lib/rsolr-ext/model.rb in rsolr-ext-0.12.0 vs lib/rsolr-ext/model.rb in rsolr-ext-0.12.1
- old
+ new
@@ -7,11 +7,27 @@
# Then:
# number_10 = Book.find_by_id(10)
module RSolr::Ext::Model
+ # ripped from MongoMapper!
+ module Pluggable
+ def plugins
+ @plugins ||= []
+ end
+ def plugin(mod)
+ extend mod::ClassMethods if mod.const_defined?(:ClassMethods)
+ include mod::InstanceMethods if mod.const_defined?(:InstanceMethods)
+ mod.configure(self) if mod.respond_to?(:configure)
+ plugins << mod
+ end
+ end
# Class level methods for altering object instances
module Callbacks
# method that only accepts a block
# The block is executed when an object is created via #new ->
@@ -35,56 +51,52 @@
# Findable is a module that gets mixed into the SolrDocument *class* object.
- # These methods will be available through the class like: SolrDocument.find and SolrDocument.find_by_id
+ # These methods will be available through the class: SolrDocument.find
module Findable
- attr_accessor :connection, :default_params
+ attr_accessor :connection
def connection
@connection ||= RSolr::Ext.connect
# this method decorates the connection find method
# and then creates new instance of the class that uses this module.
- def find(*args)
- decorate_response_docs connection.find(*args)
+ def find *args, &block
+ response = connection.find(*args)
+ {|doc|
+ d = doc, response
+ yield d if block_given?
+ d
+ }
- # this method decorates the connection find_by_id method
- # and then creates new instance of the class that uses this module.
- def find_by_id(id, solr_params={}, opts={})
- decorate_response_docs connection.find_by_id(id, solr_params, opts)
- end
- protected
- def decorate_response_docs response
- response['response']['docs'].map!{|d| d }
- response
- end
# Called by Ruby Module API
# extends this *class* object
def self.included(base)
+ base.extend Pluggable
base.extend Callbacks
base.extend Findable
base.send :include, RSolr::Ext::Doc
+ attr_reader :solr_response
# The original object passed in to the #new method
attr :_source
# Constructor **for the class that is getting this module included**
# source_doc should be a hash or something similar
# calls each of after_initialize blocks
- def initialize(source_doc={})
+ def initialize(source_doc={}, solr_response=nil)
@_source = source_doc.to_mash
+ @solr_response = solr_response
self.class.hooks.each do |h|
instance_eval &h
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