ssh.scp.upload! source.to_s, dest_path.to_s, :recursive => true
+ rescue => e
+ log.error("Error with scp of file #{source} to #{dest}:#{dest_path}")
+ raise e
+ end
+ true
# @!group Common Methods
# Return environment type
- def env_type
- self.class::ENV_TYPE
+ def provider_type
+ self.class::PROVIDER_TYPE
# Return default node
# @return [RSpecSystem::Node] default node for this nodeset
@@ -101,9 +193,42 @@
# @return [String] a random path
# @todo Very Linux dependant, probably need to consider OS X and Windows at
# least.
def tmppath
'/tmp/' + random_string
+ end
+ # Connect via SSH in a resilient way
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] opts
+ # @option opts [String] :host Host to connect to
+ # @option opts [String] :user User to connect as
+ # @option opts [Hash] :net_ssh_options Options hash as used by `Net::SSH.start`
+ # @return [Net::SSH::Connection::Session]
+ # @api protected
+ def ssh_connect(opts = {})
+ ssh_sleep = RSpec.configuration.rs_ssh_sleep
+ ssh_tries = RSpec.configuration.rs_ssh_tries
+ ssh_timeout = RSpec.configuration.rs_ssh_timeout
+ tries = 0
+ begin
+ timeout(ssh_timeout) do
+ output << bold(color("localhost$", :green)) << " ssh -l #{opts[:user]} #{opts[:host]}\n"
+ Net::SSH.start(opts[:host], opts[:user], opts[:net_ssh_options])
+ end
+ rescue Timeout::Error, SystemCallError => e
+ tries += 1
+ output << e.message << "\n"
+ if tries < ssh_tries
+"Sleeping for #{ssh_sleep} seconds then trying again ...")
+ sleep ssh_sleep
+ retry
+ else
+ log.error("Inability to connect to host, already tried #{tries} times, throwing exception")
+ raise e
+ end
+ end
# Execute command via SSH.
# A special version of exec! from Net::SSH that returns exit code and exit