js/datetime/timesheet/timesheet.js in rsence-pre- vs js/datetime/timesheet/timesheet.js in rsence-pre-
- old
+ new
@@ -606,35 +606,10 @@
this.timeSheetItems = [];
- // checks if i overlaps j
- // todo: refactor, it's a bit messy
- _doesOverlap: function( i, j, _overlaps, _rectSelf, _items ){
- if( _rectSelf === undefined ) {
- _rectSelf = this.timeSheetItems[i].rect;
- }
- if( _items === undefined ){
- _items = this.timeSheetItems;
- }
- var
- _isntSame = (i !== j),
- _isntListedSelf = (!~_overlaps.indexOf(i)),
- _isntListedOther = (!~_overlaps.indexOf(j)),
- _rectOther = _items[j].rect;
- if( !_isntSame ){ return false; }
- if( !_isntListedSelf ){ return false; }
- if( _isntListedOther ){
- if( _rectOther.intersects( _rectSelf, 1, 1 ) || _rectSelf.intersects( _rectOther, 1, 1 ) ){
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
// finds the index in the array which contains most sequential items
_findLargestSequence: function( _arr ){
i = 1,
_index = 0,
@@ -658,35 +633,39 @@
return [ _bestIndex, _maxLength ];
// find the amount of overlapping time sheet items
- _findOverlapCount: function(){
+ _findOverlapCount: function( _items ){
- _overlapCount,
- _items = this._sortedTimeSheetItems(),
_overlaps = [],
- _maxOverlapCount = 0,
- i = 0,
- j;
- for( ; i < _items.length; i++ ){
- _overlapCount = 0;
- for( j = 0; j < _items.length; j++ ){
- if( this._doesOverlap( i, j, _overlaps, _items[i].rect, _items ) ){
- _overlapCount++;
- _overlaps.push( j );
+ _testRects = this._getTestRects( _items ),
+ i,j;
+ for( i = 0; i < _items.length; i++){
+ _overlaps[i] = 0;
+ }
+ for( i = 0; i < _items.length - 1; i++ ){
+ for( j = i + 1; j < _items.length; j++ ){
+ if( _items[i].rect.intersects( _testRects[j] ) ){
+ _overlaps[i] += 1;
+ _overlaps[j] += 1;
- if( _overlapCount !== 0 ){
- _overlaps.push( i );
- if( _overlapCount > _maxOverlapCount ){
- _maxOverlapCount = _overlapCount;
- }
- }
- return _maxOverlapCount;
+ return Math.max.apply( Math, _overlaps );
+ _getTestRects: function( _items ){
+ var _rects = [];
+ for( var i = 0; i < _items.length; i++){
+ _rects[i] = HRect.nu( _items[i].rect );
+ _rects[i].insetBy( 1, 1 );
+ }
+ return _rects;
+ },
// returns a sorted copy of the timeSheetItems array
_sortedTimeSheetItems: function( _sortFn ){
if( _sortFn === undefined ){
_sortFn = function(a,b){
@@ -708,20 +687,20 @@
// Optimizes the left and right position of each timesheet item to fit
_updateTimelineRects: function(){
// loop indexes:
i, j, k, l,
- // amount of items ovelapping (max, actual number might be smaller after optimization)
_options = this.options,
_rect = this.rect,
- _overlapCount = this._findOverlapCount(),
_availWidth = ( _rect.width - _options.itemOffsetRight - _options.itemOffsetLeft ),
_left = _options.itemOffsetLeft,
- _width = Math.floor( _availWidth / (_overlapCount+1) ),
// get a list of timesheet items sorted by height (larger to smaller order)
_items = this._sortedTimeSheetItems(),
_itemCount = _items.length,
+ // amount of items ovelapping (max, actual number might be smaller after optimization)
+ _overlapCount = this._findOverlapCount( _items ),
+ _width = Math.floor( _availWidth / (_overlapCount+1) ),
_maxCol = 0,
@@ -730,14 +709,15 @@
- _overlaps;
+ _overlaps,
+ _testRects;
// No overlapping; nothing to do
- if(_overlapCount === 0 ){
+ if( _overlapCount === 0 ){
return false;
// move all items initially to one column right of the max overlaps
_leftPos = _left+(_width*(_overlapCount+1));
@@ -761,22 +741,20 @@
_leftPos = _left + (_origColById[i]*_width);
_itemRect.setLeft( _leftPos );
_itemRect.setRight( _leftPos + _width );
- _testRect = HRect.nu( _itemRect );
_overlapCols = [];
_vacantCols = [];
+ _testRects = this._getTestRects( _items );
+ _testRect = HRect.nu( _itemRect );
// test each column position (modes 0 and 2)
for( k = 0; k < _overlapCount+1; k++ ){
_leftPos = _left + (k*_width);
_testRect.setLeft( _leftPos );
_testRect.setRight( _leftPos + _width );
- _overlaps = [];
for( j = 0; j < _itemCount; j++){
- if( this._doesOverlap( i, j, _overlaps, _testRect, _items ) ){
+ if( i !==j && _testRect.intersects( _testRects[j] ) ){
if( !~_overlapCols.indexOf( k ) ){
_overlapCols.push( k );