.travis.yml in rspec-legacy_formatters-1.0.1 vs .travis.yml in rspec-legacy_formatters-1.0.2

- old
+ new

@@ -1,21 +1,54 @@ # This file was generated on 2014-03-30T13:16:22-07:00 from the rspec-dev repo. # DO NOT modify it by hand as your changes will get lost the next time it is generated. +# In order to install old Rubies, we need to use old Ubuntu distibution. +dist: trusty +language: ruby +email: false + bundler_args: "--binstubs --standalone --without documentation --path ../bundle" script: "script/run_build" +before_install: + - gem update bundler rvm: - 1.8.7 - 1.9.2 - 1.9.3 - - 2.0 + - 2.0.0 - 2.1 - - 2.2 + - 2.2.10 + - 2.3.8 + - 2.4.6 + - 2.5.5 + - 2.6.3 - ree - jruby-18mode - jruby - - rbx-2 + - rbx-3 matrix: include: - rvm: jruby env: JRUBY_OPTS='--2.0' + - rvm: 2.6.3 + env: RSPEC_VERSION='3-0-maintenance' + - rvm: 2.6.3 + env: RSPEC_VERSION='3-1-maintenance' + - rvm: 2.6.3 + env: RSPEC_VERSION='3-2-maintenance' + - rvm: 2.6.3 + env: RSPEC_VERSION='3-3-maintenance' + - rvm: 2.6.3 + env: RSPEC_VERSION='3-4-maintenance' + - rvm: 2.6.3 + env: RSPEC_VERSION='3-5-maintenance' + - rvm: 2.6.3 + env: RSPEC_VERSION='3-6-maintenance' + - rvm: 2.6.3 + env: RSPEC_VERSION='3-7-maintenance'' + - rvm: 2.6.3 + env: RSPEC_VERSION='3-8-maintenance'' + allow_failures: + - rvm: jruby + env: JRUBY_OPTS='--2.0' + - rvm: rbx-3 fast_finish: true