README.adoc in rspec-pgp_matchers-0.1.2 vs README.adoc in rspec-pgp_matchers-0.2.0

- old
+ new

@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ = RSpec::PGPMatchers +ifdef::env-yard[:relfileprefix: file.] + image:[ Gem Version, link=""] image:[ Build Status, link=""] image:[ @@ -108,9 +110,30 @@ RSpec::PGPMatchers::GPGRunner.run_verify("cleartext", "signature_string") ---- In all above cases, a triple consisting of captured standard output, captured standard error, and `Process::Status` instance is returned. + +=== Working with passphrase-protected keys + +Consider using unprotected keys in your tests. It will save you a lot of +hassle. However, passphrase-protected keys are also supported. See +`<<PROTECTED_KEYS.adoc#,PROTECTED_KEYS.adoc>>` for details. + +=== Unusual GnuPG executable name + +By default, this gem assumes that GnuPG executable is named `gpg`, and that +it is in `$PATH`. This behaviour can be changed, for example: + +[source,ruby] +---- +RSpec::PGPMatchers.gpg_executable = "gpg2" # different executable name +RSpec::PGPMatchers.gpg_executable = "/opt/gpg/bin/gpg" # absolute path +RSpec::PGPMatchers.gpg_executable = "../gpg/bin/gpg" # relative path +---- + +Avoid hardcoding values. Usually, setting a proper `$PATH` environment variable +is better than assigning an absolute path to `gpg_executable` attribute. == Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console`