spec/cells/cell_spec_spec.rb in rspec-cells-0.2.5 vs spec/cells/cell_spec_spec.rb in rspec-cells-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,85 +1,33 @@
require 'spec_helper'
-require 'cells'
-class DummyCell < Cell::Base
+class DummyCell < Cell::ViewModel
def show
"<p>I'm Dummy.</p>"
- def update(what)
- "Updating #{what}."
+ def update
+ "Updating #{options[:what]}."
class SongCell < Cell::ViewModel
def show
+describe "Cell::Testing in specs" do
+ include RSpec::Cells::ExampleGroup
-module RSpec::Rails
+ describe "#cell" do
+ it { expect(cell(:dummy).call).to eq("<p>I'm Dummy.</p>") }
- describe CellExampleGroup do
- let(:group) do
- RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.describe do
- include CellExampleGroup
- end
- end
+ # with user options.
+ it { expect(cell(:song, "Don't Have The Cow").call).to eq("Don't Have The Cow!") }
+ end
- it "adds :type => :cell to the metadata" do
- expect(group.metadata[:type]).to eq(:cell)
- end
+ describe "Capybara matchers" do
- describe "#render_cell" do
- it "renders a state" do
- expect(group.new.render_cell(:dummy, :show)).to eq("<p>I'm Dummy.</p>")
- end
- it "allows passing state args" do
- expect(group.new.render_cell(:dummy, :update, "this")).to eq('Updating this.')
- end
- # view model
- # call state
- it "allows rendering view model" do
- expect(group.new.cell(:song, "Hangover").show).to eq("Hangover!")
- end
- # stubbing #cell
- it do
- cell = group.new.cell(:song, "Hangover")
- cell.stub(:model => "Swarming Goblets")
- expect(cell.show).to eq("Swarming Goblets!")
- end
- end
- it "responds to #cell" do
- expect(group.new.cell(:dummy)).to be_kind_of(DummyCell)
- end
- # FIXME: could anyone make capybara/rails work in these tests?
- # it "allows using matchers with #render_state" do
- # expect(cell(:dummy).render_state(:show)).to have_selector("p")
- # end
- context "as a test writer" do
- include CellExampleGroup
- it "should support _path helpers from the controller" do
- # We have to stub include so that things determine the route exists.
- allow(Rails.application.routes.named_routes.helpers).to receive(:include?).and_return(true)
- expect(@controller).to receive(:test_path).at_least(:once)
- test_path
- end
- it "should support polymorphic_path from the controller" do
- # We have to stub include so that things determine the route exists.
- allow(Rails.application.routes.named_routes.helpers).to receive(:include?).and_return(true)
- expect(@controller).to receive(:test_path).at_least(:once)
- polymorphic_path(:test)
- end
- end
+ it { skip "please make Capybara run with the test suite"; expect(cell(:dummy).call).to have_selector("p") }