js/foundation/json_renderer/json_renderer.js in rsence-pre- vs js/foundation/json_renderer/json_renderer.js in rsence-pre-
- old
+ new
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@
** features and documentation as it matures.
COMM.JSONRenderer = HClass.extend({
- version: 0.8,
+ version: 0.9,
/** = Description
* Renders JSON structured data, see some of the demos for usage examples.
* = Parameters:
@@ -50,25 +50,27 @@
die: function(){
defineInScope: function( _definition ){
- var _isArr = (_definition instanceof Array),
- _isObj = (_definition instanceof Object);
+ var
+ _isArr = (_definition instanceof Array),
+ _isObj = (_definition instanceof Object);
if( _isArr || !_isObj ){
console.log("JSONRenderer; definition must be an Object, got: '"+(typeof _definition)+"'. Definition: ",_definition);
- var _extension = {},
- _reserved = ['class','extend','implement'],
- _className = _definition[_reserved[0]],
- _extendName = _definition[_reserved[1]],
- _implementName = _definition[_reserved[2]],
- _extend = _extendName?this.findInScope(_extendName):false,
- _implement = _implementName?this.findInScope(_implementName):false,
- _scope = this.scopes[ this.scopeDepth ],
- _key, _value;
+ var
+ _extension = {},
+ _reserved = ['class','extend','implement'],
+ _className = _definition[_reserved[0]],
+ _extendName = _definition[_reserved[1]],
+ _implementName = _definition[_reserved[2]],
+ _extend = _extendName?this.findInScope(_extendName):false,
+ _implement = _implementName?this.findInScope(_implementName):false,
+ _scope = this.scopes[ this.scopeDepth ],
+ _key, _value;
if( _className === undefined ) {
console.log("JSONRenderer; class name missing in definition scope.");
if( !_extend ){
@@ -94,14 +96,15 @@
findInScope: function( _className ){
if(_className === undefined){
return false;
if(_className.indexOf('.') !== -1){
- var _splitClass = _className.split('.'),
- j = 1,
- _classPart = _splitClass[0],
- _classFull = this.findInScope( _classPart );
+ var
+ _splitClass = _className.split('.'),
+ j = 1,
+ _classPart = _splitClass[0],
+ _classFull = this.findInScope( _classPart );
if( !_classFull ){
return false;
for( ; j < _splitClass.length ; j++ ){
_classPart = _splitClass[j];
@@ -128,46 +131,106 @@
if( _block.indexOf("function(") === 0 ){
eval( '_block = '+_block );
return _block;
+ initStraight: function( _class, _args ){
+ if( _args instanceof Array ){
+ return HClass.extend().nu.apply( _class, _args );
+ }
+ else {
+ return (new _class(_args));
+ }
+ },
renderNode: function( _dataNode, _parent ){
- var // Currently only window-level classes are supported
- _className = _dataNode['class'],
- _class = this.findInScope( _className ),
- // Currently only HView -derived classes are supported, so
- // the rect is mandatory.
- _rect = _dataNode['rect'],
- _hasRect = (_rect !== undefined) && (_rect instanceof Array || typeof _rect === 'string'),
- // Checks, if any sub-views are defined.
- _hasSubviews = _dataNode['subviews'] !== undefined,
- _subViews = _hasSubviews?_dataNode['subviews']:null,
- // Checks, if any options are defined.
- _hasOptions = _dataNode['options'] !== undefined,
- _options = _hasOptions?_dataNode['options']:null,
- // JS Extension block
- _hasExtension = _dataNode['extend'] !== undefined,
- _extension = _hasExtension?_dataNode['extend']:null,
- // JS Extension block
- _hasBind = _dataNode['bind'] !== undefined,
- _bind = _hasBind?_dataNode['bind']:null,
- // JS Definition block
- _hasDefinition = _dataNode['define'] !== undefined,
- _definitions = _hasDefinition?_dataNode['define']:null,
- // The HView-derived class instance, instance is by default the parent
- _instance = _parent,
- i,
- _subView;
+ var
+ _reserved = [ 'type', 'args', 'version', 'class', 'rect', 'bind', 'extend', 'options', 'subviews', 'define' ],
+ _className, _class, _origNode, _straightParams = false, _rect, _hasRect, _hasSubviews, _subViews,
+ _hasOptions, _options, _hasExtension, _extension, _hasBind, _bind,
+ _hasDefinition, _definition, _instance, i, _subView = null;
+ // The name of the class:
+ if( !_dataNode['class'] ){
+ for( i in _dataNode ){
+ if( _reserved.indexOf( i ) === -1 ){
+ _className = i;
+ _origNode = _dataNode;
+ _dataNode = _dataNode[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ _straightParams = ( !(_dataNode instanceof Object) || (_dataNode instanceof Array) );
+ }
+ else {
+ _className = _dataNode['class'];
+ }
+ _class = this.findInScope( _className );
+ if( _straightParams ){
+ return this.initStraight( _class, _dataNode );
+ }
+ else if( _dataNode['args'] !== undefined ){
+ return this.initStraight( _class, _dataNode['args'] );
+ }
+ else if( _origNode && _origNode['args'] !== undefined ){
+ return this.initStraight( _class, _origNode['args'] );
+ }
+ // Currently only HView -derived classes are supported, so
+ // the rect is mandatory.
+ _rect = _dataNode['rect'];
+ _hasRect = (_rect !== undefined) && (_rect instanceof Array || typeof _rect === 'string');
+ if( !_hasRect && _origNode){
+ _hasRect = _origNode['rect'] !== undefined;
+ _rect = _hasRect?_origNode['rect']:null;
+ }
+ // Checks, if any sub-views are defined.
+ _hasSubviews = _dataNode['subviews'] !== undefined;
+ _subViews = _hasSubviews?_dataNode['subviews']:null;
+ if( !_hasSubviews && _origNode){
+ _hasSubviews = _origNode['subviews'] !== undefined;
+ _subViews = _hasSubviews?_origNode['subviews']:null;
+ }
+ // Checks, if any options are defined.
+ _hasOptions = _dataNode['options'] !== undefined;
+ _options = _hasOptions?_dataNode['options']:null;
+ if( !_hasOptions && _origNode){
+ _hasOptions = _origNode['options'] !== undefined;
+ _options = _hasOptions?_origNode['options']:null;
+ }
+ // JS Extension block
+ _hasExtension = _dataNode['extend'] !== undefined;
+ _extension = _hasExtension?_dataNode['extend']:null;
+ if( !_hasExtension && _origNode){
+ _hasExtension = _origNode['extend'] !== undefined;
+ _extension = _hasExtension?_origNode['extend']:null;
+ }
+ // JS Extension block
+ _hasBind = _dataNode['bind'] !== undefined;
+ _bind = _hasBind?_dataNode['bind']:null;
+ if( !_hasBind && _origNode){
+ _hasBind = _origNode['bind'] !== undefined;
+ _bind = _hasBind?_origNode['bind']:null;
+ }
+ // JS Definition block
+ _hasDefinition = _dataNode['define'] !== undefined;
+ _definitions = _hasDefinition?_dataNode['define']:null;
+ if( !_hasDefinition && _origNode){
+ _hasDefinition = _origNode['define'] !== undefined;
+ _definitions = _hasDefinition?_origNode['define']:null;
+ }
+ // The HView-derived class instance, instance is by default the parent
+ _instance = _parent;
this.scopeDepth ++;
if(_definitions instanceof Array){
@@ -198,16 +261,23 @@
_class = _class.extend( _extBlock );
- _options.valueObj = COMM.Values.values[_bind];
+ if( _bind instanceof HValue ){
+ _options.valueObj = _bind;
+ }
+ else if( COMM.Values.values[_bind] !== undefined ){
+ _options.valueObj = COMM.Values.values[_bind];
+ }
+ else {
+ console.log('renderNode warning; No such valueId:'+_bind);
+ }
if(_options['valueObjId'] !== undefined){
- var _valueObjId = _options['valueObjId'];
- _options['valueObj'] = COMM.Values.values[_options['valueObjId']];
+ _options.valueObj = COMM.Values.values[_options['valueObjId']];
// For HApplication -derived classes
if(!_hasRect && _hasOptions){
@@ -217,10 +287,18 @@
else if(_hasRect){
_instance = _class.nu(_rect,_parent,_options);
- COMM.Values.values[_bind].bind(_instance);
+ if( _bind instanceof HValue ){
+ _bind.bind( _instance );
+ }
+ else if( COMM.Values.values[_bind] !== undefined ){
+ COMM.Values.values[_bind].bind(_instance);
+ }
+ else {
+ console.log('renderNode warning; No such valueId:'+_bind);
+ }
else if(!(!_class && _hasSubviews)) {
console.log('renderNode warning; No such class: '+_className+', node: ',_dataNode);