js/foundation/eventmanager/eventmanager.coffee in rsence-pre- vs js/foundation/eventmanager/eventmanager.coffee in rsence-pre-
- old
+ new
@@ -416,11 +416,11 @@
_elem = ELEM.get( _ctrl.elemId )
@observe( _elem, 'mouseover', '_mouseOver' )
[ x, y ] = @status.crsr
_matchIds = @_findTopmostEnabled( HPoint.new( x, y ), 'contains', null )
if ~_matchIds.indexOf( _viewId )
- @focus( _ctrl )
+ @changeActiveControl( _ctrl )
# Releases bindings done by #_setEventOptions
_unsetEventOptions: (_ctrl,_warnMethodName)->
_warnMethodName = '[unknown]' unless _warnMethodName
_viewId = _ctrl.viewId
@@ -454,11 +454,13 @@
_wasFocused = true
else if _statusItem == 'enabled'
unless _wasFocused
@stopObserving( _elem, 'mouseover', '_mouseOver' )
_ctrl.setEnabled( false ) if _ctrl.enabled
- @_listeners[_statusItem].splice(_viewIdx,1)
+ _viewIdx = @_listeners[_statusItem].indexOf(_viewId)
+ if ~_viewIdx
+ @_listeners[_statusItem].splice(_viewIdx,1)
# Registers the HControl -derived object _ctrl by event listener flags
# in _eventOptions.
reg: (_ctrl, _eventOptions)->
return false unless @_ensureValidControl( _ctrl, 'reg' )
@@ -731,42 +733,33 @@
continue if _newActive != null and _viewId == _newActive.viewId
_ctrl = @_views[_viewId]
_ctrl.active = false
_idx = _active.indexOf( _viewId )
_dragIdx = _dragged.indexOf(_viewId)
- # console.log('dragIdx:',~_dragIdx)
if ~_dragIdx
_dragged.splice( _dragIdx, 1 )
for _dropViewId in _hovered
_dropCtrl = @_views[_dropViewId]
_dropCtrl.endHover(_ctrl) if _dropCtrl.endHover?
_dropCtrl.drop(_ctrl) if _dropCtrl.drop?
[ x, y ] = @status.crsr
_ctrl.endDrag( x, y )
_active.splice( _idx, 1 )
- # console.log('lost:',_viewId)
@blur(_ctrl) if ~_focused.indexOf(_viewId)
- # _ctrl.setStyle('border','1px dotted red')
- # if @prevActiveCtrl
- # @prevActiveCtrl.setStyle('border','1px dotted gray')
- # @prevActiveCtrl = null
- # @prevActiveCtrl = _ctrl
# Adds the active control
addActiveControl: (_ctrl,_prevActive)->
_active = @_listeners.active
_focused = @_listeners.focused
_idx = _active.indexOf( _ctrl.viewId )
unless ~_idx
- # console.log('gained:',_ctrl.viewId)
@focus(_ctrl) unless ~_focused.indexOf(_ctrl.viewId)
_ctrl.active = true
- # _ctrl.setStyle('border','1px dotted blue')
# Sets the active control
changeActiveControl: (_ctrl)->
_prevActive = @delActiveControl(_ctrl)
@addActiveControl(_ctrl, _prevActive) if _ctrl != null
@@ -948,17 +941,15 @@
_focused = @_listeners.focused
_doubleClicks = []
_doubleClickable = @_listeners.byEvent.doubleClick
_stop = false
- # console.log('focused:',_focused)
for _viewId in _focused
if ~_doubleClickable.indexOf(_viewId)
_doubleClicks.push( _viewId )
for _viewId in _doubleClicks
_ctrl = @_views[_viewId]
if _ctrl.doubleClick?
- # console.log _ctrl.componentName
_stop = true if _ctrl.doubleClick(x,y,true)
Event.stop(e) if _stop
# Handles mouseWheel events (any HID scroll event)
mouseWheel: (e)->