lib/rspec/its.rb in rspec-its-1.3.1 vs lib/rspec/its.rb in rspec-its-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,184 +1,173 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'rspec/its/subject'
require 'rspec/its/version'
require 'rspec/core'
RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.define_example_method :__its_example
module RSpec
+ # Adds the `its` to RSpec Example Groups, included by default.
module Its
# Creates a nested example group named by the submitted `attribute`,
# and then generates an example using the submitted block.
# @example
# # This ...
- # describe Array do
- # its(:size) { should eq(0) }
+ # RSpec.describe Array do
+ # its(:size) { eq(0) }
# end
# # ... generates the same runtime structure as this:
- # describe Array do
+ # RSpec.describe Array do
# describe "size" do
- # it "should eq(0)" do
- # subject.size.should eq(0)
+ # it " eq(0)" do
+ # expect(subject.size).to eq(0)
# end
# end
# end
# The attribute can be a `Symbol` or a `String`. Given a `String`
# with dots, the result is as though you concatenated that `String`
# onto the subject in an expression.
# @example
- # describe Person do
- # subject do
+ # RSpec.describe Person do
+ # subject(:person) do
# do |person|
# person.phone_numbers << "555-1212"
# end
# end
- # its("phone_numbers.first") { should eq("555-1212") }
+ # its("phone_numbers.first") { eq("555-1212") }
# end
# When the subject is a `Hash`, you can refer to the Hash keys by
# specifying a `Symbol` or `String` in an array.
# @example
- # describe "a configuration Hash" do
+ # RSpec.describe "a configuration Hash" do
# subject do
# { :max_users => 3,
# 'admin' => :all_permissions.
# 'john_doe' => {:permissions => [:read, :write]}}
# end
- # its([:max_users]) { should eq(3) }
- # its(['admin']) { should eq(:all_permissions) }
- # its(['john_doe', :permissions]) { should eq([:read, :write]) }
+ # its([:max_users]) { eq(3) }
+ # its(['admin']) { eq(:all_permissions) }
+ # its(['john_doe', :permissions]) { eq([:read, :write]) }
# # You can still access its regular methods this way:
- # its(:keys) { should include(:max_users) }
- # its(:count) { should eq(2) }
+ # its(:keys) { include(:max_users) }
+ # its(:count) { eq(2) }
# end
- # With an implicit subject, `is_expected` can be used as an alternative
- # to `should` (e.g. for one-liner use). An `are_expected` alias is also
+ # With an implicit subject, `should` can be used as an alternative
+ # to `is_expected` (e.g. for one-liner use). An `are_expected` alias is also
# supplied.
# @example
- # describe Array do
- # its(:size) { eq(0) }
+ # RSpec.describe Array do
+ # its(:size) { should eq(0) }
# end
# With an implicit subject, `will` can be used as an alternative
# to `expect { subject.attribute }.to matcher` (e.g. for one-liner use).
# @example
- # describe Array do
+ # RSpec.describe Array do
# its(:foo) { will raise_error(NoMethodError) }
# end
# With an implicit subject, `will_not` can be used as an alternative
# to `expect { subject.attribute }.to_not matcher` (e.g. for one-liner use).
# @example
- # describe Array do
+ # RSpec.describe Array do
# its(:size) { will_not raise_error }
# end
# You can pass more than one argument on the `its` block to add
# some metadata to the generated example
# @example
# # This ...
- # describe Array do
- # its(:size, :focus) { should eq(0) }
+ # RSpec.describe Array do
+ # its(:size, :focus) { eq(0) }
# end
# # ... generates the same runtime structure as this:
- # describe Array do
+ # RSpec.describe Array do
# describe "size" do
- # it "should eq(0)", :focus do
- # subject.size.should eq(0)
+ # it "is expected to eq(0)", :focus do
+ # expect(subject.size).to eq(0)
# end
# end
# end
# Note that this method does not modify `subject` in any way, so if you
# refer to `subject` in `let` or `before` blocks, you're still
# referring to the outer subject.
# @example
- # describe Person do
+ # RSpec.describe Person do
# subject { }
+ #
# before { subject.age = 25 }
- # its(:age) { should eq(25) }
+ #
+ # its(:age) { eq(25) }
# end
def its(attribute, *options, &block)
- its_caller = {|file_line| file_line !~ %r(/lib/rspec/its) }
- describe(attribute.to_s, :caller => its_caller) do
- let(:__its_subject) do
- if Array === attribute
- if Hash === subject
- attribute.inject(subject) {|inner, attr| inner[attr] }
- else
- subject[*attribute]
- end
- else
- attribute_chain = attribute.to_s.split('.')
- attribute_chain.inject(subject) do |inner_subject, attr|
- inner_subject.send(attr)
- end
- end
- end
+ its_caller = caller.grep_v(%r{/lib/rspec/its})
+ describe(attribute.to_s, caller: its_caller) do
+ let(:__its_subject) { RSpec::Its::Subject.for(attribute, subject) }
def is_expected
alias_method :are_expected, :is_expected
- def will(matcher=nil, message=nil)
- unless matcher.supports_block_expectations?
- raise ArgumentError, "`will` only supports block expectations"
- end
+ def will(matcher = nil, message = nil)
+ raise ArgumentError, "`will` only supports block expectations" unless matcher.supports_block_expectations?
expect { __its_subject }.to matcher, message
- def will_not(matcher=nil, message=nil)
- unless matcher.supports_block_expectations?
- raise ArgumentError, "`will_not` only supports block expectations"
- end
+ def will_not(matcher = nil, message = nil)
+ raise ArgumentError, "`will_not` only supports block expectations" unless matcher.supports_block_expectations?
expect { __its_subject }.to_not matcher, message
- def should(matcher=nil, message=nil)
+ def should(matcher = nil, message = nil)
RSpec::Expectations::PositiveExpectationHandler.handle_matcher(__its_subject, matcher, message)
- def should_not(matcher=nil, message=nil)
+ def should_not(matcher = nil, message = nil)
RSpec::Expectations::NegativeExpectationHandler.handle_matcher(__its_subject, matcher, message)
- options << {} unless options.last.kind_of?(Hash)
- options.last.merge!(:caller => its_caller)
+ options << {} unless options.last.is_a?(Hash)
+ options.last.merge!(caller: its_caller)
__its_example(nil, *options, &block)
RSpec.configure do |rspec|
rspec.extend RSpec::Its
- rspec.backtrace_exclusion_patterns << %r(/lib/rspec/its)
+ rspec.backtrace_exclusion_patterns << %r{/lib/rspec/its}
RSpec::SharedContext.send(:include, RSpec::Its)