lib/rspec-api/dsl/resource.rb in rspec-api-0.2.0 vs lib/rspec-api/dsl/resource.rb in rspec-api-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -20,38 +20,49 @@
define_action :put
define_action :patch
define_action :post
define_action :delete
- def has_attribute(name, type, options = {})
- parent = (@attribute_ancestors || []).inject(rspec_api) {|chain, step| chain[:attributes][step]}
- (parent[:attributes] ||= {})[name] = options.merge(type: type)
- nested_attribute(name, & if block_given?
+ def has_attribute(name, options = {}, &block)
+ if block_given?
+ # options[:type] can be symbol, hash or array
+ # but if you have a block we must make it a hash
+ options[:type] = Hash[*Array.wrap(options[:type]).map{|x| x.is_a?(Hash) ? [x.keys.first, x.values.first] : [x, {}]}.flatten] unless options[:type].is_a? Hash
+ # we only set the block as the new format of Object and Array
+ nest_attributes(options[:type], &
+ end
+ if @attribute_ancestors.present?
+ hash = @attribute_ancestors.last
+ hash.slice(:object, :array).each do |type, _|
+ (hash[type] ||= {})[name] = options
+ end
+ else
+ hash = (rspec_api[:attributes] ||= {})
+ hash[name] = options
+ end
+ def nest_attributes(hash, &block)
+ (@attribute_ancestors ||= []).push hash
+ yield
+ @attribute_ancestors.pop
+ end
def accepts_page(page_parameter)
rspec_api[:page] = {name: page_parameter, value: 2}
def accepts_sort(sort_parameter, options={})
- rspec_api[:sort] = {name: sort_parameter, attribute: options[:on]}
+ (rspec_api[:sorts] ||= []) << options.merge(name: 'sort', value: sort_parameter)
- # TODO: the second 'accepts_filter' should not override the first, but add
def accepts_filter(filter_parameter, options={})
- rspec_api[:filter] = options.merge(name: filter_parameter)
+ (rspec_api[:filters] ||= []) << options.merge(name: filter_parameter)
def accepts_callback(callback_parameter)
- rspec_api[:callback] = {name: callback_parameter, value: 'a_callback'}
+ (rspec_api[:callbacks] ||= []) << {name: callback_parameter.to_s, value: 'a_callback'}
- private
- def nested_attribute(name)
- (@attribute_ancestors ||= []).push name
- yield
- @attribute_ancestors.pop
- end
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