in rsh2-0.0.2 vs in rsh2-0.0.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,19 +1,59 @@
-# Tiny wrapper over Net::SSH and Net::SFTP
+# Rsh - Tiny wrapper over Net::SSH/SFTP
Because they are too hard to use and have terrible API design.
box = host: '', ssh: {user: 'root', password: 'secret'}
- stdout = box.bash 'ls /'
- code, stdout, stderr = box.exec 'ls /'
box.upload_directory '/my_project', '/apps/my_project'
box.bash 'nohup /apps/my_project/server_start'
Honestly my wrapper also not very good. I would like to make API looks like the ['rush'][rush] gem (made by Adam Wiggins)
but it requires a lots of time, maybe I'll do it later.
So, for now it's just a small wrapper to do ssh/io operations not so painfull.
+# Ros - Small rake addon for configuration/depoyment management and automation
+It may be **usefull if Your claster has about 1-10 boxes**, and tools like Chef, Puppet, Capistrano are too complex and proprietary for your needs.
+**It's extremely easy**, there are only 3 methods.
+Define your packages, they are just rake tasks, so you probably know how to work with them:
+ namespace :os do
+ package :ruby do
+ applied?{|box| box.has_mark? :ruby}
+ apply do |box|
+ box.bash 'apt-get install ruby'
+ box.mark :ruby
+ end
+ end
+ package :rails => :ruby do
+ applied?{|box| box.has_mark? :rails}
+ apply do |box|
+ box.bash 'gem install rails'
+ box.mark :rails
+ end
+ end
+ end
+Define to what it should be applied:
+ def each_box &b
+ host = ENV['host'] || raise(":host not defined!")
+ box = host: host, ssh: {user: 'root', password: 'secret'}
+ box
+ end
+Run it:
+ $ rake os:rails
+**You can use it also for deployment**, exactly the same way, configure it the way you like, it's just rake
+tasks. And by the way, the *box.mark ...* is just an example check, you can use anything there.
+It checks if the package already has been applied to box, so you can evolve your configuration and apply
+it multiple times, it will apply only missing packages (or drop the *applied?* clause and it will be applied every run).
- introduce Entity/Dir/File (the same as in Rush)
- allow to move files between any Boxes, not only between local and remote.
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